The Journey to Rediscover Identity & Purpose Isn’t Easy

The Journey to Rediscover Identity & Purpose Isn’t Easy June 18, 2024

Live By Faith coffee mug and Jesus Calling Devotional Book
Quiet mornings with an inspirational coffee mug, and time for a devotion really help me connect with God, and ultimately then find direction! (Photo courtesy of the author) Jesus Calling by Sarah Young is a favorite!

Several years ago, I started a journey to rediscover myself, and the calling that God has for my life. From the outside looking in, you might have laughingly thought that I was experiencing my own personal midlife crisis, and you may have been partially correct. However, many factors were affecting my life at this time, and perhaps my age was one of the biggest contributing factors, in the beginning. There was a profound urgency deep inside, requiring that I figure out what comes next in my life. I felt lost, without true direction, and while simultaneously acknowledging that I certainly was not getting any younger! But with all honesty, and to be fair, I knew it was much more than just my age that was bothering me, both then and now.

The Journey to Rediscover Myself ~

As I began this process of figuring things out, a few key Bible verses consistently came to my mind. I would hear these scriptures or see them consistently in my Bible devotion time, books I would read, and messages taught and preached. It was obvious to me that God was using them to stir my heart towards the purpose for which He specifically created me to accomplish! Now, I’m sharing them with you, and who knows? Maybe they will speak to your heart too!

  1. First, there was a verse to remind me that God Himself created me, and He doesn’t make mistakes. No matter how many times I mess up, God lets me know that He made me with intention, uniquely, and specifically for His Purpose. I came to love this verse:  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”  Psalm 139:14 NIV
  2. Another verse that I clung to was one that reassured me that I was created to be here during this exact time to fulfill God’s purpose in my life:  “… Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 NKJV

Even to this very day, these are very important verses to me. They are never far from my mind. Coaxing me onward, encouraging me by confirming I am not here by mistake. Confirming that God created me, and He gifted me with what I would need to accomplish His purpose in my life.

Learning As I Go Along ~

As this quest to find myself began, it was like a consistent nudging in my heart. No matter the amount of things that needed done, I still felt like part of me was missing out. It was prompting me to pause the habitual patterns of work and responsibilities long enough to consider whether or not God had something more for me to accomplish with the life He had given me.

The answer to my own question was, and is, a resounding “Yes, I absolutely know deep inside my soul that God is calling me to be more, and do more.”

I began to give a lot of thought to the possible directions God wanted me to take, and as I did I pondered questions like this: 

  • “I know God created me for such a time as this, so what is it that am I supposed to be doing?” 
  • “Where do I start, and how will I know I am on the right track?”
  • “How do I find time to learn and do more, while continuing to uphold the things required of me on a daily basis?”

It felt daunting as I let my mind swirl with “what if’s” and “is it possible” type scenarios. Second guessing my own abilities, and forgetting that God would provide what I needed, if I would just trust Him.

Finding Answers Isn’t Always Easy

I have known for years that God is calling me to do new things. Though I was not certain of exactly what it would be, I was determined to take steps to follow His lead, while also hoping it would include writing and publishing in some way.

Now, with great excitement, I can say that I am so glad that I did step out to find out! God is opening doors to things that I only imagined in my dreams.

Writing for Patheos was one of the first ways God gave me the opportunity to begin writing and sharing the Gospel, and I am so thankful that He did. It helped give me hope and confidence in the direction He was taking me, and I am still following Him to the best of my ability.

Time for a Little Confession ~

Mauve colored coffee mug with "I can do all things through Christ"
This coffee mug is a reminder that it is not in my power or strength that I can accomplish things… It’s through Christ, and He makes anything possible! ~ Photo courtesy of the author.


This is the part where I admit that the old me, and the new me collide. The old me says there is no way I can be this person I think God is calling me to be. While the new me is fully confident that God is calling me to step out and do new, exciting things.

The two sides of me waver back and forth depending on the day and the challenges, but I am getting a little better at fighting off the voices that say there’s no way I can do this!

Finding scripture that reminds me of what God says is always helpful, and I encourage you to take this step, if you too, are on a journey to find your identity and purpose!

This is one reason that I love coffee mugs, and home decor that reminds me what God says! Just like the one in my photo that says I can do all things, with His Help!

God is doing some amazing things right in my life right now, and I plan to share some of that in my next post, so don’t miss it! Sign up for my newsletter on Patheos or for my email and I will send it directly to you myself.

You can contact me here.

Check out some of my previous posts to learn more about me and this journey!

One that I recommend is called Just You and Me God for Such a Time As This ~ Part 1.



About Teresa Holbrooks Nichols
Several years ago, I started a journey to rediscover myself, and the calling that God has for my life. From the outside looking in, you might have laughingly thought that I was experiencing my own personal midlife crisis, and you may have been partially correct. However, many factors were affecting my life at this time, and perhaps my age was the one of the biggest contributing factors, in the beginning. There was a profound urgency deep inside, requiring that I figure out what comes next in my life. I felt lost, without true direction, and while simultaneously acknowledging that I certainly was not getting any younger! But with all honesty, and to be fair, I knew it was much more than just my age that was bothering me, both then and now. You can read more about the author here.

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