Christian Leadership Principles: Jesus as Our Model

Christian Leadership Principles: Jesus as Our Model July 22, 2024

This article will explore Jesus as our model for embracing true leadership in every season. As the giver of life, He is the only one who can show us how to lead to life (eternal). Leadership is often misconstrued as a position of power or a title of authority. This is something I thought (and taught) FOR YEARS! However, true leadership really transcends any position. The essence of leadership, as Jesus demonstrated, isn’t about elevating oneself but lifting others by being a servant leader. By embracing Christian leadership principles inspired by Jesus, we can discover the true essence of leadership and how to lead effectively in all areas of our lives.

Discovering Leadership in Unexpected Places

In my journey of nearly a decade in leadership, I’ve held various roles, from leading in a public school to starting a business and leading interns to working in executive leadership at a church. Each of these experiences was wildly different and all had their unique challenges and blessings.

Honestly, one of the most challenging experiences was when I transitioned from working and leading at church to leading in my home. I used to think that the height of my leadership was confined to the walls of the church, but I soon realized that my greatest leadership opportunities were right in front of me, in the everyday moments with my family.

One day, as I watched my son play, I noticed how he imitated everything I did. It struck me that my leadership wasn’t just about the big decisions or the public moments; it was about the small, consistent acts of love, patience, and guidance. This realization opened my eyes to the profound impact I could have by leading with intention in every aspect of my life.

All in all, each interaction with my family became a chance to embody the values I previously preached at church. It was in the mundane, in the ordinary, that I found the extraordinary depth of leadership.

Key Principles of Effective Christian Leadership

As I embraced this new perspective, I began to see my home as a sacred training ground for meeting with God and cultivating the fruits of the Spirit in a way that allows others to then follow suit. Demonstrating kindness when everything around me would warrant tempers flaring, showing patience when my son decided to color on the walls at 3am in the morning, and extending grace when my husband forgot to start the dishwasher became my daily acts of worship.

These small, quiet moments were not insignificant; they are the bedrock of my current leadership journey. By inviting the Holy Spirit to guide me in leading my family, I found a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper connection to the Holy calling of leadership. It is here, in the heart of my home, that I am discovering the true essence of leading like Jesus—gently yet firmly, with wisdom, love, and unwavering commitment.

Effective leadership is a journey that requires intentionality, self-awareness, and a heart aligned with God’s purpose. It’s a path that doesn’t just demand skill, but also a deep-rooted connection to the wisdom and leading of God. Here are four key principles to guide you on your own journey:

  1. Let God Lead: Embracing His Leadership

    Anchor your leadership in Christ. This foundation is not just a lofty ideal but a very practical necessity. Seek affirmation from the Father, stay rooted in the Word, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you both in public and private. When you experience God’s perfect leadership, you can model that leadership to others. Remember, letting God lead means surrendering your plans for His, trusting that His wisdom surpasses all understanding. It’s in this partnership with God that you can find the strength and direction to lead others effectively.

  2. Embrace Authenticity: The Heart of Your Leadership

    Authentic leadership is about being true to who you are- embracing your strengths, acknowledging your weaknesses, and understanding your unique background and current season. Authenticity isn’t about perfection; it’s about honesty and vulnerability. By acknowledging your limitations and working within them, you avoid the pitfalls of arrogance and self-doubt. Authenticity fosters trust and respect among those you lead, creating a culture where everyone feels valued and understood.

  3. Assess Skills Gap: A Strategy for Christian Leaders

    Effective leaders are continually assessing their own growth areas and those of their teams. Understand who you are, the season or environment you’re in, and what you need to succeed. Listen to the voice of the Spirit to identify the distance between where you are currently and where you need to be. This self-assessment is not about falling into shame or perfectionism but about recognizing opportunities for growth. By embracing this ongoing evaluation, you can develop strategic plans to bridge the skills gap, ensuring that both you and those around you are equipped for success.

  4. Develop Others: A Principle of Christian Leadership

    True leadership is not about being the hero, but about creating environments where others can grow. Be generous with opportunities for others to lead, provide the tools they need for success, and offer both praise and constructive feedback. It’s through the development of others that you also grow as a leader. By investing in the growth of your team, you foster a culture of continuous improvement and shared success. Remember, the goal is to cultivate a community where everyone feels empowered to contribute their talents, reflecting the shalom of God in your leadership.

