Is Jesus, our Lord, In Politics?

Is Jesus, our Lord, In Politics? June 29, 2024

walking in the desert


Is the Lord, Jesus, involved in the issues of today? Does Jesus and politics go together? If he is, where is He or is He just letting things happen, and then the question, why?

There is so much actual turmoil in the world today. It was almost easier to handle when it was things like Vietnam or Iraq. In those days, the chaos was seemingly like ‘over there’ even though riots and issues were still present here. Basement influencers, a term never heard of just a couple of years ago, didn’t exist.

     It seems like…

We are individually being sucked into a dark room of fear and the unknown. Leaders say one thing on one station and the exact opposite on another. Their character is questioned; their ideas are made fun of. Countries we are told to be fearful of, are actually performing fearful moves—or are they? It’s hard to tell because there is trepidation of trusting what is told to us and by whom.

And Satan smiles.

Sometimes, it feels like a desert. The dry, hot air sucks the air out of our own lungs. Living in Phoenix, I know what that feels like. We walk outside and wonder who turned on the oven and wonder who and when will the oven get turned off!

     We find ourselves….

Then, we turn to blame—someone, anyone for the dogmatic mess we find ourselves in.  Instead of polite conversation with opposite viewpoints, we find ourselves getting angry and frustrated and fear swells in us because we cannot understand how the other side could be on the other side and not agree with our logical assessment of the world, the local view, or the seemingly new beliefs swirling around our heads.

And Satan smiles.

     Why is He letting it happen?

We are overloaded on social media with ideas and viewpoints we are finding out might be generated by a computer program. How do you argue with a computer? Could the computer, designed to be bigger, faster, smarter, than any of us, not be right? It’s a computer. It has to be right. Could we actually be wrong? Is Jesus, our Lord, not aware of what is going on? Why is He letting it happen?

And Satan smiles.

Here is what I have found having walked in that desert several times, like many many many of you, in my life. Jesus-our Lord, is here, with us. He is in our homes, he is in our hearts if we want him to be, He is in politics, He is in our joy, and our tears. God never says ‘oops.’ He never makes a mistake; He never leaves us or forsakes us. But he will let us experience things, times, seasons, events. All in order to draw us to Him. We have politized Him. What have you done for Jesus today? We think we need to chant. Onward Christian soldier the song of our parents and grandparents’ hum. If you’re a Christian, you vote this way.

How about if I do the opposite? How about if I just get quiet?

What if I listen to my Dad and just be still and know….


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About Mark Williams
Mark Williams spent the first twenty-one years of his career as a Special Agent for the Organized Crime Division of the State Attorney General’s Office. As part of his duties, he investigated organized crime, homicides, and fraud cases submitted by other agencies to that office. He has traveled across the United States as an instructor for law enforcement in various capacities. After he retired, he became a high school English teacher at an inner-city school in central Phoenix where he is the fourth generation in his family to live in the valley. Mark was married for almost thirty-eight years and is a retired widower. He has three children and ten grandchildren. You can read more about the author here.

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