Embracing Grace: Living as a Child of God in Everyday Life

Embracing Grace: Living as a Child of God in Everyday Life July 14, 2024

You have Been Given Grace


You have heard this term many times in your Christian life, but what does it mean?



The online dictionary as a result of a Google search defines Grace (the second definition) as “courteous goodwill.”


The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines Grace as “favor, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal life.”


Grace is a Gift


The Catechism goes on to state that Grace is a gift of the Holy Spirit that enables us “to collaborate in the salvation of others and in the growth of the Body of Christ, the Church.”


As a Christian, Grace should be apparent to everyone we come in contact with. But alas, we are human. Of course, our free will often determines what gifts we accept and use from the Holy Spirit.


If you prayerfully consider the definition from the Catechism, you have received Grace from God to help you respond to His call to become a child of God. What does it mean to be a child of God?


You are a child of God because you were born. Your Baptism seals the familial relationship.

As a child of God, it is your duty to love and respect all He has given you; life, free will, Grace, love, gifts and talents.


This brings us back to Matthew 28:19-20: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizingGo and make disciples of all nations them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (www.usccb.org).


We are Called to Use Grace


Although our life is a faith journey, as I discussed in a previous column, we are called to be disciples as we are, as we grow and learn and as we become who we are created to be. We do this with Grace as defined in the Catechism of the Catholic Church,  “favor, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal life.”


God gives us help. It is up to us to use it. We need to call on Him (prayer) to ask for what we need to extend the Grace to others.


So You have Grace. Now What?


Exactly as stated earlier, you LIVE it!  Using the dictionary definition of “courteous goodwill” it is easily determined how to live Grace. Extend courteous goodwill everyday. 


Start simple. Saying please and thank you and offering a smile is a simple way to extend Grace. Every person has a bad day. Some have many. You can make it better by extending Grace.allow mistakes. Offer forgiveness.


How do you live Grace?


Yes, life can be hard, making extending Grace difficult. Living Grace is an intentional act. 


Here are some tips to help you stay maintain Grace:


  • Pray
  • Practice Gratitude
  • Smile
  • Look for the Gift
  • Look for Opportunities
  • Join a Faith Community.


Always start and end your day with prayer. Since prayer is conversation with God. Have a conversation whenever you need it, even if it is brief. Remember to be prepared to listen.


When you practice gratitude, it keeps your heart as well as your attitude in the right place. It helps you maintain a positive perspective.


Just smile. Be genuine, but smile. Once you practice smiling intentionally, it will become more natural. It will soften your attitude and the attitude of those around you. It will encourage other people to smile, having a rippling effect.


Always look for the gift. Every situation, no matter how bleak it seems, has a gift. You just need to find it. Make sure to share it as gifts are for sharing!


For God, all things are possibleLook for opportunities, opportunities to share Grace. “For human beings this is impossible, but for God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 (www.usccb,org) Invite God into your journey.


Join a faith community. Here you will be fed, supported and encouraged. You can learn from others, teach others and live by example.


How do you extend Grace to others?


Life can be hard and many people feel the stresses of everyday life every day.You can make a difference, an impact in someone else’s life by extending Grace.It can start with just a smile. It can be kind words, kind actions, offering forgiveness.


Really examine who you are, what gifts and talents you have and how you can extend Grace to others.


Consider your mission of “go and make disciples.”


Consider “love God above all things.”


Consider “love your neighbor as yourself.”


Keep in mind that no matter what circumstances you are going through, there is always, always someone who is worse off than you.


Live Grace


Prayerfully reread what I have written.


What is God calling you to do? Ask yourself this question often, especially dealing with a difficult personPeople helping people with grace or a difficult circumstance. Listen for an answer. Watch for a clue. Reach out for support and guidance when needed.




Remember that you were given  “favor, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal life.”


Live that Grace.

About Michele Gunn
Michele has been married to her best friend for over 30 years. Together they raised three beautiful children and currently enjoy three grandchildren. Having worked in various industries including nonprofit, she utilized both her management and marketing degree to impact the lives of people, bringing a wide range of perspective and understanding. As an Independent Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, Michele founded Cultivate and Thrive in 2018 with the mission to empower people as individuals. She helps professional Christian moms thrive in their reclaimed value while they cultivate a fulfilling and purposeful life. In addition to coaching, Michele hosts a podcast called “Cultivate to Thrive.” This podcast helps women live the life they were intended to living building on the strengths within themselves. You can find Michele and Cultivate and Thrive on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and on her website, www.michelegunn.com. You can read more about the author here.

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