Patheos Featured Writers

Roger E. Olson
Patheos Reviewer

Roger E. Olson is professor of theology at George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University in Waco, Texas.  His Ph.D. in Religious Studies is from Rice University and he graduated from North American Baptist Seminary.  He is the author of thirteen books on theology, is contributing editor of Christianity Today magazine and served as general editor of Christian Scholar's Review.  He has also been president of the American Theological Society and co-chair of the Evangelical Theology Group of the American Academy of Religion.  His special areas of interest lie in historical theology and American religious denominations and sects.

Works by Roger E. Olson
A New Discussion Topic: American Evangelicalism
Roger E. Olson | August 10, 2024
Does Calvinism Deny God’s Goodness?
Roger E. Olson | August 08, 2024
A Statement of Faith (Doctrines)
Roger E. Olson | August 05, 2024
Is There a Doctrine in the House?
Roger E. Olson | August 03, 2024
Pay Attention to All that Trump Has Said and Done
Roger E. Olson | July 31, 2024
If This Doesn’t Do It…Nothing Will
Roger E. Olson | July 30, 2024
Us For Them: Chapter 9: Twenty-Six Names
Roger E. Olson | July 28, 2024
Roger E. Olson | July 27, 2024
Bad Faith?
Roger E. Olson | July 24, 2024
Us For Them: Chapter 8: Wendell Berry…
Roger E. Olson | July 22, 2024
Trump and Putin and NATO and Ukraine
Roger E. Olson | July 19, 2024
Overcoming Stereotypes and Caricatures
Roger E. Olson | July 17, 2024
Can “The Universe” Have Intentions?
Roger E. Olson | July 11, 2024
Us For Them: Chapter 6: Righteousness Porn
Roger E. Olson | July 08, 2024
Should Christians Celebrate War?
Roger E. Olson | July 06, 2024
A Dark Day in America
Roger E. Olson | July 03, 2024
Us For Them: Chapter 5: Clashing Victimocracies
Roger E. Olson | July 01, 2024
Honestly Asking Gay-Friendly Churches
Roger E. Olson | June 30, 2024
The Ten Commandments and Public Schools
Roger E. Olson | June 27, 2024
Does God Know Everything?
Roger E. Olson | June 25, 2024
Us for Them: Chapter 4: The Day of Small Things
Roger E. Olson | June 23, 2024
What If There Is Extra-terrestrial Intelligence?
Roger E. Olson | June 21, 2024
The End of the Timeless God?
Roger E. Olson | June 19, 2024
What Were They Thinking?
Roger E. Olson | June 14, 2024
What Does “Far Right” Mean?
Roger E. Olson | June 12, 2024
Us for Them: Chapter Two: Cats Must Also Fail
Roger E. Olson | June 10, 2024
The Enneagram: A Christian Tool?
Roger E. Olson | June 08, 2024
Us for Them: Book Discussion: Chapter 1
Roger E. Olson | June 03, 2024
I Ask Again: What Would It Take?
Roger E. Olson | June 01, 2024
New Book Discussion Begins Monday, June 3
Roger E. Olson | May 31, 2024
Why We Believe the Bible Is God’s Word Written
Roger E. Olson | May 28, 2024
Again: Ohlendorf and the OT Texts of Terror
Roger E. Olson | May 26, 2024
Nazi Otto Ohlendorf and the Old Testament
Roger E. Olson | May 24, 2024
Can Anything Be Religion?
Roger E. Olson | May 22, 2024
What Is the “Decisive Factor” in Salvation?
Roger E. Olson | May 15, 2024
An Evangelical Side Show? Controversy Again
Roger E. Olson | May 12, 2024
The John Birch Society and the Republican Party
Roger E. Olson | May 10, 2024
Is American Christian Nationalism A Threat?
Roger E. Olson | May 04, 2024
Walter Rauschenbusch and the Social Gospel
Roger E. Olson | May 02, 2024
Evangelical Pastor Goes Ballistic on Trump
Roger E. Olson | April 30, 2024
My Experiences with Liberal Churches
Roger E. Olson | April 26, 2024
Feeling Nostalgia for Fundamentalism
Roger E. Olson | April 24, 2024
Why Calvinism Cannot Be True and Is It Heresy?
Roger E. Olson | April 19, 2024
How Many Gods Do Christians Believe In?
Roger E. Olson | April 16, 2024
What Is (Christian) Folk Religion?
