August 12, 2024

I am glad that I read these and thought that perhaps you might be glad to have read them as well. Read more

August 11, 2024

(now read from bottom to top) Read more

August 9, 2024

What's the difference between "raptured" and "dead"? There isn't any. Read more

August 8, 2024

"Fewer school children are hungry" is Good News. It's not "biased" to say so. It's creepy, weird, and inaccurate NOT to say so. Read more

August 7, 2024

"They will construct your sentences for you – even think your thoughts for you, to a certain extent." Read more

August 6, 2024

In the realm of politics, decency can seem extraordinary. And when decency is allowed to shape policy, really good things can happen. Read more

August 5, 2024

Christmas stuff, creepy "biological" parents, "ultra-Christianity," and the 450-million-year-old fossils underneath the Creation Museum. Read more

August 1, 2024

In 2024, in America, the vast majority of white evangelicals want to do away with the very same liberal pluralism that makes evangelism and evangelicalism possible. Read more

July 29, 2024

People did not enjoy living through three centuries of war, instability, uncertainty, and religious turmoil. It was bad. Read more

July 26, 2024

Left Behind presents one of the most awful and awesome panoramas of human suffering ever imagined in a work of fiction. But no one in the novel -- the heroes, the villains, the authors -- seems to notice or to care. Read more

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