Sean Grayson Deserves Death, Grace Will Be More Painful.

Sean Grayson Deserves Death, Grace Will Be More Painful. July 23, 2024


Officer Sean Grayson Deserves Death, Grace Will Be More Painful.



Fucked up. Disgusting.  Evil.  There are only so many words available to describe the catastrophic intentional murderous actions of Officer Sean Grayson.  Indeed, in this situation words will always fall short.  Grayson deserves a swift sentence of death.  However, I suspect that grace will be much more painful.

On July 6, Sonya Massey heard noises around her home.  Suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, it’s anyone’s guess if such noises were real or imagined.  It shouldn’t matter.  Massey called the police because she was frightened and felt endangered.  Isn’t that what the police are for?  We are supposed to call them when we need help, right?  When two police officers arrived at Massey’s home, they searched the premises.  Clearly annoyed, the officers came to the front door and gruffly informed her that they found nothing.  The officers then asked for Massey’s driver’s license.  Unable to locate it quickly, Massey went inside.  When Officer Sean Grayson spotted a pot of boiling water on the stove, he instructed Massey to take the pot off the stove.  Upon Massey picking it up, the officers moved away.  Massey asked the officers, “Where are you going?”  Officer Grayson replied that he was moving away from the hot steaming water.  Massey declared, “Oh, I’ll rebuke you in the name of Jesus!”  With his gun drawn, Officer Grayson moved toward Massey.  When the situation escalated, Massey retreated behind the counter with her hands up.  Officer Grayson screamed, “You better fucking not…”  Kneeling with her hands up…posing absolutely no threat to the officer…Massey yelled, “I’m sorry.”  Officer Grayson unloaded three shots at her head.  The kill shot entered right below her eye socket.  After Massey was struck down with her hands raised, Officer Grayson’s partner tried to render aid.  Massey was declared dead a short time later.  In the ensuing weeks, Officer Grayson was arrested and charged with first-degree murder.


In the face of such astounding evil, it’s difficult to advocate against the death penalty.  Officer Sean Grayson is a cold-blooded killer.  He deserves the full weight of the law to crash down on his head.  He deserves death.  Since Illinois has abolished the death penalty a number of years ago, death is not what he’ll likely get.  Such a fact should bring tremendous relief for all those who advocate for Sonya Massey.  Prayerfully, Grayson will receive the grace of spending the rest of his life in prison staring at the blown-out face of Massey in his mind.  Death is too merciful for such a man as this.  He should be kept alive to stew in the horror that he has wrought.  Day in and day out, he should have to face a world that knows what he did.


For the sake of the memory of Sonya Massey, I oppose the death penalty.  She deserves more justice than death can provide.  Grace is the much more painful sentence that Officer Grayson deserves.

More information on the Massey murder:

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