Growing Up

Growing Up August 12, 2024

Everyone is born into a scene that is not of their choosing. And so begins the initiation between dream and acceptance, to find a way, to run away, only to come home, in yourself and in the world. If blessed, we suffer enough to relinquish blame for those who brought us here. For they were unsure of their own beginnings. It is the hardest journey to shed everything that is not you. And still be thankful, as the tree is for the soil that packed its seed, as the mountain is for the fault that gave rise to it.

A Question to Walk With: In conversation with a friend or loved one, describe the pattern your parents suffered through and then describe the pattern you think you are suffering through. How might you begin to break this pattern?

This is from my book in progress, The Signature of Being. 

Mark will be offering retreats, free events, and a few special journeys in 2024. We’ve also added few new events for 2025!  

Sept 6 at 1pm ET / 10am PT – FREE Online Event, Poets in Conversation, Join poets Mark Nepo and James Crews as they share conversation and offer insights into their new books. Click here to get the zoom link:   

 Sept 8 11am PT/2pm ET – FREE ONLINE EVENT You Don’t Have to Do It Alone: The Power of Friendship, Join Mark Nepo with Joel Fotinos in Conversation, hosted by Banyen Books & Sound. Register for this free event here.  

Sept 29 1pm PT/4pm ET: You Don’t Have to Do It Alone with Mark Nepo in Conversation with Brooke Warner, this online ticketed event is hosted by Book Passage. Register here for the zoom link. 

Nov 1-3:, You Don’t Have to Do It Alone: The Net of Friendship weekend retreat at Harmony Hill Retreat Center, Union WA. Click here for information on registering.  

New for 2025!!!!

Feb 10-15, 2025 Mastery Week: You Don’t Have to Do It Alone: The Power of Friendship, is a weeklong retreat at the Modern Elder Academy in Baja, guided by Mark Nepo and Jeff Hamaoui. Click here to get information and to register. 

May 29 – June 4, 2025 You Don’t Have to Do It Alone: The Power of Friendship is a seven day barge journey on the rivers and canals in Belgium that includes 10 sessions with Mark exploring the gift and spirit of friendship. For full details, click here

July 18 – 20 You Don’t Have to Do It Alone: The Power of Friendship is a 3-day retreat at Siena Retreat Center in Racine, WI. For information and to register, click here.

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