Netanyahu’s Visit, Se bâ’ôt, And Deadpool And Wolverine

Netanyahu’s Visit, Se bâ’ôt, And Deadpool And Wolverine July 27, 2024

This week there was more turmoil in the United States due to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s latest visit to America. Protesters continue to protest Israel’s unrelenting attacks in Gaza while pursuing Hamas.

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Mr. Netanyahu met the leaders on both sides of the political aisle in Washington. Mr. Netanyahu has vowed to totally destroy Hamas at all cost. The corrupt heart of man is on display as Israel seeks revenge for last year’s aweful attacks. There are obvious differences between justice and revenge.

  • Pride
  • Greed
  • Uncompassionate

Mankind’s sinful nature often makes us our own worst enemy. We may want to do good, but cannot achieve it by doing what is evil in God’s sight (Proverbs 17:15, Isaiah 5:20-21.)

Ironically, the protesters are destroying and vandalizing public and private property to protest Israel’s actions. Wrong is wrong, regardless of why you are doing it. God does no wrong.  God’s people must trust in God’s might, not our own power and strength.

What is Power?

Power is defined as, “The ability to produce an effect, a sovereign state; possession of control.” God’s power differs from the powers of this world and how our sinful nature causes us to abuse earthly power.


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In the 80s, the top nations became described as “super powers” because of their armies and military might. The Cold War almost destroyed the very planet we live on. Mankind uses power to get its way; God uses power to do what’s best for the world.

Satan and his angels let their power go to their heads and they tried to overthrow the host over all of heaven and creation (Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 28:17.) Likewise, nations and rulers used military might to achieve and display their power.

God’s people are called to be different and understand that our power is not an earthly power to be used for our own selfish desires (Matthew 20:25-26, John 18:36, Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 10:3-4, Ephesians 6:12, Colossians 1:13, 1 Timothy 1:7.)

The Apostle Paul reminded the early church about how God uses His power to fight for His people because God is sovereign over all of armies.

Se bâ’ôt

Ancient Israel had to rely on God to fight their battles for them, they understood that God’s ways and plans are higher and better than man’s (1 Chronicles 29:11, Job 42:2, Isaiah 55:8-9.) Israel understood God is the host of heaven.

The Hebrew word in the Old Testament for armies is se bâ’ôt and it can also mean host or save depending on the context it is used in. Israel gave God the name of Jehovah Sabaoth because God is sovereign over all armies, angels, and power.

It is a military term. History shows how God gave the defenseless Israel the victory over the seven nations who inhabited the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 7:1-7.)

  1. Canaanites
  2. Amorites
  3. Girgashites
  4. Hittites
  5. Perizzites,
  6. Hivites
  7. Jebusites

It’s no wonder Israel expected the Messiah to come as a military leader; they forgot how God works, supernaturally! Jesus didn’t come as a mighty military leader; He came as a servant leader.

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Jesus worked in the supernatural like His heavenly father. He performed miracles and signs to help God’s people (Matthew 14:22-23, John 2:1-11.) As a servant, He outwitted and overpowered Satan to conquer death (John 11:25-26, Revelation 1:18.)

Jesus conquered death without ever raising a sword, our Lord humbled Himself and carried His cross, sacrificing Himself for the entire world, not just Israel (Romans 5:19, Philippians 2:8.)

That is the supernatural power and way of the God we serve. It’s no wonder so many people embrace a Messiah complex, everyone wants to save the world, but only God truly can.



Deadpool and Wolverine

This weekend is a big weekend at the box office; a lot of Gen Xers like me are excited to see the latest superhero movie in the MCU, Deadpool And Wolverine.  Growing up, I was a chubby nerd and escaped into the world of comic books.

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Most young boys, who weren’t popular, dreamed of having superpowers. We wanted to be the hero and to be special. There is a desire deep in each of us to be special and to save the day for someone (Colossians 3:23.)

We just want to win at something one time. A lot of little boys dream of being the mighty hero, the outcast who does something special that everyone else can’t.

  • Fly
  • Being immortal
  • Super strong
  • Time travel


Our heroes sound a lot like the God of the Bible. However, unlike God, our earthly heroes are corrupt and can misuse their power. They are fake gods. That is why God’s people must only bow to Jehovah Sabaoth!

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