The Middle East, Yᵊšûʿâ, And The Paris Olympics

The Middle East, Yᵊšûʿâ, And The Paris Olympics July 31, 2024

Image by Wikipedia Commons

This week there has been increased tension in The Middle East after Hezbollah fired rockets that hit children playing soccer in Israel. The conflict has been growing ever since Hamas attacked Israel last year.

The war has reached far beyond the borders of Israel. It seems like the entire region is out to get and hurt God’s people.

  • Hamas
  • Hezbollah
  • Houthis

Israel has been a nation for over 70 years and God has defended them from their enemies. This week the IDF took out the leader of Hamas who was staying in Iran and also killed the leader of Hezbollah in response to their heinous attacks on Israeli citizens.

God always protects Israel since they are a nation dedicated to Him (Exodus 19:6.)  promised to give his people victories over the nations of the world (Joshua 23:1-16.) God gives His people victory for His glory, not ours.

What is Victory

Everyone wants to win, but we all have a different definition of winning. The dictionary defines victory as, “The overcoming of an enemy; success in a struggle against all odds.” Victory is more than just overcoming enemies; it is beating the odds against us.

mage by Pixabay

We live in a world where everyone wants to be “winning” at life, from politics to relationships, or at least look like they are. There is a difference between winning at life and winning for God.

God’s people set their minds on things above and pursue God’s will (Jeremiah 29:13, Matthew 6:33, Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 5:17, 1 Timothy 6:3- 5.)  The Apostle Paul understood the spiritual principle of victory from his Jewish education.







In the ancient world, Israel was called the tiniest of nations (Haggai 2:7.) They were spent despised in the ancient world, especially in the Middle East after God delivered them from Egypt.

God promised to give His people victory over the nations of the world (Joshua 11:8-18.) The main Hebrew word for victory in the Old Testament is yᵊšûʿâ and it can also mean, “Salvation, deliverance, help, welfare, or save, “depending on the context used.

Our salvation comes from the Lord alone,  God has miraculously given His people victory over larger nations.

  1. Egypt
  2. Goliath and the Philistines
  3. The Assyrians
  4. Palestine

God continues to miraculously save His people to this day. When Jesus began His earthly ministry 2000 years ago, He taught His followers to love their enemy (Matthew 5:43-44.) Jesus knew that love could win our enemies over and Jesus came to save all who believe.

mage by Pixabay


Our sin nature distorts God’s plan into a selfish desire to win and be first. Jesus also Warned His followers that it does us no good to gain the whole world, yet forfeit our souls (Mark 8:34-38.)

The hardest battle God’s people have to fight is the battle within our own hearts. Only Jesus could give us victory over our sin (1 Corinthians 15:57, 1 John 5:4-5.) Jesus knew we shouldn’t play games with sin (Matthew 25:41, John 8:44.)



Paris Olympics

This weekend the 2024 Olympics kicked off in Paris mired in controversy. I am choosing not to boycott the ethics because lost people do what lost people do (1 Corinthians 2:14, Ephesians 2:1-3.)

Paris Olympics 2024

I can still support the athletes without supporting the beliefs of the organization, as I write this the US national women’s soccer team is playing to win their group final.

There was controversy last week over the Canadian soccer coaches using drones to cheat and spy on the practices of the other teams. We see how man’s corrupt desire to win will cause and to do anything just to get a victory.

  • Lie
  • Steal
  • Kill

We must remember that God promises to give His people victory if we remain different from the world and serve Him only (Deuteronomy (Leviticus 19:2, Deuteronomy 7:6.) Our integrity reflects upon the God we serve.

True athletes know that cheating isn’t winning; it is losing both morally and socially. Even lost people believe there is honor among the thieves. This is a spiritual principle as well (1 Samuel 8:3, Proverbs 13:11; 28:20.) God’s people must put their hope and faith in God alone for their yᵊšûʿâ!


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