The Biden Campaign, ‘Ělîl, And The Secret Service Director

The Biden Campaign, ‘Ělîl, And The Secret Service Director July 24, 2024

This week the big news has been about Pres. Biden dropping out of the 2024 presidential race. He humbly decided to step down after weeks of worry and complaining from the Democratic leadership. They didn’t believe he could defeat Mr. Trump this November.


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Both sides are determined to do whatever it takes to win. This only proves why we should only put our hope and faith in God and not popular men or things.

  • Temporary
  • Fallen
  • They cannot save us

Now there is more infighting going on within the political party to see who should replace Pres. Biden on the Democrat ticket. The push for the vice president to replace Pres. Biden is also being met with some resistance from within the party.

Mankind’s thirst for greatness has led it away from the greatness of God. The first Adam bought the lie of greatness from Satan and ever since mankind has been chasing idols (Genesis 3:1-24.)

What Are Idols?

An idol is defined as, “An object or person of extreme devotion, a representation of an object of worship; a false God or pretender.” The 21st-century church would like to think we don’t have idols, especially in America.

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But nothing could be further from the truth, whatever we put our hope or faith in other than God, is an idol. That is a truth as old as sin itself. We shouldn’t be surprised, because God’s people have always been tempted and tested by the idols of this world.

The early church was notorious for idol worship and worldly practices which is why the early church leaders constantly warned them about their idol worship and lifestyles (Romans 1:20-23, 1 Corinthians 10:-20, Galatians 4:8; 5:19-21, Colossians 3:5, 1 John 5:21.)

The Apostle Paul remembered his Jewish heritage and their warnings against the idols of this world. God’s people are just as easily tempted by idols as the unsaved.




In the ancient world idol worship and foreign gods were common. Even before Israel was a nation, Abraham destroyed the idols his own father worshiped and then Abram worshipped the true Lord (Joshua 24:2-4.)

One of the common Hebrew words in the Old Testament for an idol is ‘ĕlîl and it has many other meanings depending on its context like, “False God, good for nothing, no value, a shepherd, worthless and vanity.” The intent is clear, idols lead us astray and are useless.

God wanted a people and a nation that worshiped Him alone (Deuteronomy 7:6.) We must keep in mind that biblical worship is more than a feel-good song; it is total devotion and praise to the one true God.

God’s people were forbidden to worship foreign idols (Exodus 20:3, Leviticus 26:1. History shows how often Israel turned to other idols after God delivered them from Egypt because they were so hungry for power and earthly greatness.

  1. A golden calf
  2. Baal
  3. Astarte
  4. Asherah
  5. Chemosh
  6. Dagon
  7. Tammuz

Jesus knew how easily God’s people were tempted and turned to foreign gods, that is why He often reminded them of the basic Jewish teaching of loving God only (Matthew 22:37.)

Even Jesus was tempted by the false God Satan in the desert (Luke 4:1-13.) Satan tempted Jesus with earthly greatness and pleasures, but Jesus stayed true to God and He also taught His followers that they too cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24.)

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We cannot love God and the idols of this world; we will hate one or the other. Jesus understood a Jewish spiritual truth, bad company corrupts good character (1 Samuel 13:14, Proverbs 4:23; 13:20, 1 Corinthians 15:33.)  It’s no secret, when we follow evil men, we will be led astray.






Secret Service

For the last few weeks, there has been a lot of controversy over the Secret Service detail that allowed Mr. Trump to be shot. Conspiracy theories have been floated by all sides and everyone wants to know the truth.

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Earlier this week the director of the Secret Service was forced to resign by congressional members who are beholden to Mr. Trump. There have been numerous threats by the Maga movement against both the director and the agents.

Once again God’s people only want to hear and believe what they like, because they want to be the greatest nation. It is idolatry when you want a politician to be your savior and even make your profile picture that of a corrupt man being shot. They forget that we serve a jealous God who will not allow other gods or idols before Him, regardless of the political party.

  • Republican
  • Democrat

Americans need to remember that Jesus wasn’t a Republican or a Democrat, and He taught His followers to bow to God alone. Jesus didn’t worry about politics or governments because He knew God alone appoints leaders to office (Romans 13:1.)

God reigns over all nations and gods (Deuteronomy 32:39, Isaiah 43:10.) God’s people cannot serve worldly politicians or ‘ĕlîls!

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