About Tom Rapsas & Wake Up Call

The Blog

I’m Tom Rapsas and write the Wake Up Call column, having penned about 600 columns since 2012. I’m also the author of Wake Up Call, the book. I’m what you might call a regular guy. For virtually all my adult life, I’ve worked a nine to five job in an office. But, like many of you, I’ve had a life-long interest in all things spiritual. This interest has led to decades of self-guided study on topics that run the gamut from God and religion to happiness, purpose, and character. I encapsulate what I’ve learned in my Wake Up Call columns and book. My goal is to write stories that genuinely stir the soul and that will help put you on a path to living a richer, more contented, and more meaningful life.

The Author

I’ve been writing the Wake Up Call column at Patheos since 2012. My latest book Wake Up Call: Daily Insights for the Spiritual Curious was released January 2024, by Wildhouse Publications. I’m also the author of the spiritual fable Thaddeus Squirrel and the book Life Tweets which were self-published. I live at the Maryland Eastern Shore with my wife and a small herd of cats and can be reached at tomrapsas@gmail.com.

Coffee cup image in header courtesy Shutterstock/Igor Klimov