August 7, 2024

I will use this opening statement once again:  Warning! Subject Matter May Be Controversial for Those of the Christian Faith! If you have read part 1, you are either vehemently agreeing or disagreeing with the things I posted. However, I was not finished, so brace yourself for more, before you decide your stance.  (If you have not read the first part, I ask you to do so at this link for Part 1, before you read this one, to get the full... Read more

August 7, 2024

   Warning! Subject Matter May Be Controversial for Those of the Christian Faith! I’m guessing my opening statement might have caught your attention rather quickly! At first, I thought it might be a funny little way to begin writing this story; but rest assured, that my heart tells me you will end up in agreement with me all too soon! So, I guess you can say that I am decisively laying it on that line right from the start, by... Read more

July 11, 2024

  I am hoping that this title caught your attention because I want to share some exciting news with you. If you have followed my column, you know that I have dreamed of writing and publishing a book for decades! Well, now I can share with you the fact that DREAMS REALLY CAN COME TRUE! I am living proof of that, and I am here to ask you to not give up on those dreams that you feel God leading... Read more

July 4, 2024

Today is July 4th, a day referred to as Independence Day in the United States of America, where I am blessed to live. There will be many celebrations of this great day all around our country. It’s our way of commemorating the founding of this great nation. There will be barbecues, picnics, gatherings with family and friends, and firework displays to honor the day that we gained our freedom to exist as the United States of America! But I wonder,... Read more

June 18, 2024

Several years ago, I started a journey to rediscover myself, and the calling that God has for my life. From the outside looking in, you might have laughingly thought that I was experiencing my own personal midlife crisis, and you may have been partially correct. However, many factors were affecting my life at this time, and perhaps my age was one of the biggest contributing factors, in the beginning. There was a profound urgency deep inside, requiring that I figure... Read more

May 16, 2024

Sitting on my porch on Mother’s Day morning, I was feeling very thankful! As I thought about being a mom and life in general, I began to think about how many times I pray and ask God for things, fully expecting Him to hear me and answer.(Which is a bunch of prayers, if I’m being totally honest!) Then I began pondering the prayers answered verses the praise given for them! Regretfully, I felt like I probably had not been nearly... Read more

May 4, 2024

I have been pondering a subject to write about this past week, but nothing specific came to my mind. We took a little vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC this past weekend and each morning I would get up, grab my coffee, Bible, journal and head for the balcony. My original intention was to turn in my Bible and create a post for Facebook, Instagram and Patheos. Daily I read, but nothing grabbed my attention as something I should share in... Read more

April 15, 2024

I have a few questions for you to think about honestly as you read this post: Do you ever need little reminders to help you prioritize the importance of things in your life? Is your focus where it should be? Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the responsibilities you carry, and struggling to know where to even begin? Or is it possible that you know the order of importance for all the things required of you, but you just can’t... Read more

April 7, 2024

. Let me welcome you to my column, and confide in you, that I am in the midst of a struggle. I bet that’s not how you expect an author to start a post, now is it? Sometimes, just being open and honest, seems the best option for tackling a dilemma such as the one I find myself in at this time. I’m sure by now, you are intrigued and quite possibly confused, so please let me give you a... Read more

March 20, 2024

I wonder, “Have you ever thought about where you would be without Jesus?” I’m certain that this might seem like a strange thing to ask, but this subject has resonated through my mind all weekend. You see, I slowed down the rat race of my life in an effort to enjoy the beautiful weather and relax a bit. As I did so, I took my coffee, my journal, and my Bible and sat outside to enjoy the warmth of the... Read more

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