July 7, 2024

 Peace is the Way Peace is a continuous wish. We wish for it between countries, people and within ourselves. It cannot just be a wish it must be the manner of our being. Peace must drive our ideas,, our creations, the form of the world.   Peace is Between Individuals as Well We hear about  activists who strive to end wars. That is a wonderful cause. I don’t think there is any other option. However, one should not forget the... Read more

May 30, 2024

Triad of Human Experience,  and A Complex World Life’s journey is made up of a rainbow of emotions, each one helping shape our existence in profound ways. Among these, joy, gratitude, and grief are essential to our everyday living, they are deeeply connected and aid us in understanding the world. These days, the world has gotten very hard to understand. Moments of joy and gratitude help carry me through the many waves of grief. The massacre of October 7th still... Read more

February 13, 2024

I didn’t know, how I would hold hope amidst the sounds of war? Hope used to be one of the brightest in my garden of moments. I would advocate for its sweetness. In the most challenging of times, guide the ill and grieving. To their own treasures of hope. And then Oct 7th happened. My soul was captured by grief, fear, pain and unbearable sadness. Hope seemed to have fled down the rivers of my tears. I didn’t know, how... Read more

January 5, 2024

It is almost 100 days since Hamas massacred and took hostages from the villages of Southern Israel. It takes courage to hold hope in challenging times. In between the two there can be many moments of darkness. It is almost 100 days since Hamas massacred and took hostages from the villages of Southern Israel. Surviving such a traumatic experience takes immense courage. Speaking up afterward requires strength and resilience beyond measure. I know listening to their bravery allows me to... Read more

November 8, 2023

   A month has passed since the horrific massacre of Oct 7th, 2023, in Israel. Yesterday a dear woman asked me” What has it been like for you this past month.” I replied with no hesitation” Like it is Oct 7th every day.”. A month has passed since the horrific massacre of Oct 7th, 2023, in Israel. For me, every day feels like it is still Oct. 7th. My days have no names, Sunday, Tuesday they are all mixed into... Read more

October 13, 2023

  The similarities of films of the Holocaust and the evil brutality of Nazis I saw as a young girl. I have sat down numerous times in an effort to write this column. But the dictionary of words to describe any of the occurrences in Israel on Saturday 10.7.23 was blank. The atrocities of the Hamas terrorists did in Israel echoes the barbarisms of Isis and  the Nazis. I will not share with you the gruesome photos of what Israeli... Read more

October 5, 2023

Spiritual practice, regardless of one’s religious or philosophical beliefs, plays a pivotal role in promoting good mental health.   There is an essential link between spiritual practice and mental health. In our chaotic world, the pursuit for good mental health has become a dominant concern. An abundance of advice on stress reduction, self- awareness and emotional well-being surrounds us. However, the topic of spiritual practice is often thought of as only belonging to the religious or observant. Ignoring the important... Read more

September 21, 2023

50 years after the Yom Kippur war, my soul remembers. Yom Kippur is known as a day of atonement and self- forgiveness. A time for reconciliation and spiritual growth. However, for me, it is not just about forgiveness. It is a reminder of my first true meeting with loss and grief. The pains of war. 50 years after the  war, my soul remembers. I had just turned 15, it was a warm but comfortable Oct. day. The quiet and peacefulness... Read more

September 13, 2023

What feels different about Rosh Hashana this year? Rosh Hashanah has always been a very special time of year for me, my soul my being. I would prepare with excitement a readiness for self -reflection. I looked forward to spending time with my spiritual home in NYC Romemu synagogue. Where spiritual, musical and soul nurturing services would wrap their arms around me. However, there is a different energy in the realm of Rosh Hashana. So, what feels different about Rosh... Read more

September 6, 2023

Autumn offers many spiritual reflections. As each new season approaches, nature shares her wisdom on the gift of renewal. Autumn offers many spiritual reflections. The constant visual change of its landscape making it easier for the soul to understand. In this way, inviting us to pause for introspection and gaze into our own heart’s landscape.     By doing so we make room for our own spiritual growth. Changing leaves become our teachers, our guide to transition and letting go. At... Read more

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