3 Ways To Make An Impact On Social Media

3 Ways To Make An Impact On Social Media March 27, 2024

I have a real love hate relationship with Social Media. There are things that I see on Social Media that make me smile, make me literally laugh out loud, and truly inspire me. However, there are also things on Social Media that make me want to throw my phone away and never look at it ever again. There can be no debate, everyone on Social Media has influence. Good or not so good, everyone influences someone else on Social Media.


@TheBabylonBee recently posted a hilarious meme and article with the headliner as, “Woman Who Calls Herself An Influencer Has Literally Never Influenced Anyone To Do Anything Ever.” You can find the article on www.babylonbee.com it is quite entertaining. Obviously, The Babylon Bee is filled with fantastic religious, societal, and even political satire but it made me consider the influence that we all truly have on social media.


I have been told many times that I needed to train Christians on how to post on Social Media. I am not bragging, I am just setting the tone for the rest of this article. I appreciate those comments, but most of the time I hide my true feelings behind a smile because I feel like a failure 99% of the time. I’ve considered deleting all of my accounts many times, especially during election years. I see the ugliness coming from those outside the church, which doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the ugliness coming from inside the church. Christians should look a lot like Jesus Christ. Christians should sound a lot like Jesus Christ. Christians should post, comment, and share on Social Media a lot like Jesus Christ. Christians should approach Social Media the way Jesus has commanded us to live. With a great love for God, a great love for people, and a great passion to tell what Jesus has done for us. However, many times Christians seem to get caught up in the digital war zone.


I want to give you 3 ways to make an impact on Social Media for Jesus Christ. These are just suggestions, I learned a long time ago to suggest things to people instead of trying to tell people what to do. You would think these 3 things wouldn’t need much explanation but I will give a brief explanation of each. I would also think these 3 things would just be common sense applied to a new setting. Yet that doesn’t seem to be the reality of what I see on Social Media from professing Christians. Ready? Here we go… 


#1. Stop Criticizing Other Christians And Other Churches On Social Media…

Christians please stop criticizing other christians and other churches on Social Media. If people are saying that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of their life, let’s celebrate that. If people are saying that Jesus has changed them, let’s celebrate that. Those are really great things to share with the world. No matter what you think or what you have heard, you do not have the spiritual gift of criticism. If you do, you didn’t get if from the Holy Spirit. Hebrews 3:13 says, “But exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” (NKJV) Now, I know… I am a little biased, but I have no doubt that I go to the best church in the world. It’s in little bitty Orrville, Ohio, but just because I go to the best church in the world doesn’t mean that I’m going to waste my time criticizing other churches on Social Media. I believe the root of criticism is jealousy. What does that do for those who are watching on Social Media that don’t even attend church? According to God’s Word… As Christians we should be encouraging one another every single day, and I believe Social Media is a great place to do that. 


#2. Stop Criticizing Non-Believers On Social Media… 

Christians please stop criticizing Non-Believers on Social Media. Of course they’re being foolish. They don’t know God. Of course they’re saying hateful things. They don’t know Love. Of course they are confused, hurt, walking in darkness. They haven’t experienced the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Have we forgotten what it was like to be outside of the family of God? There was a church back in the old days, like really old days, like the Apostle Paul’s old days, that had forgotten that too, so he wrote them a letter. You can read the entire letter in the book Colossians found in the Bible, but I want to focus on a small part of that letter from Chapter 1 verses 21-23 that says, “And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight, if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, became a minister.” Consider how far God has brought you. Think about how God’s grace has changed your life. Never forget what you truly deserve. Let me gently remind you that God’s grace is actively pursuing them. So let’s stop criticizing Non-Believers on Social Media. 


#3 Start Sharing The Good News Of Jesus Christ On Social Media…

Maybe it’s just a crazy dream of mine, but I would love to see Christians spend quality time daily to post about what Jesus has done for them, and what Jesus can do for other people. Of course I love pictures of your little dog. Who doesn’t enjoy sharing Grandma’s Atomic Bomb Chili recipe? We got to have your post game expert analysis of your favorite sports teams. However, we have been given this amazing tool of Social Media to influence all the world, and what are we using it for? Romans 1:16 says,“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” We don’t need to be the weird guys standing on the side of the road with Bible verses anymore… Now we can be the weird guys on Social Media doing it. The Gospel doesn’t need to be an activity, a movement, or even a campaign. It needs to be who we are becoming every single day in Jesus Christ even on Social Media. Are we ashamed to post about the Savior of the world that we claim to be following? If you’re sharing, keep sharing, and quit worrying about the critics. If you’re not sharing, can I encourage you to start sharing the good news of Jesus Christ on Social Media. 


It is my prayer that Christians all over the world would realize the influence that we all have on Social Media. I pray that we would use the power of Social Media to impact the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

About Jim R. Copenhaver
Pastor Jim Copenhaver has over 20 years of ministry experience and he's just as excited about what God has in store for the future. His passion to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and equip others to do so, is the driving force behind his ministry. Jim is a District Licensed Minister in the Church of The Nazarene. Jim received his Biblical Studies certificate from Liberty University, and is also the recipient of an honorary Doctorate of Divinity. He and his wife Angela, and their son Hutson live in Wooster, Ohio. You can read more about the author here.

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