August 9, 2024

LIFE OBSERVATIONS I don’t know about you, but I think my Lord Jesus has a great sense of humor. I think Jesus actually enjoys us. Yes, He is my Lord and King and I have wept many many many times in sheer joy of his compassion, but my God is funny too. He can be funny without saying a word. I imagine you can look at his expression and crack up.  He loves to see life, I believe, through my/your... Read more

July 27, 2024

IT IS JUST ME AND THE HOUNDS. I have been ‘retired’ now for—two full months. It’s just me and the hounds.  I’m not going to count the first time I retired, three years prior to that? Two novels ago—I think? Now, those of you who know me or who have seen me on TV or the radio, I am a different guy. Mark, you don’t look that, well, old. I’m not. I’m also not on TV. But the interesting thing... Read more

July 21, 2024

Let’s talk the basics first, keeping us within the lane of this short discussion—Jesus living in us guys, boys, men. Who are we? Read more

July 13, 2024

I have to go to church, I need to pray more, I need to give more, I need to read the Bible more, I need to love better, I need… I need… Here’s a different idea—that’s Satan wanting you to make it about you. Jesus wants us to keep an eye on Him, His example of love, sacrificial love. Signs, He will sometimes let us see ourselves. Read more

June 29, 2024

Is the Lord, Jesus, involved in the issues today? If he does, where is He or is He just letting things happen, and then the question, why? Read more

May 25, 2024

We all have influence, some good, some not so good. Read more

May 11, 2024

‘m My two favorite/Williams SOMETIMES Sometimes, we can sit and pop a soda and take a breath. Maybe sit under a mesquite tree and feel the last of the cool spring breeze before that breeze can be used to cook a rotisserie chicken. Of course, it would have to be before dawn, but who isn’t up peeing then anyways. It gives us a chance to take an accounting of our lives, as we sit or stand, holding on to the... Read more

April 21, 2024

Where is this Jesus Fella? Where is Jesus? I don’t mean to say that flippantly, but where the hell is He? The son of God, one of the Big Three in the Holy Trinity, and while the world appears to be burning  collective minds to the ground, WHERETHEHELLISHE? Does he not see what is going on? Does He even care?      …there have been other seasons…. Over history, I guess, there have been other seasons where people have asked... Read more

March 16, 2024

We don't get many choices in the theater of this life of how we get to die. Read more

February 18, 2024

There is only one place to be in that storm, which can overwhelm us and swallow us. It is next to The Captain. Read more

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