Awe and Wonder at Times Square vs The Sacred Grove

Awe and Wonder at Times Square vs The Sacred Grove August 9, 2024

Within a matter of hours, I stepped into and out of two extremely different environments: The Sacred Grove, Palmyra, NY, and Times Square, New York City, NY. While opposites, both locales are full of intense energetic life and light.

Times Square vs The Sacred Grove
Times Square vs The Sacred Grove, picture taken by me and Daciana

Times Square

From New York Spaces:

Times Square, often dubbed “The Crossroads of the World,” is more than just a bustling intersection in the heart of  New York City; it’s a global symbol of entertainment, commercialism, and the urban spectacle. This iconic location, with its electric atmosphere and vibrant digital billboards, encapsulates the essence of modern city life and has become an indelible part of popular culture. Its significance extends beyond its geographic boundaries, influencing art, media, and public consciousness worldwide.

My sister, niece, and I traversed Times Square at 11 pm, which seemed to be the perfect time to experience the spectacle of neon, midnight vendors, street performers, and hoards of people.

Daciana, Lynlee, and Delisa Hargrove at Times Square

The lights illuminated the street so completely that my niece kept exclaiming how bright it was in the middle of the night!  We could see perfectly despite the dark, blanketing skies overhead. We paused several times to inhale all of the signs and people. So many people!  What an unbelievable throng of people!

Time Square

We heard so many languages and saw so many cultures represented. While I didn’t worry about our well-placed credit cards and phones, I still felt on alert to stay upright and untrampled as we deliberately picked our way through the crowds.

Times Square

The lights and technology amazed us!  And people-watching was definitely on point.

While the morning light revealed quieter versions of the streets, it also revealed so, so, so much trash littered by the reveling throng.

Times Square felt too familiar to me; almost like it (frequently) represented my daily life.

I stand in awe of people, technology, and all the things, but feel the obtrusiveness of multiple distractions clamoring for—and often getting—my attention. While experiencing Times Square and unintentionally full days, I don’t feel quiet moments of self-reflection or recharging, just the constant pressure of charging forward.

The Sacred Grove

From The

The Sacred Grove in Palmyra, New York, is the site where Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, visited young Joseph Smith Jr. in 1820. That visit, often called the First Vision, began events that restored the Church of Jesus Christ to the earth.

The Sacred Grove is the crossroads of heaven and earth!

Of course, I had a different experience in the Sacred Grove.  The stillness there invited my cousin Michelle and I to pause and ponder as we explored the trails.

The Sacred Grove

We sat in an uncrowded part of the grove in quiet introspection and then meaningful discussion for hours.  I couldn’t believe how quickly time flew and yet stood still at the same time. We had no agenda except to experience the stillness, which we did. The beauty and majesty around blanketed us in awe and wonder.

The Sacred Grove

The sunshine danced among the trees. The birds sang. The insects hummed, some bit. It also rained on us at one point.  Being soaked only intensified my experience—heaven met earth in so many ways.

Michelle and Delisa enjoying the rain on a bench in the Sacred Grove. Michelle brought the umbrellas 🙂


The stark difference between Times Square and the Sacred Grove provided the perfect opportunity for me to actually see my choices! What am I seeking?

[T]wo men stood by them in shining garments. And…they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?

Neon lights and attention-grabbing spectacles are not what I’m seeking!  I seek the Living God of all the earth.  He promises that in stillness, He is known.

And in the stillness of mighty prayer, He is found.

Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.

And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

And I will be found of you, saith the Lord:

He will be found!  What a glorious promise for those who choose to seek Him.
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