August 11, 2024

  Elijah went a day’s journey into the desert, until he came to a broom tree and sat beneath it. He prayed for death saying: “This is enough, O LORD! Take my life, for I am no better than my fathers.” He lay down and fell asleep under the broom tree, but then an angel touched him and ordered him to get up and eat. Elijah looked and there at his head was a hearth cake and a jug of... Read more

August 10, 2024

There’s certainly been a lot of talk about tampons lately. I mentioned yesterday that Democratic governor and vice presidential nominee Tim Walz is being called “Tampon Tim” by Republicans, to mock him for making sure that girls in Minnesota high schools had menstrual products free of charge. That is a very odd thing to tease somebody about, but Republicans can’t get it out of their heads. They keep on insisting that Walz is somehow corrupting little boys by making them... Read more

August 10, 2024

  I went out to cull the drooping sunflowers. I want to grow an Autumn garden, to see if I can keep growing beautiful things until frost. But there’s hardly any room. I went to pull up weeds, and those summer squash that never gave me any squash, and the sunflowers that had already lost their petals and drooped over. It hasn’t been a very good day, because it wasn’t a very good night. It wasn’t a very good night... Read more

August 9, 2024

  It’s time for anther politics update. Remember last week, when I said “Every single time I write a paragraph about political news, another wave of political news crashes and the old post seems pointless. I have a feeling this will be the case for the next three months. I feel as if we’ve had an October Surprise per month, every single month since at least March of 2023. I think I’ll just copy this little paragraph to my clipboard... Read more

August 8, 2024

    I just want to say a few words about a lawsuit filed several years ago, with serious allegations against Father Michael Scanlan, which has been publicly reported about for the first time. And this is your standard warning that I’m going to mention some horrifying sexual abuse in this post, so stop reading now if you don’t want to hear it. I’m not linking to the lawsuit itself, but it’s easy to find in a simple google search.... Read more

August 7, 2024

  We went to look at cars. Jimmy the mechanic has become our best friend. Since he couldn’t fix Serendipity, he’s made it his mission to find us another car somehow. On Monday, I put on my good dress and went to the other side of town with him to see a car dealer with a good reputation who’s known Jimmy since he was a kid, but the dealership closed at three and we just missed him. Yesterday, we tried... Read more

August 7, 2024

  Let’s talk about growing a garden! My veteran readers certainly know that gardens are my favorite thing. But it struck me that I usually just write long poetic pieces about enjoying my garden. I’ve never sat down and written a piece that was just information on how to grow an organic garden of your own, especially if you’re always broke like me and don’t have many resources. So this post isn’t poetry, this is information. It is not true... Read more

August 5, 2024

Of course, we couldn’t just sit back and enjoy the Olympic Games without a moral panic. I don’t like sports very much, but I am always fascinated to watch the Olympic Games. I like to watch swimming matches, because I love to swim but I’m not good at it; it’s bizarre and fascinating to watch my favorite form of  gentle relaxation sped up and turned into a contest. I like to watch the running matches, because I can barely run... Read more

August 4, 2024

Adrienne comes to visit at night. She is a night owl like me. On school nights she goes to bed early, but school doesn’t start for two weeks yet, so when she can’t sleep at one or two in the morning, she comes to see if I’m awake. Of course I always am, so we sit up and talk. Sometimes she brings the guinea pig, Lady McFluff, who enjoys sleeping burrowed in my quilts. Sometimes we talk until almost dawn.... Read more

August 2, 2024

  It’s going to rain tonight. It’s been so horribly dry this summer. It makes it even worse that I’m cooped up and trapped in my house. Outside, the summer squash died without bearing fruit, and I didn’t get a single cucumber. The grass went brown. The sunflowers started to droop. A raccoon demolished my second tallest sunflower, and made off with a green pumpkin. Inside, the sickness went on and on until I dreaded getting up in the morning, but... Read more

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