Passion & Friendship

Passion & Friendship May 6, 2024

In discussing passion and friendship some people may say these things are totally opposite, or on a good day they can come together in your significant other or your romantic relationship. I’m here to tell you that these two go together all the time. And especially so when it comes to your Christian life. Even though I grew up in church, I’m just six years into this brand new life with Christ- this real, consistent, abundant life that we don’t hear enough about. It was a very painful process getting here. But now that I’ve come to this understanding, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Like I said before, I’ve been in church my entire life. I was christened when I was two; I was baptized when I was 12; I was teaching Bible study at 18; I was teaching youth class and women’s classes in my early 20s. But there was always something missing. I couldn’t put my finger on it then, but there was something that was giving emptiness. There was a yearning for something outside of the establishment that I had been taught and that I was teaching. It was passion.

I didn’t know it then, but I was looking for fulfillment. At the time I didn’t find it in church or anything the church was offering. I tried to find it in people. I tried to find it in parties. I tried to find it in food. I tried to find it in alcohol. Those were only temporary fixes- they were all fleeting. Things changed when I realized that Jesus, who had all consuming love for me, wanted to be my friend. God was not looking to punish me. He was looking to further His mission through me. That mission was souls being saved and returning to Him. It was not about empty rhetoric; it was not about rules and doctrine. It was about relationship. It was about me becoming my best self and giving others permission to do the same through the power of the Holy Spirit. I’m passionate about that mission. I’m passionate about people knowing that their is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. That friend laid down His life for humanity. That friend knows no end. That friend is Jesus.

Six years ago when I was working on a construction site, despite my regular church attendance, prayer life, and love for gospel music, I found myself living almost a double life. At work, I was known for telling people off. I was what you call nice-nasty.

It was a stark contrast to the values I professed to hold dear. I realized that although I was spending time with Jesus in my personal life, I wasn’t fully allowing His presence to penetrate every aspect of my being. I was compartmentalizing my faith, keeping it separate from my work and social life.

But as I deepened my relationship with Jesus and truly embraced Him as my friend, I began to experience a transformation. His love and grace spread to every corner of my existence. Now that includes socially and professionally as well. After many stressful days in hospitals and doctors offices I had to surrender my healung journey to God. It caused me to spend lots of wuite time with him. I found myself wanting others healed and my behavior changed to line up with what i was preaching and teaching. I began speaking with kindness, acting with integrity, and treating others with respect.

Having Jesus as my friend didn’t just change my spiritual life; it transformed my entire way of living. It taught me that true friendship with Jesus isn’t confined to church walls or quiet moments of prayer—it’s meant to be lived out loud, in every interaction, in every circumstance. In a world filled with constant change and uncertainty, the concept of friendship might seem outdated or even trivial. But what if I told you that there is a friend who knows you inside out, and who will never leave or forsake you? That friend is my Lord Jesus.

Having a friend in Jesus goes beyond simply believing in Him or following religious rituals. It’s about experiencing a deep, personal relationship with the One who created you, loves you unconditionally, and knows you better than you know yourself.

In the hustle and bustle of “normal” life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, lonely, or lost. But when you have Jesus as your friend, you have a constant companion who walks beside you through every season of life. He is the anchor in the storm, the light in the darkness, and the source of unending love and grace. That’s abundant life.

Having a friend in Jesus means finding your truest identity in Him. It means understanding that your worth and value are not determined by your accomplishments, possessions, or the opinions of others, but by the unconditional love of your Heavenly Father.

Jesus is not just a historical figure or a distant deity to be worshipped from afar. He is a living, breathing friend who desires to walk with you, talk with you, and be intimately involved in every aspect of your life. He is the friend who knows your joys and sorrows, your struggles and triumphs, and who promises to never leave you or let you down.

After everything I’ve been through, I understand that Jesus is not just a distant figure in the pages of a book; He is a living, breathing friend who walks beside me every step of the way. And that friendship has made all the difference in my life. It’s what drives my passion. Are you ready to experience the transformative power of friendship with Jesus? My prayer is that you are and if you have questions or want someone to talk to while you’re in your process feel free to hit me up

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