Jesus is Spelled with a U: Discover You in Christ!

Jesus is Spelled with a U: Discover You in Christ! August 6, 2024

Welcome back to Live Full Die Empty, where we believe in filling our cups with faith, not just coffee! It’s a brand new month which means we have the opportunity to press the Fresh Start button. Ding! Did you get that notification? We can look forward and welcome all the goodness ahead. Here’s our chance for a new beginning with new memories. Let’s kick this post off with a bit of gratitude, shall we?

To be honest I am so glad July is over. I’m glad to feel the sun peering through the clouds of the past month. I’m grateful that I’m processing through the grief of my aunt passing. I’m also grateful for how I’m connected to my family. My stance is: we’re together and we’re going to be okay.

While we’re talking family, my quote for this week comes from a different type of family show, Unprisoned, starring Kerry Washington and Delroy Lindo. Kerry plays a therapist who is also a single mom that has unresolved issues from her childhood. Delroy plays the absentee father, an ex-convict, who comes to live with Kerry’s character Paige. It’s one of those shows that pulls you in because it’s so relatable and then punches you in the gut a little because it makes you look at yourself. It’s streaming on Hulu and I highly recommend. 10 out of 10.

“I won! I won!”
“Did you though, really?”

This is what Paige yelled as she clobbered her dad with the news that all her unresolved issues stemmed from him cycling in and out of prison her whole life. Then the question at the end was posed by her therapist to ask if hitting your loved one over the head with your emotional trauma is really winning. That’s definitely something for us to think about.

Our childhood experiences speak so deeply to who we become in life.

Let’s see what else is new this week… I had the weirdest, most detailed dream that I’ve had in years. Feel free to head over to The Healed Girl YouTube channel (@thehealedgirl) for all of the crazy yummy deets. In short: I slipped into a space where I did not have access to what I knew as my home, only to wander into a place that was so much larger and far more beautiful than I could’ve imagined. It was simply a matter of me turning a corner.

I belive there was a message in it for me. I reached a place where it was not easy for me to go back home. I had to take another route and the new route led me to open my eyes and expectations. I hadn’t physically moved very far at all. My heart and mind had to move though. Wow again, right?

As I’m shifting into this new month I also want to step into a better mindset. I have to rid myself of any toxic thoughts lurking in the background, trying to slide under the radar. Thoughts like, I’m not enough or I don’t have enough. Yes, I am a blood-bought Believer. Yes, I am in therapy and doing the work. And yes I still have thoughts and underlying questions of my self worth. Talk about a transparent moment! Whew.

Keeping that same energy, I want to talk about something foundational to our Christian walk: understanding our identity in Christ. Knowing who we are in Him is not just a theological concept—it’s a practical, life-changing truth that can transform how we live each day.

Ephesians 2:10, says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Here we are reminded that we are not random beings, wandering aimlessly. We are God’s masterpiece, crafted with purpose and intention. Every gift, every talent, and every experience you’ve had is part of God’s unique design for you. He carved you out for Himself.

But what does it mean to find our identity in Christ? It means seeing ourselves through God’s eyes. It means recognizing that our worth is not based on our accomplishments, our past, or others’ opinions. In Christ, we are loved, forgiven, and set free. This means that our mistakes don’t define us—His grace does.

So how do you put it into practice?
Spend time with God.
Spend time in His Word.

Discovering your identity in Christ involves spending time with Him and in His Word. The more we learn about Jesus, the more we understand who we’re meant to be. It’s in prayer and meditation on scripture that we can hear God affirming our worth and calling. Take time to reflect on verses that speak to your identity, like Galatians 2:20, which says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.”

Another key piece is surrounding ourselves with a community that encourages us in our faith journey. The Word tells us that iron sharpens iron. Find a group of believers who remind you of God’s truth about who you are. Engage in conversations that uplift and build your faith. Let me take a moment here to invite all of my my lady readers to the Chosen Chick Discussion Group on Facebook. I created it especially for this reason. I wanted to carve out a safe space for Christian women to connect, laugh, learn, and chat.

As we grow in our understanding of our identity in Christ, we become more confident in stepping into the purpose He has for us. This confidence isn’t based on our abilities but on His power working through us. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. When we believe this truth, we can pursue our passions, serve others, and live out our calling without fear.

Remember, discovering your identity in Christ is a journey. It’s about daily surrendering to His will and trusting that He knows what’s best for you. It’s about allowing Him to shape your character and guide your steps.

So, let’s commit to seeking God wholeheartedly, knowing that our identity is secure in Him. Let’s encourage each other to grow in faith and purpose, walking confidently in the truth of who we are in Christ.

Peace be unto you Friend.

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