Roger E. Olson | April 12, 2024
What Does “The Blood of Jesus” Mean?
Roger E. Olson | April 10, 2024
The Meaning of Christianity: Liberty and Tolerance
Roger E. Olson | April 07, 2024
What Is a “Resurrection Body?”
Roger E. Olson | April 06, 2024
Should Homosexuality Be Criminal? About Uganda
Roger E. Olson | April 04, 2024
Is “Evil” Science Fiction?
Roger E. Olson | April 02, 2024
Empirical Christianity versus Real Christianity
Roger E. Olson | March 26, 2024
The Political Meaning of Christianity: Chapter Two
Roger E. Olson | March 24, 2024
O, That Again: Another Book about Evangelicalism
Roger E. Olson | March 23, 2024
What Good Education Does
Roger E. Olson | March 21, 2024
When Did Character Stop Mattering?
Roger E. Olson | March 19, 2024
Tinder: The Prophet Stance
Roger E. Olson | March 17, 2024
Belief in Satan without God?
Roger E. Olson | March 14, 2024
Christian Zionism Gone Crazy
Roger E. Olson | March 12, 2024
Generational Curses?
Roger E. Olson | March 07, 2024
Is an Embryo a Baby?
Roger E. Olson | March 06, 2024
What I Mean By “White Privilege”
Roger E. Olson | March 02, 2024
What Does “Supernatural” Mean?
Roger E. Olson | March 01, 2024
Avoid Bullies; Speak Out about Them
Roger E. Olson | February 28, 2024
Are You Brainwashed?
Roger E. Olson | February 26, 2024
The Political Meaning of Christianity: Chapter One (1)
Roger E. Olson | February 25, 2024
Christian Nationalism as Folk Religion
Roger E. Olson | February 23, 2024
Questions for Theology Nerds
Roger E. Olson | February 20, 2024
My Story of Being “Cancelled”
Roger E. Olson | February 19, 2024
A Third Testament? Malcolm Muggeridge on Youtube
Roger E. Olson | February 17, 2024
The Political Meaning of Christianity: Preface/Prologue
Roger E. Olson | February 15, 2024
What Does “Evangelical” Really Mean?
Roger E. Olson | February 13, 2024
But Is It Worth It? A Question to Christian Trumpists
Roger E. Olson | February 10, 2024
Are American Evangelicals Gullible?
Roger E. Olson | February 07, 2024
The Political Meaning of Christianity
Roger E. Olson | February 06, 2024
Essentials of Christian Thought: Appendix
Roger E. Olson | February 04, 2024
Essentials of Christian Thought, Chapter Two
Roger E. Olson | December 31, 2023
A New Year’s Eve Memory: Watchnight Service
Roger E. Olson | December 29, 2023
Notes on a Christian Christmas Eve Service
Roger E. Olson | December 25, 2023
Christian Nationalism Old and New
Roger E. Olson | December 20, 2023
Essentials of Christian Thought Book Discussion Begins
Roger E. Olson | December 17, 2023
Between Jesus and John Wayne
Roger E. Olson | December 15, 2023
Karl Barth in a YouTube Documentary Not about Him
Roger E. Olson | December 10, 2023
Is Donald Trump “Orange Jesus?”
Roger E. Olson | December 06, 2023
Announcing a New Book Discussion
Roger E. Olson | December 04, 2023
Are American Christians Persecuted?
Roger E. Olson | December 02, 2023
An Even Stranger Thing…
Roger E. Olson | December 01, 2023
How Do You Know You’re Not Brainwashed?
Roger E. Olson | November 29, 2023
Does God Save Everyone He Can?
Roger E. Olson | November 23, 2023
The Upside-Down Kingdom: Chapter 11: Low Is High
Roger E. Olson | November 20, 2023
Should Christians Practice Yoga?
Roger E. Olson | November 18, 2023
Evangelical Thoughts about Pope Francis
Roger E. Olson | November 15, 2023
The Upside-Down Kingdom Chapter 10: Inside Outsiders
Roger E. Olson | November 13, 2023
Desensitizing Young Males to Female Nudity
Roger E. Olson | November 08, 2023
Is the New Testament Message Unique?
