July 29, 2024

Life is full of challenges that test our resilience, from personal losses and financial hardships to global crises and political turmoil. These moments can leave us feeling defeated, but hope is an essential, life-sustaining force that can carry us through. Let’s talk about how we can nurture hope when everything seems bleak. The Power of Hope Hope is more than wishful thinking; it’s a crucial psychological tool. It boosts our mental health, strengthens our immune system, and helps us recover... Read more

July 17, 2024

When we talk about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), we’re talking about the heart of Jesus’ message. If you claim to follow Jesus, embracing DEI is not optional—it’s essential. These principles aren’t just trendy buzzwords; they’re deeply rooted in the core values of love, justice, and compassion that Jesus embodied. Let’s break it down. Diversity: Reflecting the Image of God The Bible tells us that God created every human being in His image (Genesis 1:27). That means every person, regardless... Read more

June 24, 2024

If you claim to follow of Jesus, then you are called to love without limits, show grace, and walk humbly with God. But as we listen to and watch many conservative, evangelical Christians today, they don’t reflect Jesus. Not at all. In fact, it’s often in complete contrast to his life and teachings. If you are in that part of the Christian church, come on… it’s time for honesty. Seriously. The Gap Between Jesus and the Church Jesus lived a... Read more

June 7, 2024

As another anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub shooting approaches, it’s time to stop and honor the 49 beautiful souls taken from us on June 12, 2016. Pulse was more than a nightclub; it was a sanctuary, a place of love and acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community. That night shattered lives and broke hearts, not just in Orlando but around the world. Today, with hate and division on the rise, remembering Pulse is more important than ever. A Moment of Unity... Read more

May 28, 2024

In the church, the term “deconstruction” often evokes images of modern critics and thinkers challenging established norms. However, a closer examination of the New Testament reveals that Jesus might be considered one of history’s most profound deconstructionists. His approach to the religious leaders, the law, and the interpretation of scripture highlights a radical departure from the rigid, rule-based faith, urging a deeper, Spirit-led understanding of God’s heart and will. Challenging Religious Authorities Jesus’ interactions with the religious leaders of his... Read more

May 14, 2024

When two of our five children first came out, I was… let’s see, what’s the word? I wasn’t sad exactly, or even scared, but I was unprepared—that’s it. I was unprepared because our evangelical church involvement the previous twenty years had not prepared me. LGBTQ+ was not yet the bone of contention between “true believers and apostates” (to use conservative church terms)—it was 2010—so it wasn’t vilified from the pulpit, but we all just knew being queer would not be... Read more

April 25, 2024

In the beautiful tapestry of human existence, our spiritual journey often leads us to seek solace and connection within the embrace of a church community. These sacred spaces are meant to emanate love, compassion, and radical acceptance, echoing the very essence of Jesus’ message. Yet, for many, the reality within these revered walls starkly contrasts with the sermons echoing from the pulpit. It’s a profound paradox, a struggle of faith that countless individuals wrestle with daily – the experience of... Read more

April 1, 2024

I used to be in the evangelical church. A leader. An influencer. I was sincere, but I was sincerely wrong. Now, I often ponder the path the church has taken. How its steps, meant to follow the footprints of Jesus, have veered so far away from the open tomb and Jesus’ message of lavish, unconditional love and inclusion. It’s a path that places us back under the shadows of the law, under stones of conditional love and exclusion, and puts... Read more

March 27, 2024

In the profound journey of spirituality, there’s a palpable sense of dissonance between the inclusive, love-infused teachings of Jesus Christ and the exclusive, rules-based reality within the walls of many modern churches. This dissonance has grown so stark, with the church’s immersion in politics and exclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals, that it prompts a heart-wrenching question: Has the institution become irretrievably lost from its foundational teachings? It’s a painful contemplation that leads many to seek the Divine in spaces beyond traditional... Read more

March 11, 2024

  Is history destined to repeat itself? Have we not learned from the damage and failures of efforts like Exodus International, The Moral Majority and others? In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the United States witnessed the emergence of a powerful political force known as the Moral Majority. Founded by Jerry Falwell, a prominent evangelical pastor, the Moral Majority aimed to mobilize conservative Christians around social issues such as opposition to abortion, pornography, and the perceived decline of traditional... Read more

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