August 4, 2024

Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel led to the deaths of over 1,200 people, mostly Israeli civilians. Immediately after, Israel declared war on Gaza. The war has since killed over 39,000 Palestinians, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. Back in March, UNICEF has said that Israel had killed over 13,000 children. These numbers, which obscure the lives and losses behind them, are conservative estimates. Academics Rasha Khatib, Martin McKee, and Salim Yusuf have recently argued that Palestinian deaths attributable to... Read more

July 21, 2024

This column is dedicated to the intersection of faith and politics. And while this area of reflection has developed considerably in popular culture, what is often ignored is the importance of how faith relates to economics. The film American Gospel (2018) gave many American Christians an introduction into how important it is to think about how the Gospel relates to economics. This film documented what is known as the Prosperity Gospel as preached by the likes of Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, and... Read more

July 18, 2024

The first freedom guaranteed in the Bill of Rights is the freedom of religion. The First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution protects citizens from government establishments of religion. The government cannot coerce people to follow certain religious ideals. It cannot privilege one religion or sect above others. The First Amendment also protects Americans’ right to freely exercise their religion. Contrary to what many antagonists of religion may say, religion is not a purely private matter. Americans can practice their religion... Read more

July 9, 2024

2020 was the year that I awoke to the political world around me. It was a chaotic year for many, many Americans. This was the year I began to really ask myself, “How should Christianity relate to politics?” The Jericho March Prior to 2020, I was definitely interested in politics. Starting in 2016, I really began to think about race, culture, economics, and political power. But it wasn’t until 2020 that I found that there exists a very important link between... Read more

July 1, 2024

On Friday, the Supreme Court of the United States made a historical ruling that will have drastic effects on the lives of homeless Americans. In Grants Pass v. Oregon, the Supreme Court gave the green light for cities to outlaw and punish homelessness, so long as cities frame it as “camping” in public places. As Christians, this decision demands a strong, faithful response. For if there is anything positive that Christianity has had to offer the world of political thought, it... Read more

June 30, 2024

The relationship between faith and works is a difficult one for Protestants. Since the Protestant Reformation, Protestants have been careful to safeguard the doctrine of salvation by faith alone. We insist strongly that there is nothing that we do that can set us right before God. It is wholly the work of Christ by which we are saved. But sometimes this obsession with faith alone can get us into dangerous waters. It did for Martin Luther, the Protestant Reformer famous... Read more

June 22, 2024

Every society has some form of poverty. As Jesus said, we will always have the poor with us (Mark 14:7). And one can tell a lot about a society by how it treats its poor. In America, there are many who look down with disgust, disbelief, or derision at those who have been forced out onto the streets. The harshest and ironic part of this tragedy is that much of the derision towards the homeless comes from Christians. They Deride... Read more

June 15, 2024

The debate between creationism and evolution is a continuously popular one in Christian circles. Much of the conversation is relegated to philosophy and abstract apologetics. But also interesting is the history of how evangelicals have reckoned with this conversation throughout time. We begin with the history of the well-known Scopes trial, a hallmark moment for creationists in America. Then, we visit the lesser-known Moody Institute of Science (MIS). This was an institute that chose to engage with the culture through... Read more

June 9, 2024

The teachings of Jesus are absolutely foundational to Christian living. As Jesus Himself once said, if His followers truly love Him, they will keep His commandments (John 14:15). Yet, far too often, Jesus is reduced to a self-help life coach. His teachings apply only or mostly to moral journeys of individual improvement. Or, His teachings are utilized to help individuals cope with worry (Matthew 6:34) or burdens (Matthew 11:28-30). The political nature of His teachings are therefore neglected, substituted instead... Read more

May 24, 2024

This article is an introduction into how evangelicals utilize media. When we are talking about “media,” we are referring to the many cultural artifacts that evangelical businesses produce. This includes online media, such as websites like Christian Mingle (a dating site for Christians), or social media platforms like Savior Connect. It includes business niches, like Christian Contemporary Music (CCM), Christian Hip-Hop (CHH), Christian clothing brands like Art of Homage, and others. Christian media is easily recognizable. A surefire way to... Read more

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