Roger E. Olson | November 01, 2023
The Upside-Down Kingdom, Chapter 8: Impious Piety
Roger E. Olson | October 30, 2023
Proposal for a Green Letter Bible
Roger E. Olson | October 28, 2023
A Dark and Disturbing Time for America
Roger E. Olson | October 26, 2023
The Upside-Down Kingdom, Chapter 6: Luxurious Poverty
Roger E. Olson | October 15, 2023
Christian Zionism Explained
Roger E. Olson | October 13, 2023
Will Disability Endure In Heaven?
Roger E. Olson | October 11, 2023
The Upside-Down Kingdom, Chapter 4: Free Slaves
Roger E. Olson | October 08, 2023
America’s Dysfunctional Government
Roger E. Olson | October 04, 2023
Everyone Sins…But There’s a Difference
Roger E. Olson | September 28, 2023
"The Upside-Down Kingdom," Chapter 3: "Temple Piety"
Roger E. Olson | September 25, 2023
Is It the Same "Christianity" I Grew Up With?
Roger E. Olson | September 22, 2023
The Almost Forgotten Story of Non-Liberal Feminist...
Roger E. Olson | September 20, 2023
The Upside Down Kingdom: Chapter Two: Mountain Politics
Roger E. Olson | September 18, 2023
Belong, Believe, Behave?
Roger E. Olson | September 15, 2023
Unsafe Sects: Understanding Religious Cults
Roger E. Olson | September 13, 2023
The Upside-Down Kingdom: Chapter One: Down Is Up
Roger E. Olson | September 11, 2023
Our Next Book Discussion: The Upside Down Kingdom
Roger E. Olson | September 09, 2023
Hegel in a Nutshell
Roger E. Olson | September 06, 2023
Is Orthodoxy a Necessary Feature of “Evangelical?”
Roger E. Olson | September 01, 2023
Finally Finishing “Why?” Chapters 22 & 23
Roger E. Olson | August 30, 2023
To My International Readers: What Is Happening Here?
Roger E. Olson | August 25, 2023
Announcing My New Book: Unsafe Sects
Roger E. Olson | August 23, 2023
A Christian Metaphysic?
Roger E. Olson | August 20, 2023
Heaven Is for Real?
Roger E. Olson | August 17, 2023
God and Time
Roger E. Olson | August 13, 2023
C. S. Lewis: Saint or Sinner?
Roger E. Olson | August 10, 2023
The Church as Christ?
Roger E. Olson | August 07, 2023
Christian Higher Education a Two Edged Sword
Roger E. Olson | August 03, 2023
Cults Again!
Roger E. Olson | July 30, 2023
What I Think About the War in Ukraine
Roger E. Olson | July 28, 2023
“Why?” Chapters 21-23 The Book Finished
Roger E. Olson | July 24, 2023
I Am a Proud Christian Nationalist (Guest Post)
Roger E. Olson | July 22, 2023
“Why?” Chapter 20: “The Spirit Has Time”
Roger E. Olson | July 16, 2023
The Way We Were: Part 2
Roger E. Olson | July 13, 2023
The Way We Were
Roger E. Olson | July 08, 2023
Patriotism vs. Nationalism
Roger E. Olson | July 04, 2023
Where Does the Slippery Slope End?
Roger E. Olson | June 21, 2023
“Why?” Part III, Chapter 15: “Gnosis”
Roger E. Olson | June 16, 2023
“Why?” Chapter III, Part 14
Roger E. Olson | June 14, 2023
June Is Men’s Health Month: New Information
Roger E. Olson | June 13, 2023
“God” in Popular Culture
Roger E. Olson | June 10, 2023
A Theologian’s Journey
Roger E. Olson | June 06, 2023
Can the Trinity Be Explained?
Roger E. Olson | May 29, 2023
Is Any Religion True?
Roger E. Olson | May 20, 2023
Can a Christian Be “Defender of the Faiths?”
Roger E. Olson | May 09, 2023
About Reading More of “Why?” Setting a Date
Roger E. Olson | May 06, 2023
“Why? On Suffering, Guilt and God” Part 1
Roger E. Olson | May 04, 2023
Comments and Cautions Regarding “Why?”
Roger E. Olson | May 01, 2023
Is America Becoming a Failed State?
Roger E. Olson | April 29, 2023
“Faith Healing” : What Is It?
Roger E. Olson | April 27, 2023
Churches and Denominations; Why Hide?
Roger E. Olson | April 22, 2023
About “Why?” By A. van de Beek
Roger E. Olson | April 16, 2023
“Reformed” and “Calvinist” Are Not Synonyms
Roger E. Olson | April 14, 2023
How Dynamic Is God?
