National Eucharistic Congress Indianapolis: Day One

National Eucharistic Congress Indianapolis: Day One July 17, 2024

The National Eucharistic Congress hosted in Indianapolis is off to a start.  Catholics in the United States has waited since 1941 to gather for an event such as this one.  Organized within the context of the National Eucharistic Revival, this Congress hopes to foster deeper devotion to and a greater understanding of the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

The initial experience of the Congress for many pilgrims was rather difficult.  Lines to receive the necessary credentials wrapped around the convention center for blocks.  Some people waited three hours in line.  An email was sent to all those registered recognizing that the check-in process was taking longer than anticipated, and that steps were being taken to improve waiting times.

The grand hall of the Convention Center is filled with scores of Catholic organizations and vendors.  I had a quick look and very much look forward to spending a few hours in the hall.  I already made some purchases!

The opening session at the Lucas Oil Stadium was impressive.  I estimate that close to the 50,000 registered participants were present.  Representatives from the four pilgrimage routes that have traveled from the four corners of the United States entered the stadium to much cheer.  The Congress then officially started with a Eucharistic Procession led by Bishop Cozzens.  A magnificent monstrance was placed at the center of the stadium reminiscent of the imagery of the Book of Revelation where a countless multitude gather to worship the Lamb.

Though I very much appreciated starting the Congress with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, I found a full hour in such a setting to be too much.  Bishop Cozzens led us in a beautiful prayer, which however was quite long, I wonder how many were able to focus.  The two keynote speakers were Cardinal Christophe Pierre, the Papal Nuncio to the United States and Sister Bethany Madonna of the Sisters of Life.  The Cardinal gave a reflection on Eucharistic Revival, and Sister Bethany Madonna led us through a profound reflection.

Many blessings await the pilgrims in Indianapolis.  May Jesus be proclaimed and worshiped these days, so that all may return home to bear witness to His presence among us.

Picture is mine.

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National Eucharistic Congress Indianapolis: Day One
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