Civil War,Țâôr, And Memorial Day

Civil War,Țâôr, And Memorial Day May 26, 2024

Earlier this week, citizen Trump held a campaign rally in the Bronx and tried to woo Hispanic and black voters to support him. It didn’t take long before he began bragging about himself and what he wants America to look like.

His Obsession with power and being in control was on display as he once again urged voters to use force to save America. Citizen Trump’s actions and beliefs aren’t conservative or Christian and I’m baffled how he represents the conservative GOP.

  • Deception
  • Greed
  • Vengeful

His continued call for civil war if he doesn’t win in November is bordering on treason and un-American. Criminal Trump has corrupted the GOP into a party I no longer recognize nor want to be a part of.

Leaders have lied about a still election for four years now. Mega supporters are once again calling for a civil war this November. Nothing can be more un-American than wanting to fight other citizens just because you don’t get what you want.

Civil War reenactment
Image by Wikipedia Commons

I remember studying the Civil War in school and remembering it as a black eye on America and Christianity. It has taken the country over 150 years to move on from and heal the wounds of hatred, greed, and anti-Christian beliefs.

Conservatives once championed the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence which states,“All men as equal and are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights.” Instead of being a conservative “pure” party, this GOP has become a pure evil party.


Pure is defined as, “Free from dust, dirt, or taint; free from harshness, unmixed.” Although we live in a fallen world, God has called His people to purity, free of corruption (Deuteronomy 14:29, James 13:27.)

Let me be clear, I am not talking about the white supremacy and hatred of others by a racist evil party and man. That belief is both un-American and anti-Christian.


KKK March
Image by Wikipedia Commons

Christianity emphasizes the difference between God’s people’s hearts and actions compared to the corrupt world’s ways (Deuteronomy 7:6, Psalm 1:1 Proverbs 1:14-15, Romans 12:2, 1 Peter 2:9.)

As God’s people we are called to purify ourselves from the corruption of the world, not partake of it (Psalm 119:9, Philippians 2:15, Colossians 3:5, 1 Timothy 4:12.) The Apostle Paul reminded the early church of the basic Jewish requirement of purity.


Ever since ancient times, Judaism has emphasized the need for God’s people to be pure and clean (Leviticus 11:45; 18:30, Deuteronomy 18:9-12, Numbers 18:22.))

The Hebrew word in the Old Testament for pure is ṭâôr and depending on its context it can also mean, “Clean, variant, or fair.” It was the psalmist who first cried out for God to give him a pure heart, one that is not corrupted by human nature or the ways of this world (Psalm 51:10.)

Kosher Meal
Image by Pixabay

Judaism has strict guidelines for eating food because they don’t want corruption or impurity to enter their bodies. Kosher comes from the Hebrew word kashér and means to be pure.  Below are some requirements of a kosher diet and what God’s people are not allowed to eat.

  1. Shellfish
  2. Pork
  3. Birds of prey
  4. Meat and dairy together
  5. Unslaughtered animals
  6. Dairy must come from a kosher animal

Jesus spoke a lot about being pure. However, He emphasized that it’s not what goes into us that makes us unclean, it is what comes from our heart that shows we are not clean (Matthew 15:11.)

Like His ancestor King David and the prophets, Jesus understood the heart of man is impure and needs to be cleansed (Psalm 51:7 Jeremiah 17:9.) Hyssop was an ancient Jewish medicinal herb that was used as an expectant to clean out the inside of the body.

As Jesus reminded His followers, only the pure in heart will enter the Kingdom of God (Matthew 5:8.) We don’t get to go to church on Sunday and live like the world Monday through Saturday.

The Christian life requires every aspect of our life to be pure  (Psalm 119:9, Luke 11:34-35, John 8:34.) God’s people don’t get to spend the holidays like Memorial Day, wallowing in sin like a corrupt world.

Memorial Day

Most Americans celebrate Memorial Day as the unofficial beginning of summer.

Memorial Day
Image by Pixabay

It is a season of carefree living as most schools release for the summer break. Unfortunately, a lot of people get into needless trouble or even die because of their lack of self-control.






God’s people don’t get to take a break from God’s standards of purity to defile themselves, just to have a little summer fun. Our commitment and ways are not like the world’s.

  1. Drunkenness
  • Lawlessness
  • Gluttony
  • Promiscuity

God’s people are not to abuse their freedoms like the world (1 Corinthians 9:19-16, Galatians 5:13.) Memorial Day originally started out as a day of remembrance for those who sacrificed their lives for the country in the Civil War.

After World War II it was expanded to include other wars. The Civil War started because of the South’s desire for control and slaves.

I remember watching the movie Glory in the 1980s in school because it was filmed in Georgia where I live. As an Army brat who grew up in the South, I cannot help but wonder what happened to the conservative South.

Criminal Trump’s America will never be great, because it focuses on temporary power and greatness. Ironically, most Southerners claim to be conservative, yet forget to be ṭâôr!





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