Roger E. Olson | April 11, 2023
Is “Power” Something A Christian Should Want?
Roger E. Olson | April 07, 2023
Angry Theologians
Roger E. Olson | April 03, 2023
What Is “Theology?”
Roger E. Olson | March 30, 2023
Thank God for Womanist Theology, But…
Roger E. Olson | March 25, 2023
Whatever Happened to Common Sense?
Roger E. Olson | March 23, 2023
Fundamentalism vs. Evangelicalism
Roger E. Olson | March 09, 2023
Ask Professor Olson about Theology
Roger E. Olson | March 03, 2023
Is the Mind More than the Brain (Again): NDEs and...
Roger E. Olson | February 26, 2023
Did God Command Israel to “Show Them No Mercy?”
Roger E. Olson | February 23, 2023
Facts vs. Faith?
Roger E. Olson | February 21, 2023
The Most Basic Problem in America Today
Roger E. Olson | February 18, 2023
Truth and Trump
Roger E. Olson | February 16, 2023
About “Dogmas” And Closed-Mindedness
Roger E. Olson | February 14, 2023
How Essential is Doctrine to Christianity?
Roger E. Olson | February 07, 2023
A Radical Suggestion for Christian Educational...
Roger E. Olson | February 06, 2023
Sing a New Song?
Roger E. Olson | February 02, 2023
What Is Gravity? A Theologian Learns about Physics
Roger E. Olson | January 30, 2023
Maverick Scientists and a Spiritual Worldview
Roger E. Olson | January 27, 2023
Is Materialism a “Dogma” of Science? (Yes)
Roger E. Olson | January 21, 2023
Trump against “Evangelical Leaders”
Roger E. Olson | January 18, 2023
What Is “Fundamentalism?”
Roger E. Olson | January 16, 2023
What Does Prayer Do?
Roger E. Olson | January 13, 2023
More about “Wordless Prayer”
Roger E. Olson | January 12, 2023
There Is No Such Thing as “Wordless Prayer”
Roger E. Olson | January 09, 2023
Evangelicals and the Trinity
Roger E. Olson | January 02, 2023
About Churches: They Are All Human
Roger E. Olson | December 30, 2022
Fundamentalish: A New Term for An Old Phenomenon
Roger E. Olson | December 26, 2022
Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?
Roger E. Olson | December 23, 2022
Thoughts about “Cancel Culture”
Roger E. Olson | December 21, 2022
Two Kinds of Christian Fundamentalism
Roger E. Olson | December 17, 2022
How to Read the Apostle Paul in the New Testament
Roger E. Olson | December 15, 2022
Against Cessationism
Roger E. Olson | December 12, 2022
Paul Tillich and “Theonomous Culture”
Roger E. Olson | December 08, 2022
Christians Against Christian Nationalism
Roger E. Olson | December 06, 2022
God without the “Omnis?” Advent and Kenosis
Roger E. Olson | December 02, 2022
A Forgotten Chapter and Theory in Creation Theology
Roger E. Olson | November 30, 2022
Would Jesus Be an "American Nationalist?"
Roger E. Olson | November 27, 2022
Of Red Herrings and Other Fallacies
Roger E. Olson | November 24, 2022
The Two Most Influential Modern Economic Philosophers
Roger E. Olson | November 19, 2022
“Under the Banner of Heaven” and Mormonism/LDS
Roger E. Olson | November 13, 2022
Thoughts about Marvin Olasky and “Compassionate...
Roger E. Olson | November 11, 2022
About This Blog (Read This If You Ever Plan to Comment)
Roger E. Olson | November 08, 2022
Remembering Progressive Evangelicals: The Clapham Sect
Roger E. Olson | November 07, 2022
The American Myth That “It Can’t Happen Here”
Roger E. Olson | November 03, 2022
Is the Concept of “Worldly” Still Useful?
Roger E. Olson | October 30, 2022
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
Roger E. Olson | October 27, 2022
Is “Syncretism” Still a Valuable Concept?
Roger E. Olson | October 24, 2022
The False Religion of Americanism
Roger E. Olson | October 21, 2022
Controversial Thoughts about Banned Books Week
Roger E. Olson | October 18, 2022
About the “Religious Left”
Roger E. Olson | October 15, 2022
Does Truth Actually Exist?
Roger E. Olson | October 12, 2022
Is American Christianity Becoming a Folk Religion?
