Is God at the Olympics?

Is God at the Olympics? July 28, 2024

2024 Olympics with God
2024 Olympics with God. Designed in Canva


God is in the Athletes


“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20 (  There are a minimum of 20 Christians who are competing in the 2024 Olympics being held now in Paris. So, yes, God is at the Olympics!


The following will highlight 10 Christian women competing in the Olympics and share how they are making a difference living their Christian faith. These women are Kayla Alexander, Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, Keturah Orji, Kennedy Blades, Alison Gibson, Anna hall, Maggie Malone Hardin, Simone Manuel, Helen Maroulis and Mallory Swanson.


It is intriguing how these women are publicly sharing their faith, when in today’s society it is not always welcome. Upon researching if there were any Christian women competing in the olympics this year, I came across two lists that I encourage you to check out. One was online at  Christianity Today and the other one was online at Sports Spectrum. Both presented these athletes plus more as living their Christianity publicly. Are you living your Christianity publicly?


Kayla Alexander

Kayla Alexander. Photo from Facebook

Starting with Kayla Alexander, you need to check out her Instagram account.

Her profile clearly states

“Jesus First.” According to,  Kayla “would like to be a teacher after basketball… Author and illustrator of a children’s book entitled ‘The Magic of Basketball’… Founded an online clothing directory for tall women called ‘Tall Size.’”

Kayla often talks about God working in her life. Here is one example from her Instagram account, “God said we’re not done yet! When they say He works in mysterious ways, let this be the example!”


Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone


Similarly, Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, has the first line on her Instagram account as “Jesus is Lord.”

Sydney McLaughlin Photo from Instagram

She also brings God to the Olympics through her social media account as she writes, “He gives grace for every hurdle” She also wrote a book called,

Far Beyond Gold ” where she shares about her faith journey and her experience fighting anxiety and perfectionism. She tells how much of her self-worth and identity have shifted in the process of finding that she can do nothing apart from God.


Keturah Orji

Keturah Orji
Picture from Facebook

Although Keturah Orji does put  God or Jesus in her instagram profile, she does give God the glory in her posts like this one : “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven.” John‬ ‭3‬:‭27‬

Thankful for everything God has given me”


Kennedy Blades

Kennedy Blades
Photo from Facebook, Women’s Sports

At 20 years old, Kennedy Blades “needs to be honest” and publicly shares during an interview that Jesus

is King and coming soon. In her Instagram profile, she states “Follower of Christ.” Looking through her posts, you can see that she not only embraces the Olympic role, but also that of an ordinary person. She has fun, works hard and loves horses. All with a foundation in Christ.


Alison Gibson


In an interview with Sports Spectrum Magazine, Alison Gibson talked about prayer and how her identity is centered in Christ. She states, ““and God made me uniquely for this purpose and for this path.”

Alison Gibson Photo from Facebook, Bible Study Fellowship Austin TX Young Adults

(Summer 2024 edition). In interviews as seen on BeliefNet, she gives all glory to God.  Her Instagram account profile shows she is Christian by encouraging, “Sponsor an MOHI Child” and sharing Romans 5:3-5.

Purpose was discussed and posed as a question to you in the column on Patheos, Graceful Awakening. You can read “Who did God Create You to be?” here. How do you publicly live your life so that people know God is present?


Anna Hall


Anna Hall spoke openly about growing her faith on the Sports Spectrum Podcast. She also has “follower

Anna Hall
Photo from LinkedIn

of Christ” on her Instagram account. Every opportunity, whether it be on social media, in interviews or in person, provides an opportunity to bring God to the Olympics for the world to see!





Maggie Malone Hardin


Maggie Malone Hardin also talks about her identity being in Christ. It doesn’t matter what struggles or failures she experiences because that is not where her identity lies. It lies in Christ. Her Instagram profile lists “Believer.”  In a 2023 interview on YouTube with Lactic Acid, she talks about how she leans on God and what he has taught her. She also talks about her trust in God. She connects her faith to her success and uses her success to spread Jesus. She definitely brings God to the Olympics!


 Simone Manuel


 On Simone Manuel’s Instagram Profile, she lists Phil 4:13. This verse is ”‘I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me.” ( She shared on her Instagram “It all started with a call to be obedient and faithful to God’s calling and purpose for my life.” glory brings Him with her to the Olympics!Giving God the 


 Helen Maroulis 


 Helen Maroulis brings her faith and God into her interviews. She posts publicly about God on her Instagram account like this one, “And Jesus said to him “anything is possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23) ⁣” In an article online for Athletes In Action, she talks about how Christ is in her and how she preaches to herself in times of doubt. It is clear that Christ strengthens her as she brings God with her to the Olympics.


Mallory Swanson


In the article on Movie Guide, Mallory Swanson talks about how she cannot live without God. Like many of us, her personal faith did not take root until her young adult years. It was actually a friend who provided testimony and lived her life through God that helped Mallory grow in her faith. Like many of the athletes mentioned her, Mallory gives thanks to God for the blessings she receives and does so publicly as you can see on her Instagram account.


Go Make Disciples


As you can see, God IS at the Olympics because He is in each of these athletes plus many more that are not mentioned here. By your baptism, you are called to “Go, therefore,* and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19 (


How can you live your life publicly so that people know God is in you and with you? He should be seen in  your actions and in your words. God is everywhere. Show HIM. So yes, God is at the Olympics!

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