God Controls the Seasons of Life

God Controls the Seasons of Life May 22, 2024

Pictures representing seasons. Yellow Iris for spring, bee on white flowers for summer, trees without leaves for fall, and snowy deck and chairs for winter.

The Four Seasons of the Calendar

I’ve been thinking a lot about seasons lately and how God controls the seasons.

The season of winter left months ago. Spring swung in on schedule, with rain drenching the ground and flowers blooming. God has set the four seasons in their places, marked upon the calendar as beginning in March, June, September, and December. Although they aren’t completely predictable in terms of the weather they usher in, each of these seasons can be counted on to relinquish their hold in due time.

God Controls the Seasons of Life

There are other seasons in life, however, that are not nearly so predictable. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Verses 2 through 8 then list a familiar series of such seasons.

Unpredictable seasons include:

  • Raising small children
  • Caring for old pets
  • Dealing with aging parents
  • Watching adult children navigate a difficult world on their own
  • Recovering from an illness, or learning to live with a chronic illness that slows you down
  • Starting a new job with unfamiliar responsibilities
  • Navigating grief over the loss of a loved one
  • Looking toward retirement and wondering when it will be possible
  • Writing a regular blog, column, or newsletter
  • Seeking publication for a book

Okay, maybe some of these are specific to me, but I suspect you all can relate to a similar season you have gone through or are wading through right now. The question of the day is “When?” When will the suffering you’re enduring end? When will the thing you are hoping for happen? When will you find time to do the things expected of you when this season is filled with distractions and unexpected responsibilities?

God Is All-Knowing

Even though we don’t know the length and breadth of each season we go through, God does. He has a plan much more complex and perfect than we can understand.

Recently in Bible Study Fellowship, I was reminded of the seasons Jesus endured. In the season of His earthly ministry, the authorities sought to seize Him, “but no one laid a hand on him, because his hour had not yet come” (John 7:30). Another time, upon realizing Jesus claimed to be equal with God, the authorities unsuccessfully tried to seize him. (John 10:39). But, when the season was right, Jesus willingly allowed them to arrest Him. John 18:1–13.

God Controls My Current Season

My current season involves a lot of uncertainty and change. And sadness and frustration and lack of focus. Which is why this is my first column since January. Such seasons make me appreciate grace and knowing God is in control of even this.

Jesus was in control of the fact that Peter and the disciples caught no fish all night just as much as He was in control of the miraculous catch of 153 fish. (See John 21:1-14). He is in control of it all and that is comforting.

How about you? What season are you in that seems like it will never end? Or perhaps you are looking forward to a season yet to come? I would love to hear about it.

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for the comfort of knowing You are in control. I pray Your felt presence in the life of each person reading this article, that they would know You are with them no matter the season. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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