My Leadership Successes and Failures


Reflecting on my journey, I’ve experienced both successes and failures that have shaped my understanding of leadership. These experiences have been instrumental in molding me into the leader I am today:


  • Creating a Platform for Women’s Voices: I’ve successfully made spaces where women can amplify their voices, share their stories, and lead others. This has been immensely rewarding and has created a ripple effect of empowerment.
  • Nurturing a Home Reflecting God’s Shalom: At home, I’ve worked hard to cultivate an environment of peace and godliness, ensuring that my family feels loved and supported in every season.


  • Not Taking My Seat at the Table: For many years, I doubted my place in leadership and undervalued what I could offer. This hesitation held me back from stepping into opportunities where I could have made a significant impact.
  • Masking Imperfections: I often tried to hide my flaws, thinking that being a leader meant being perfect. This only led to frustration and a lack of authenticity in my leadership.

Overcoming Obstacles to Christian Leadership

Leadership is a journey that often feels like navigating a path strewn with obstacles, but these challenges are opportunities in disguise. Common barriers such as the belief that there are no opportunities, fear of rejection, and past failures can be daunting. However, with the right perspective and divine guidance, these can be transformed into stepping stones towards effective leadership.

  • No One to Lead? Let God lead you first. When it feels like there’s no one to lead, let God lead you first. His guidance will illuminate those around you who need your leadership. Often, the initial step is growing in your ability to lead yourself. This self-leadership is crucial because it builds the foundation for leading others. By allowing God to shape your path, you’ll begin to see the people He places in your life, highlighting opportunities to serve and guide.
  • No Opportunities? Create a culture of leadership. If you believe there are no opportunities for leadership, consider that leadership is not confined to formal titles or positions. Focus on creating a culture of leadership by modeling Jesus’s approach—inviting, serving, and loving. Leadership is about seeing others and inviting them into more, often in the most ordinary moments. You don’t need to have all the answers or be in charge. A heart that loves God and sees people’s potential is the essence of true leadership. By fostering an environment where leadership thrives, you’ll naturally create opportunities for yourself and others.


  • People Don’t Listen To You? Enhance your Leadership Communication. When people don’t seem to listen to you, Work on how you speak and communicate without words. Building trust and respect takes time and requires consistent effort in how you present yourself and engage with others. Reflect on how you present yourself and engage with others. Genuine leadership involves listening, understanding, and connecting deeply with people, which in turn makes your voice resonate with them.


  • You’ve tried in the past and failed? Learn from your leadership mistakes. Past failures can be disheartening, but they are also invaluable lessons. So, if you’ve tried to lead before and it didn’t work out, try again. Assess what didn’t work. Did you need to see and receive God’s leadership in your life, embrace your limitations, develop practical skills, or take risks in identifying and inviting people into your space? Success is found in following God, planting seeds, tending the soil, and letting the Lord do His work. He brings the rain, the weather, and all the components necessary for life to grow. Your role is to partner with Him, letting go of expectations for when the seeds will sprout. The Lord is your anchor and your first stop in leadership; He is the reward, not the people.


Reflecting on your leadership journey, consider both your successes and failures. Each experience is a teacher, guiding you to grow and improve. What are your successes and failures? How can you learn from them and grow? True leadership is not about titles or positions but about serving others and reflecting Christ in every season of life.

Ask yourself:

  • What opportunities do I have to lead today?
  • How can I create a culture of leadership in my current environment?
  • What steps can I take to develop others around me?

As we move forward in this series, let’s embrace the journey of leading like Jesus—rooted in love, humility, and service. Whether you’re leading in the marketplace, your community, or your home, remember that your impact is significant. Let’s cultivate a legacy of leadership that reflects the heart of God and empowers others to step into their God-given roles.


Christian leadership is not confined to positions of power but is evident in how we influence and inspire others daily. By anchoring our leadership in Christ, embracing authenticity, and developing those around us, we can create a lasting legacy on earth and in the Kingdom. Let’s lead with intention, guided by the perfect example of Jesus, and trust that God will use our efforts to bring about His kingdom on earth.

If you’re a woman eager to explore leadership and embrace the opportunities around you, download The Leader’s Path for free. Click here to access this empowering guide and receive a personalized review of your leadership journey.

New here? Everyday Shalom is all about living in the shalom of God every day, to lead others to God’s shalom in every season, and has been particularly crafted to serve women who lead as ministry- whether at home, in their communities, in the marketplace, on platforms or in the pews! Check us out on Instagram or explore our blog for more enriching content on spiritual formation and leadership! You can also download our free resources to begin your journey towards leading from a place of rest, with power and deep delight, through every season and stage.

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