August 8, 2024

The GOP and much of the Christian world has embraced a man who is morally, spiritually, emotionally, educationally, and temperamentally unfit to be President of the US. This is a man who operates solely out of the basic principle of revenge/hit back harder and nastier to anyone who doesn't suck up to his massive ego. Read more

August 1, 2024

Donald Trump governs on “feral instinct.” Believe it. The “I’ve never met a Republican I didn’t like” Wall Street Journal thinks so. This quote is from an opinion piece in the Wednesday, July 31 edition of the Wall Street Journal: Mr. Roberts explains in a letter to the editor nearby that Project 2025 was an attempt to offer ideas to debate and govern. But his mistake was thinking that Mr. Trump cares about anyone’s ideas other than his own. He governs on... Read more

July 29, 2024

In case you didn’t know, being called a DEI candidate is a clear insult! Let’s see who all might qualify for that epithet. I see lots of negative political chatter about the Democratic Presidential Candidate, current Vice-President Kamala Harris. Many of her detractors claim she is a “DEI” candidate. Now, in case you didn’t know: this is very much meant as an insult. “DEI” stands for “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion,” a movement to open up our society more fully to historically... Read more

July 24, 2024

Despite what Trump voters think, I contend Mr. Trump was extremely lucky. I also know that anyone alive is extremely lucky because bad stuff is just around the corner for anyone.   Eight years ago, while writing a newspaper column called “Ask the Thoughtful Pastor,” I received a question about Trump voters. The original column is here, and I will repeat some of it in this column but with updated material. The original question: Dear Thoughtful Pastor: I’ve noticed a lot... Read more

July 17, 2024

Like many “liberals,” I’ve been hearing horror stories about Project 2025. As a big believer in looking at the source material, I downloaded the whole sloggy 922 pages of it. It’s a straight, white man’s dream. Ah . . . Project 2025. What a lovely, utopian world: almost no Federal Government, locals handle all educational decisions, households all based on the nuclear family, daddy out to work to earn money, mommy taking care of the household, and the children happily... Read more

June 12, 2024

Just imagine, if you can, that they, the ones not like you, turn to you and say, You are wrong. That One whom the sacred words reveal is like me, not like you. You are only partial. I am whole. Since you cannot be like me, you cannot be like That One. Imagine, if you will, with me for just a moment. Imagine a world where sacred knowledge was written in a sacred book, but in languages not your own.... Read more

April 25, 2024

Four years ago, I split an overcrowded peace lily (Spathiphyllum). They’re common plants, often sent to funerals, and I’ve had this one for a long time. It desperately needed to be broken apart, rootbound, with no space in the pot to grow while slowly gaining a hard, nearly impenetrable center. The painful process to split the peace lily I gently pulled it from the pot and slowly, ever so slowly, broke it apart. Despite my care, some pieces had to... Read more

April 14, 2024

When was the last time you tried screaming while being choked by someone bigger and stronger than you? Women can’t fix this; men must step up to the plate. Photo credit: 9877400 | Hand Throat © Pzromashka | I was eating breakfast and causally glancing at the Sunday New York Times when I came across this piece. It speaks graphically of the latest trend of teenage sex: the male partner “choking” the female. Here’s a snippet (bold/italics mine): For the past four years, Dr. Herbenick... Read more

March 21, 2024

Truth: we saw more abortions in 2023 than before the overturn of Roe vs Wade and before states established laws that removed abortion access and punished providers of women’s health care. So what has happened after the pro-life “life begins at conception” group dominated the Supreme Court and resulted in the overturn of Roe vs Wade? Well, after a decade of a significant decline in the rate of abortions, they immediately began to climb upward again. The Wrong Measures By... Read more

January 17, 2024

Can Democracy and Evangelical Christianity co-exist? I used to think so. Now, I’m not so sure. Democracy does not matter in that world.   Here is just one of the many sincerely alarmist articles about some plans that Mr. Trump, with the full support of the Evangelical world, has floated to dismantle many of the safeguards to our democracy should he win the 2024 Presidential election. Sadly, these ambitions have been on display since before the 2016 election. Nearly eight... Read more

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