August 10, 2024

While the Olympics only last a few days, tales of what happened during those events live on in people’s minds and in the history books. One of those events is the stunning American win in the 8+ men’s rowing competition in Berlin’s 1936 Summer Olympics. Now referred to as the boys in the boat event, it provided Olympic drama and is instructive for rowing God’s boat. What’s Rowing? While most everyone’s familiar with the children’s song “Row, Row, Row Your... Read more

August 3, 2024

A proverbial expression notes “to the victor go the spoils.” But what are these spoils? Those watching the 2024 Summer Olympics know Olympic winners receive medals. But when a Christian completes their life race, the spoils are different. Heavenly crowns await. Both award are coveted, but which is better? Olympic medals or heavenly crowns? What Are Spoils? If a victor receives them, spoils must have a positive connotation. And, unlike spoiled milk, they do have one. “Spoils” consist of the... Read more

July 26, 2024

Six Suggestions To Successfully Share Faith With Friends Who are your friends? Think of the buddies or pals you trust and like enough to regularly spend time with. Wouldn’t you tell them about a great new show they’d like? Or about a shortcut to get to a favorite meeting place? Of course you would! So, why don’t we share the truth about our very best friend—Jesus? Fear mainly. But don’t let that reason stop you. Here are six suggestions to... Read more

July 20, 2024

Imagine sitting in a church where historical events in the 1700’s took place. Prince George Winyah Parish Church in Georgetown, South Carolina offers those who enter that very opportunity. Its red-brick building has been used for worship since pre-Revolutionary War days. The Church’s Name The name of the church consists of two parts. The first, Prince George, gave a nod to England’s Prince George who ultimately became King George II of England. For Americans, this prince’s claim to fame may... Read more

July 8, 2024

Florida resident Leah Brown’s long-held dream to travel to the Holy Land and walk where Jesus had walked finally came true in October 2023. But the events which unfolded during her time in Israel greatly diverged from her tour group’s planned itinerary. Two days after her arrival, Hamas invaded Israel, shocking the world. The Hamas invasion collided with Leah’s Holy Land tour. Off On A Holy Land Tour Leah, a former high school assistant choral director and a pastor’s widow,... Read more

July 3, 2024

Patriotic tunes fill the air around July Fourth. Besides our national anthem, one of the country’s most popular patriotic songs is “America the Beautiful.” Its lyrics evoke the majesty and beauty of this country’s physical attributes. But what led to the penning of the song’s stirring words? A fitting way to celebrate the 4th of July holiday is to learn the story behind the inspiring lyrics of “America the Beautiful.” Evolution Of The Song The song “America the Beautiful” is... Read more

June 24, 2024

What’s on your wall? If you’re a student in Louisiana, one thing will soon be a fixture in every classroom. That state now mandates posting The Ten Commandments in schools. Critics of this requirement have already vowed a constitutional challenge in the courts based on the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause. Will the law pass that test? The New Law In May, Louisiana state legislators approved House Bill 71 which Governor Jeff Landry then signed into law on June 19th. The legislation... Read more

June 18, 2024

  Look, soaring up towards the sky! Visitors to the US Air Force Academy won’t see Superman, and they won’t see the stunning spires of the famed Cadet Chapel either. Instead, they’ll view an enormous box. Sadly, renovations and repairs started almost five years ago on the chapel are still ongoing. And the work underway requires the innovative structure be completely covered. Yes, the Cadet Chapel is still grounded by renovations. Popular and Award-Winning Attraction Undoubtedly the most recognizable building... Read more

June 10, 2024

Welcome to church! Sit back and take in some words from the Good Book about things that happened or that were said two thousand years or so ago. This scenario greets current churchgoers every Sunday. But what if the sermon also contained pointed and practical words based on the Bible about specific things to do in everyday life today? Let’s consider six things you won’t hear in church but maybe you should. Eat Your Vegetables Surely as a child your... Read more

June 4, 2024

A line in the famous poem “The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner” reads “water, water, every where.” Although not meant as a scientific statement, the poem’s words accurately convey the makeup of the Earth. Oceans cover 70% of the planet, so why not acknowledge their presence and contribution to humans? In that vein, the UN celebrates World Oceans Day 2024 with the theme Awaken New Depths on June 7th. This upcoming event provides the perfect time for awakening new depths... Read more

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