Roger E. Olson | October 08, 2022
The Crisis of Men and Boys
Roger E. Olson | October 05, 2022
Is “The Unitarian Church” Christian?
Roger E. Olson | October 02, 2022
Relational Theology Yes; Panentheism No
Roger E. Olson | September 26, 2022
The First Real Pentecostal Systematic Theology?
Roger E. Olson | September 22, 2022
Is Jesus’s Maleness a Problem for Women?
Roger E. Olson | September 20, 2022
Gnostic Hart? Final Reflections on “You Are Gods: On...
Roger E. Olson | September 16, 2022
Who Is a “Heretic?”
Roger E. Olson | September 14, 2022
Is There a Checklist for Determining “Christian...
Roger E. Olson | September 09, 2022
Is It Time to Retire the Word “Superstition?”
Roger E. Olson | September 01, 2022
Thank You for Your Patience as I Pause …
Roger E. Olson | August 31, 2022
Why “Orthodox” Rather than “Conservative?”
Roger E. Olson | August 29, 2022
Why I Prefer “Orthodox” to “Conservative”
Roger E. Olson | August 26, 2022
Thoughts about Hart's "You Are Gods"
Roger E. Olson | August 20, 2022
Why I Will Never Become Eastern Orthodox
Roger E. Olson | August 18, 2022
How Many Basic Christianities Are There?
Roger E. Olson | August 17, 2022
How to Read a Challenging Book
Roger E. Olson | August 15, 2022
An Outsider’s View of Eastern Orthodoxy
Roger E. Olson | August 14, 2022
Are We Gods?
Roger E. Olson | August 12, 2022
Bad Religion (Not the Punk Rock Band)
Roger E. Olson | August 10, 2022
Superstition Is Back and Its Going Mainstream!
Roger E. Olson | August 08, 2022
A New Book about Calvinism
Roger E. Olson | August 06, 2022
Is Dispensationalism Orthodox?
Roger E. Olson | August 03, 2022
Without a Doubt?
Roger E. Olson | August 01, 2022
What Is Truth? An Answer Explored
Roger E. Olson | July 29, 2022
There Is No Such Thing as “Just Fiction”
Roger E. Olson | July 28, 2022
Is The Bible a Horror Story?
Roger E. Olson | July 24, 2022
Putting the Bible in Its Place
Roger E. Olson | July 23, 2022
How Did the Christian Bible Come To Be?
Roger E. Olson | July 21, 2022
Where Is Protestantism?
Roger E. Olson | July 18, 2022
What the COVID Pandemic Means for Churches
Roger E. Olson | July 16, 2022
An Excellent, Literary, Christian Novel
Roger E. Olson | July 14, 2022
Are Pentecostals Fundamentalists? Part Two
Roger E. Olson | July 12, 2022
Are Pentecostals Fundamentalists? Part One
Roger E. Olson | July 09, 2022
Is America Worth Celebrating?
Roger E. Olson | July 04, 2022
Why I Do Not Believe in the “Rapture”
Roger E. Olson | July 01, 2022
Does Christianity Require a “Leap of Faith?”
Roger E. Olson | June 28, 2022
Why Not “Against Fundamentalism?”
Roger E. Olson | June 22, 2022
Are Bad Christians Jesus’s Fault?
Roger E. Olson | June 20, 2022
Toxic Masculinity or Aspirational Masculinity?
Roger E. Olson | June 17, 2022
Calvinism the Root of Liberal Theology
Roger E. Olson | June 15, 2022
Objectifying Women and the "Billy Graham Rule"
Roger E. Olson | June 12, 2022
Why I Wrote “Against Liberal Theology”
Roger E. Olson | June 08, 2022
Against Liberal Theology Now Available!
Roger E. Olson | June 07, 2022
It’s Friday But Pentecost Sunday Is Coming!
Roger E. Olson | June 03, 2022
Of False Pedestals and True Clay Feet
Roger E. Olson | May 31, 2022
I Have Given Up…on The Book of Revelation
Roger E. Olson | May 28, 2022
If I Were a Calvinist or an Atheist
Roger E. Olson | May 25, 2022
What Is “Progressive Christianity?”
