Jesus Loves Us, Even When We Fail

Jesus Loves Us, Even When We Fail July 27, 2024


I have been ‘retired’ now for—two full months. It’s just me and the hounds.  I’m not going to count the first time I retired, three years prior to that? Two novels ago—I think? Now, those of you who know me or who have seen me on TV or the radio, I am a different guy. Mark, you don’t look that, well, old. I’m not. I’m also not on TV. But the interesting thing about retirement is everyone wants to get there, then—once you’re there, no one really knows what to do with it.

I mean, do you trim the hedges today? Volunteer at the food bank, drive a grandkid somewhere? Help with a yard work? Do tomorrow’s laundry-today? Go to the gym? Go to the real early gym? Write another chapter? And how long am I doing this? YEARS? Until the Grey Ghost of Umbria comes and claims my soul?


     I like history

There was at a Bible study I attended the other night, and we were talking about stuff in Acts 19. I like Bible studies and have missed them, more for the history than the lyrics. I simply like talking about, well, history. Like Lincoln lost every election he ran in until he hit a homer with the Big Job. Then he changed the world. Acts 19 has lots of names. You find them elsewhere in the Bible but here, it was well, all these people listed above were here, kind of a run. Maybe someone got something out of it, but I just saw a list in a story, written in a letter.

The author was telling a story, and these people were there. I forget how we got on the railroad tracks on this, but it was towards the end of the discussion. It was a story on struggle and believing—a light topic, especially if you are farther down the bank of the river than others in the group. Someone asked what we say to those who are, you know, struggling?

I think I was polite. When asked, I simply said I had and I would usually say to them, especially young men—’by they way, you will fail. Sometimes, again and again.’ Probably not something someone who is looking for a holy act of the Lord God Almighty to come down and smite some sombitch.


But we will-fail.

Sometimes often.

It’s not that we can’t fail. We are allowed to fail. Sometimes, our success also includes getting eaten by the Great Fish. Jesus allows it to happen. He allows us to fail. Why would he do that? He could stop it, right?

Right. All I can say is for myself, after decades, my best moments with the Lord is in the middle of a dumpster fire. I have learned to listen for his voice, not the audible kind, the Holy Spirit kind.

Yaaayyyy. That’s what I want to here. I will fail and I will fail often. I was waiting for a response which was almost coming until I used Abraham Lincoln as the example of a repetitive failure. Until he hit a home run. Then he changed the world.

Knowing you can fail and still have not failed in the eyes of Dad, is empowering. It is life changing. It is freeing. Someone else, please, move my arms and legs for me! God loves us to ask for help. He knows it’s coming and yet, he still loves it.

The Plan is perfect.



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About Mark Williams

Mark is the fourth generation of his family to live in the valley.

He attends Open Door Fellowship in Phoenix, Arizona, is widowed after being married for almost thirty-eight years, has three children, and ten grandchildren. He has published eight novels and one non-fiction book.

His idea of the perfect ending to any day is curling up in his comfy bed with a good book and reading until his eyes cross. You can read more about the author here.

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