Achieving Wealth – Learn to MANIFEST – Lesson 13

Achieving Wealth – Learn to MANIFEST – Lesson 13 July 14, 2024

Achieving Wealth – Learn to Manifest – Lesson 13/Image courtesy of Bing Copyright-Free Images

Yes, to Achieve Wealth, Learn to MANIFEST Your Desire!

Lesson 12 explained the power of Creative Visualization.  This wonderful tool helps you understand that whatever you desire, IF YOU CAN SEE IT IN YOUR MIND, YOU CAN MANIFEST IT INTO REALITY.  

The well-known author Gregg Braden said it best:  “You can manifest the life you truly want with clear intention, emotional intelligence and imagination…like it or not, your life is what you have chosen.”

If you are struggling in your chosen career and afraid you won’t make it, you are generating a lot of negative energy.  And since THOUGHTS ARE THINGS, those negative thoughts can end up manifesting the very thing that you fear.  This is the point at which you release those negative thoughts and focus on what it is you WANT.

To Achieve Wealth, You Must BELIEVE in Your Desire

Many of you have desires that you can “see” in your mind, but those desires never reach fruition.  Why?  We now come to the “believing” part.  Seeing your desires in your mind won’t manifest those desires. Above all, you must also BELIEVE you can have what you desire.

So, this issue of “believing” you can have what you desire can only be accomplished if you not only see yourself reaching your desired goal, but also SEE THE STEPS INVOLVED IN REACHING THAT DESIRED GOAL.

To Achieve Wealth, You Must Also Regain Your Focus

I had dinner one night with a friend who was struggling with his real estate business.  He was disappointed and was thinking about trying something else.  I knew he really wanted to make this business work, so I suggested that he just needed to regain his FOCUS.  Consequently, if he could see in his mind’s eye how he could succeed, he would indeed be successful.

I took a paper napkin lying on the table and got out my ink pen and drew a diagram.  I said, “OK, all you need is to get ONE LISTING.  From that single listing, you design a good ad to advertise that property.  Let’s say that off that one ad, you get FOUR qualified buyers.  One of these four qualified buyers will purchase your listing, and the other three you will sell another house.  One of these four people will have a house to sell, and YOU GET THE LISTING.

“From that listing, you run a good ad, and from that ad you get four qualified people who respond.  One of those four people has a house to sell, and YOU GET THAT LISTING.  You also sell all four people a house.  And from your new listing you get four qualified people, one of whom has a house to sell, and YOU GET THAT LISTING…do you get what I’m saying?

Visualize the Steps Involved in Manifesting Your Desires

All the time I was talking, I was making a diagram on the napkin.  When I finished my diagram, we had 76 SALES HE COULD MAKE!  I handed the napkin to him and said, “Off of that one listing you just sold 76 HOUSES!  Can you handle that?  Better yet, can you SEE THAT?”

He smiled at me, took the napkin, folded it up, and put it in his pocket.  He said, “Well, this has really given me something to think about.”

My Friend Manifested His Dream!

About a year later, my friend called and invited me to lunch.  After we finished our meal, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the paper napkin I had given him. With a big smile on his face he said, “Do you remember this napkin?  Well, after I left you that night, I kept thinking about that diagram.  I kept thinking that off of ONE SINGLE LISTING I could sell 76 HOUSES!  That’s all I need – just ONE LISTING!

“I carried this napkin with me all last year, pulling it out, looking at it, thinking about it.  I kept thinking that all I needed to get started was ONE LISTING.  Well, I got that initial one listing, and guess what?  I sold EXACTLY 76 HOUSES THIS PAST YEAR!”

Wow!  Fabulous!  My only regret was that I didn’t continue drawing even more sales on that napkin!  Imagine what he could have accomplished if I said, “It looks like you can sell 150 houses in the next year!”

His Vision Became an Attainable Goal!

My friend explained to me that my diagram allowed him to “visualize” his potential business.  Suddenly he saw it as an ATTAINABLE GOAL, and he immediately set out to get that first listing.

This was not a fluke.  What my friend experienced is based on the Universal Law of CREATIVE VISUALIZATION.  If you can see it in your mind, you can manifest it into reality.  It really works!

This Week’s Course of Action

If there is something that you desire, begin to visualize it in your mind.

  • You want a promotion at work. Visualize yourself in that new position.  See yourself going about your daily duties in that new position.  Hold that vision daily and watch it manifest.
  • You want more business to flow in. See yourself receiving emails from people scheduling an appointment, and you are checking your calendar to fit them in, or going to your website and seeing numerous orders coming in, and you are singing out loud as you fill your orders!
  • You hate your job but don’t know what you would like to do. Close your eyes and visualize the duties you are currently doing that you enjoy.  Begin to get a clear picture of what other career would permit you to utilize your skills and talents.
  • You want to move to a new place. Close your eyes and visualize your perfect place to live, whether it’s an apartment or house.  What does this apartment or house look like?  How will you arrange your furniture?  What neighborhood do you see it in?  How much are you paying for rent?
  • You are lonely and would really like to meet someone to share your life with. Close your eyes and visualize meeting them.  What do you talk about?  What shared interests do you have?  What does he or she look like?  How do they make you feel?

Just remember that the more you can SEE your desires, the quicker they will manifest.  Go for it!

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