Roger E. Olson | May 23, 2022
Jesus and the 20 Percent
Roger E. Olson | May 20, 2022
Jesus and Ronald Reagan
Roger E. Olson | May 18, 2022
Jesus and Roy Rogers
Roger E. Olson | May 15, 2022
A Strange Thought Experiment in Ethics
Roger E. Olson | May 13, 2022
Remembering “My” Evangelicalism
Roger E. Olson | May 10, 2022
What to Do…Subterranean Theology Part 2
Roger E. Olson | May 05, 2022
A Better Documentary about American Evangelicals
Roger E. Olson | April 30, 2022
Are “Fanatics” Increasingly Shaping America?
Roger E. Olson | April 28, 2022
About Men and Church
Roger E. Olson | April 22, 2022
Against Fundamentalism?
Roger E. Olson | April 20, 2022
If I Did Not Believe in the Bodily Resurrection…
Roger E. Olson | April 17, 2022
What’s Good about “Good Friday?”
Roger E. Olson | April 15, 2022
The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind—Again
Roger E. Olson | April 11, 2022
The Salvation of Infants
Roger E. Olson | April 08, 2022
What Nonconformity Does NOT Mean
Roger E. Olson | April 02, 2022
Rediscovering Christian Nonconformity
Roger E. Olson | March 29, 2022
What’s Wrong with Men?
Roger E. Olson | March 25, 2022
Memory Can Be a Burden: Remembering Past Invasions
Roger E. Olson | March 23, 2022
Evangelical Christianity and Atonement Again
Roger E. Olson | March 20, 2022
Evangelical Christianity and Atonement
Roger E. Olson | March 19, 2022
What Is Justice?
Roger E. Olson | March 15, 2022
Can God Be Acted Upon?
Roger E. Olson | March 09, 2022
William Lane Craig and God
Roger E. Olson | March 07, 2022
The Ever-Widening Divide among American Protestants
Roger E. Olson | March 02, 2022
Eurasianism and Americanism
Roger E. Olson | February 28, 2022
About Russia’s AND America’s Invasions
Roger E. Olson | February 25, 2022
On Becoming Anabaptist
Roger E. Olson | February 21, 2022
You Don’t Deserve…And There Are Always Limits
Roger E. Olson | February 17, 2022
Christianity and the Occult
Roger E. Olson | February 14, 2022
The Now Old “Young Evangelicals”
Roger E. Olson | February 11, 2022
Are Reformed Christians Evangelicals?
Roger E. Olson | February 08, 2022
Why I Am a Socialist: Because I Am a Christian
Roger E. Olson | February 02, 2022
The Best Newish Book about The Atonement
Roger E. Olson | January 29, 2022
On Not Throwing the Baby Out With the Bathwater
Roger E. Olson | January 24, 2022
Should Polygamy Be De-criminalized?
Roger E. Olson | January 21, 2022
What Is “Christianity?”
Roger E. Olson | January 20, 2022
Why Traditional Religion Is Dwindling in America
Roger E. Olson | January 18, 2022
Does the Doctrine of the Trinity Matter?
Roger E. Olson | January 14, 2022
A Model Statement of Faith
Roger E. Olson | January 11, 2022
Why Doctrine Matters
Roger E. Olson | January 10, 2022
Faith Not Fatalism (Guest Post)
Roger E. Olson | January 07, 2022
But Does Systematic Theology Matter?
Roger E. Olson | January 06, 2022
Why Theology Matters
Roger E. Olson | January 04, 2022
The "Joker/Jester" Asks Christian Fund Raisers...
Roger E. Olson | December 30, 2021
The Sorry Condition of Christian Ethics
Roger E. Olson | December 26, 2021
The Joker/Jester Asks "Why 'Chosen'?"
Roger E. Olson | December 20, 2021
A Movie about Calvinism?
Roger E. Olson | December 13, 2021
The "Joker" Strikes Again: Why Do Churches...?
Roger E. Olson | December 10, 2021
The "Joker" Begins: Why Do Almost All Pastors Urge...
Roger E. Olson | December 06, 2021
Every Church Needs a Joker (And the Joker Cometh)
Roger E. Olson | December 03, 2021
Let's Talk about Original Sin--Theologically
Roger E. Olson | November 26, 2021
Let's Talk about Near-Death Experiences--Theologically
Roger E. Olson | November 23, 2021
What Is "Progressive Christianity?"
Roger E. Olson | November 10, 2021
Sometimes Life Gets in the Way--Even of Theology!
Roger E. Olson | November 08, 2021
Answering a Question: Can There Be a Church without...
Roger E. Olson | November 02, 2021
Answering a Question about the Trinity: Is "Social...
