Can You Sense The Shift?

Can You Sense The Shift? July 29, 2024

Can you sense the shift?

There is definitely a shift happening. A shift away from what is phony. A shift away from what is draining. A shift away from what is not connecting. A shift away from what doesn’t make sense. I have to tell you, I love that for us. I especially love that for me.

It only occurred to me this past weekend why this blog that I once was so delighted and honored to bring to you had become a chore for me. I’ve blogged on other platforms, but I always felt most comfortable on my own turf. I just realized that was the big disconnect for me. For some crazy reason I began to craft my posts from a sort of scholarly leaning angle. Of course, I had to include a few laughs and a few personal insights, but it was not nearly enough. And honestly it did not bring me joy. But from this point on that will be no more. I am a real girl from the hood. I don’t know how I woke up one day and decided to play classroom lecturer on this platform. That is really crazy to me! Shout out to our Big God for turning on the light switch!

So from here on out I will be sharing more personal experiences and transparent moments. I will also share various quotes which will not only come from the Bible but from music, television, movies or even conversations I find myself in during the week.

So here we go, all new. You ready? Let’s go, let’s shift.

Allow me to welcome you to the new and improved Live Full Die Empty. This will be the place where we share ourselves and grow. Here we believe in filling our cups with faith, not just coffee! With that being said, I’m looking forward to introducing new elements into the blog.

The quote that stuck out to me over the last few days comes from one of my favorite shows which I’ll share more about later. Here it is:
“The order of things has changed.”

Whew! That’s powerful. Life these days can feel like trying to sip coffee during an earthquake—everything’s shaking, and you just hope not to spill. In all this chaos, how do we find our footing? Well, we have a secret weapon: our faith. I choose to look at this wind of change from a positive standpoint versus one that will give us anxiety. Everything is changing and it’s happening fast.

A month ago my family was intact, or at least that’s how it appeared. Fast forward to now, my aunt has passed away and relationships are fractured. But on the other hand some family members are closer than ever. A month ago the political climate in this country was completely different. Fast forward to now and both racism and sexism have reared their ugly heads in the face of an exciting new presidential nominee. And yet her presence at the forefront has led to record breaking fundraising. It looks like you and I have to keep growing and changing with the world around us so we don’t get left behind.

Personally I’m ready. You know that feeling when you’re snuggled up with a good book or favorite TV show, and suddenly everything feels right? Imagine having that sense of peace all the time. That’s the kind of peace our faith offers—a calm that doesn’t depend on the world’s craziness. It’s like having noise-canceling headphones for your soul.

In a world that loves to slap labels on us, it’s easy to forget who you really are. But here’s the thing: our true identity isn’t found in our job titles, our social media followers, or even our favorite brands. It’s about knowing we are loved and valued beyond measure. It’s like getting backstage passes with VIP access to everything, and nothing can take that away.

Life’s challenges can sometimes feel like they’re on a mission to test our patience. But faith isn’t just for sunny days; it’s our umbrella in the storm. It’s about holding on to hope and believing in better days, even when the sky is gloomy and gray. We gotta keep that umbrella in our bag and remember that sunny days are just around the corner.

Life is full of ups and downs and the world is full of twists and turns. Good thing we have peace, hope, love and truth on our side

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