August 1, 2024

Daniel Gilbert is a psychology professor at Harvard, and is most famous for his international best-selling book, Stumbling on Happiness. Gilbert often tells people that he has spent a great deal of his academic life studying happiness. Much of Gilbert’s research on happiness has been in collaboration with psychologist Tim Wilson from the University of […] Read more

July 26, 2024

Over the last twenty-five years I have been speaking and teaching a great deal on the issue of men and their identities. Your identity, of course, is how you see yourself. For most men, their identity is wrapped up in their work and how successful they are in that work. This can set them up […] Read more

July 18, 2024

In last week’s blog, we looked at man’s greatest psychological need—specifically, finding a life of significance. And I explained that significance is the belief that your life is making a lasting difference. Tony Campolo tells of a study done a number of years ago by a group of sociologists. They interviewed a large number of […] Read more

June 27, 2024

Every quarter I like to share quotes that I have encountered in my reading and research that have been meaningful to me. I call them “Nuggets of Wisdom.” ***** “Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician and I will show you a crook.” —PRESIDENT HARRY S. TRUMAN   “When nothing seems to […] Read more

June 20, 2024

I wrote the book, Safe Passage: Thinking Clearly about Life & Death, back in 2006. It was originally published in hardback and we have just now released a paperback version. You can find Safe Passage on Amazon and our website. ***** This is the third and final excerpt from my book, Safe Passage. It comes […] Read more

June 13, 2024

I wrote the book, Safe Passage: Thinking Clearly about Life & Death, back in 2006. It was originally published in hardback and we have just now released a paperback version. This is Part 2 of three blogs and is an excerpt from Chapter 4. You can find Safe Passage on Amazon and our website. ***** […] Read more

June 7, 2024

I wrote the book, Safe Passage: Thinking Clearly about Life & Death, back in 2006. It was originally published in hardback and we have just now released a paperback version. This book is still very applicable today. Over the next three weeks I will post excerpts from the book, with the first coming from the […] Read more

May 31, 2024

John Mark Comer says that most ethicists have historically defined happiness as a kind of contentment that comes as the result of disciplined desire. In every area of life, happiness is a result of disciplining our desires. In other words, we have to curb some of our wants and desires and then cultivate others. However, […] Read more

May 23, 2024

Often I encounter powerful stories that I feel are worth sharing with you the reader. Recently, I stumbled back upon a story from one of my favorite books, What’s So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancy. He uses this story to end his book. Bill Moyers’ documentary film on the hymn “Amazing Grace” includes a […] Read more

May 17, 2024

I am often asked what books I am reading and can recommend. I am an avid reader and read several books a month. I’d like to share six books that have impacted me and that I reference often in my teaching and writing. And if you’re interested in the books I’ve written, they all can […] Read more

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