April 25, 2024

  The age-old question: how can one avoid being a total dick? Well, maybe it’s not an “age-old question ”but a relevant question, nonetheless. Regardless, it has been a question that I ponder on quite frequently. Especially in today’s social climate. The mass number of dicey exchanges throughout all social echo chambers has become pretty chaotic. Where do we go from here? Fear not, for the solution may be closer than you think – in the wise words of none... Read more

March 12, 2024

  Pull up a pew and let’s have a good old-fashioned chat about the fine art of arguing over matters of faith. Super freaken productive, right? HA! Now, before we get too deep, let me make one thing crystal clear: I’m no theologian. Nope, just a humble soul (pretty humble of me to mention that right?) trying to navigate this crazy world with a sprinkle of comicality and a dash of irreverence. What a damned recipe for disaster, huh? Nah,... Read more

January 8, 2024

    The gray hairs on my beard are piercing through like pesky little vermin and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Like Doc Brown said to Marty McFly: “They found me, I don’t know how but they found me.”  Yeah, I could get some new and improved “fountain of youth” products to put a band aid on it, sure. Currently, you can do a lot of things to hide your age in this space and time... Read more

December 5, 2023

  Will we ever get on the same page when it comes to Christianity? I don’t think so, but I don’t find that to be a problem. You can hold a view of eschatology through a dispensationalist lens or a full-preterist, I really could give two-shits! I wouldn’t agree with either, but I don’t think this is what being a participant in the Way of Christ is all about.  By their fruits, right? Not by their beliefs. That said, I... Read more

September 25, 2023

  It seems that having some type of “mission” in my life has helped me find more love, harmony, and meaning through it all. Yes, that might sound cliché or a little corny, but it’s true, nonetheless (so suck it, haters). Part of that mission in the last four years has been writing my first book. Funny, as I just wrote that in my head, I am saying to myself: “Good God, miracles DO happen!” It is kind of crazy... Read more

August 23, 2023

Today, we’re diving headfirst into the holy hilarity that is the concept of cancel culture within the realm of Christianity. Say what you want to say about the actual definition and origin of “cancel culture”, but it seems Christianity has been performing this ritual since its meager beginnings. I mean maybe it can be compared to heresy hunting? Look, I am not trying to portray some political perspective here. I know this is more of a conservative talking point (ironic... Read more

July 19, 2023

    The evolution of religious beliefs and practices has taken many fascinating turns throughout history. In recent years, a significant shift has occurred within Christianity, marked by the emergence of progressive Christianity. This movement aims to reconcile traditional Christian teachings with modern values, emphasizing inclusivity, social justice, and intellectual inquiry. However, it is an ironic…a little too ironic…yeah, I really do think (Alanis Morrissette anyone?) and somewhat amusing spectacle to witness how progressive Christianity, in its quest for inclusivity... Read more

May 16, 2023

Keanu Reeves: a man with no place to rest his head. Maybe not (he is a wealthy actor), but fans swear he is “most excellent”. He is portrayed in the media as a man of the people. Riding on subways and giving up his seat up for others, the positive ways he treats women, going to random people’s weddings when asked, etc.  This might not make him a religious or spiritual person on paper, but who gives a shit? By... Read more

April 18, 2023

  The United States of America is no stranger to mixing politics with Christianity. Religion has always played a significant role in American politics, and politicians frequently invoke their faith to appeal to voters. However, in recent years, the connection between politics and Christianity has become increasingly fraught. This is evident in the examples of former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden, both of whom have used religion to further their political ambitions, with varying degrees of success.... Read more

March 15, 2023

Saint Paddy’s Day is here! Let’s grab some Guinness and have a cheer, oh my dear! Hot damn this is one of my favorite holidays. I Love the Celtic tradition and how the Irish get their day of celebration. The festival has become more of a cultural event today (thank God). People wearing green outfits, drinking beer, listening to some Flogging Molly and consuming traditional Irish food. Aye, let’s keep it going! However, I do believe the festival presents an... Read more

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