Trepidation in Oklahoma: On Clemency & Emmanuel Littlejohn

Trepidation in Oklahoma: On Clemency & Emmanuel Littlejohn August 6, 2024



For over two years, I’ve served as Emmanuel Littlejohn’s spiritual advisor.  To say that I’ve come to love him would probably be an understatement.  Far from the bloody caricatures most make of those on death row, I’ve found in Emmanuel an older man with a big heart.  From time to time, humanity can still surprise us.  Then again, it’s important to remember that such surprises can only find us when we open our hearts to their possibility.  Many months ago, Emmanuel approached me about my thoughts on the clemency process.  When someone you love confides in you, you’ve got to tell them the truth.  Sometimes it hurts.


“Emmanuel, clemency is a lie in Oklahoma.”  We have seen it repeatedly. Even if someone gets a favorable vote from the Board, the chances that someone will actually get clemency from the Governor is microscopic at best.  So, why would anyone advise someone that they love to participate in a process that offers a glimmer of hope that is consistently pulverized?


“Emmanuel, the State will destroy you.”  There are no rules in these hearings.  The State can say whatever they want.  In that room, there are no objections or corrections or restraints.  The State will do everything they can do to monsterize you and make sure that you don’t get clemency under any circumstance.  On multiple occasions, I have seen the State resort to lies to achieve the desired result…death.  So, why would anyone advise someone they love to participate in a process that will only rough them up and take away from the precious life that they have left?


“Emmanuel, life is more than preservation.”  The message of Jesus is clear.  Those who spend all the time that they have trying to save their life will lose the life that they have left.  Tremendous amounts of emotional and physical energy are expended trying to prepare for the clemency process.  For what?  There are things worse than death.  Namely, subjecting oneself to an added punishment on top of the punishment of death that one has already received.  The clemency process has become an added dagger at the end of the life…intended to exact as much extra blood and pain as possible.  So, why would anyone advise someone they love to submit themselves to such torture?


Though he had reservations, Emmanuel made the decision to engage the clemency process.  Not because he thinks it’s fair, but rather because he wants to make sure that the world hears him loudly proclaim that he didn’t kill Kenneth Meers.  I can accept that.  There is liberation in the opportunity to tell the world your truth.


So, here we are.  The clemency hearing is just hours away.  I don’t suspect that the process will be fair or ultimately generative.  Then again, maybe hearts will shift?  It’s important for a person of faith to believe that such shifting is possible.  I’m trying.  Indeed…against my better judgment…I’ve tried to help Emmanuel keep hope too.  Regardless of what is to come, I trust that Emmanuel will share his truth…the truth that he did not kill Kenneth Meers.  In our conversations, we’ve prayed for all parties involved…that they might know the truth…and that the truth might set them free.

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