Making Room for Joy

Making Room for Joy October 20, 2022

When I sit down to write my Morning Inspiration, I have a ritual of recalling a moment.

A moment of awareness, heart attentiveness, that awakened my soul.

Sometimes it is visual, others it is in the words I may have heard, or in the simplicity of a warm embrace I can recall.

As a spiritual counselor, I have the privilege to spend moments with amazing souls that are faced with the pains of grief, loss and illness.

I continue to be in awe of their infinite courage and passion to make room for a moment of joy no matter what challenges confront them.

The one below is in honor of them, and all of that continue to turn to that beautiful room in their soul that always holds room for a moment of joy.



The water below dances with an elegance that only nature can offer.

Here above, soft music plays.

Sitting by my desk, the house is quiet, my soul comfortably positioned.

My hands guided with the tenderness of serenity.

I write heart words flowing with a focused sense of awe.

In awe of you.

The courage you wear so inspiringly.

In awe of you.

Your ability to hold when you needed to be held.

In awe of you.

Accepting an invitation to live in a moment, not hide behind it.

In awe of you.

The power of your spirit, revealing your truth no matter its color.

In awe of you.

Each new step you have chosen to learn in the ballet of your story.

The water below dances with an elegance only nature can offer.

Here above, soft music plays.

My hands guided with the tenderness of serenity.

I write heart words with a focused sense of awe.

In awe of you, and the miracle of the human spirit.

In awe of you.

Be in awe of you, and all you are.



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