It’s been over two months since the October 7 massacre, violent rape, maiming and kidnapping of Jews living in Israel, as well as innocent foreign workers who were victims of Hamas’ brutal rampage. Since then, Israeli military forces are battling Hamas inside Gaza, trying to wipe the scourge of terrorism against Israel once and for all.
Spread of Antisemitism
The world backlash has been palpable, with the victims being blamed for existing. Every day – countless acts of antisemitism have been committed throughout the world, Jewish people attacked and some even killed, Jewish businesses desecrated, and more.
The scourge of antisemitism has been blasted (with acceptance) from the grounds of some of the most elite university campuses in America, as well as local elementary and high schools.
One local mother in north Atlanta decided to take action after two of her school age children were subjected to taunting, inflammatory rhetoric, and exposure to symbolic paraphernalia that condones and celebrates the Hamas terrorist acts of October 7. Children are being allowed to walk around with Palestinian flags and wear the red and white scarves (keffiyehs) which glorify the terrorist organization Hamas.
Taking Action
After her requests to the school fell on deaf ears, Illanit Kazula voiced her concerns in front of the Fulton County School Board at a recent panel meeting. She was given a total of 5 minutes to appeal to the Board about what was happening at her children’s school.
The blatant display of flags, keffiyehs and other paraphernalia are making her children feel intimidated and afraid to go to school.
“We need to take politics out of this,” says Kazula. ” This is not about politics and nationalism, I am not asking for my children to be able to wear the Israeli flag at school, this should be a neutral zone where children come to learn.”
So far, Kazula and other Jewish leaders say they have received little response from the school board, who continue to allow children to display the paraphernalia, referring to the keffiyeh as a “soccer flag.”
A Matter of Principle
“If African American children come to school and see other children wearing a white hood and other KKK paraphernalia, how would that make them feel, and how would that be accepted?” she adds. This is exactly the same – a group of people who are given the permission – in the name of free speech – to glorify a terrorist organization that is bent on the destruction of the Jewish race.
Kazula says that she has yet to hear any response from the school board, or her children’s school, about the ongoing issue.
Her next step, says Kazula, is to team up with a group of other like-minded leaders in the Jewish community and file a Title 6 Complaint – part of the Civil Rights Act – that protects students.
“I will not stop until my children and children of other faiths – can go to public school without feeling fearful because of their background, religion, and identity.