Roger E. Olson | October 20, 2021
Answer to a Question: Philosophy and Theology
Roger E. Olson | October 16, 2021
Let’s Talk Theology: Questions Invited
Roger E. Olson | October 15, 2021
Let's Talk about Spiritual Technologies--Theologically
Roger E. Olson | October 09, 2021
What Is the Essence of Christianity? Part 2
Roger E. Olson | October 05, 2021
What Is the Essence of Christianity? Part 1
Roger E. Olson | October 02, 2021
Let's Talk about Evil--Theologically
Roger E. Olson | September 28, 2021
Let's Talk about Complementarianism--Theologically
Roger E. Olson | September 23, 2021
Let's Talk about the Occult--Theologically
Roger E. Olson | September 21, 2021
Let's Talk about Cults--Theologically
Roger E. Olson | September 13, 2021
Let's Talk about Compatibilism--Theologically
Roger E. Olson | September 09, 2021
Let's Talk about Critical Race Theory--Theologically
Roger E. Olson | September 05, 2021
Let's Talk about Correctness (Political)--Theologically
Roger E. Olson | September 02, 2021
Let's Talk about Circumcision--Theologically
Roger E. Olson | September 01, 2021
Let's Talk about Cremation--Theologically
Roger E. Olson | August 29, 2021
Is There Such a Thing as a "Sin of Empathy?"
Roger E. Olson | August 25, 2021
Let's Talk about COVID-19 Theologically
Roger E. Olson | August 22, 2021
Experiences of an Evangelical Theologian 9 (Final)
Roger E. Olson | August 20, 2021
Experiences of an Evangelical Theologian 8
Roger E. Olson | August 12, 2021
Experiences of an Evangelical Theologian 7
Roger E. Olson | August 06, 2021
Experiences of an Evangelical Theologian 6
Roger E. Olson | July 31, 2021
Experiences of an Evangelical Theologian 5
Roger E. Olson | July 23, 2021
Experiences of an Evangelical Theologian 4
Roger E. Olson | July 20, 2021
Experiences of an Evangelical Theologian 3
Roger E. Olson | July 16, 2021
Experiences of an Evangelical Theology 2
Roger E. Olson | July 13, 2021
Experiences of an Evangelical Theologian 1
Roger E. Olson | July 09, 2021
There Is No Such Thing as "The Church"
Roger E. Olson | July 05, 2021
Can God Change the Past?
Roger E. Olson | June 08, 2021
Must a Christian Forgive Unconditionally?
Roger E. Olson | June 05, 2021
Christian Denominations and Gay Marriage
Roger E. Olson | May 29, 2021
Is There Such a Thing as “Public Theology?”
Roger E. Olson | May 22, 2021
A Quick Note to my Blog Followers...
Roger E. Olson | May 19, 2021
Kenotic Christology Explained and Defended
Roger E. Olson | May 12, 2021
A Model for Church Discipline
Roger E. Olson | May 03, 2021
Remembering "Satanic Panic" in America (1980s)
Roger E. Olson | April 21, 2021
Authoritative vs. Nurturant Styles of Religion
Roger E. Olson | April 17, 2021
R.I.P. Hans Kueng (1928-2021)
Roger E. Olson | April 09, 2021
How This Blog Came to Exist and Why I Keep It Going
Roger E. Olson | April 05, 2021
How This Blog Came to Exist and Why I Keep It Going
Roger E. Olson | April 05, 2021
A Proposed Response to the Flood of Immigrants
Roger E. Olson | March 31, 2021
A Question
Roger E. Olson | March 27, 2021
Thoughts about Atonement
Roger E. Olson | March 24, 2021
When Is Division among Christians Justified?
Roger E. Olson | March 19, 2021
Is Texas a Failed State?
Roger E. Olson | March 08, 2021
A Parable/Greek Tragedy
Roger E. Olson | March 02, 2021
American Evangelical Christianity: A Failed Movement?
Roger E. Olson | February 27, 2021
Hitler's "Trial" and His Successful Denials
Roger E. Olson | February 17, 2021
Church Shopping
Roger E. Olson | February 09, 2021
Does God Have His Own Logic?
Roger E. Olson | February 04, 2021
Did Jonathan Edwards Undermine Calvinism?
Roger E. Olson | January 31, 2021
On Not Making a Religion of Politics
Roger E. Olson | January 27, 2021
My Deep Disappointment with Franklin Graham
Roger E. Olson | January 25, 2021
What Is "The Church?"
Roger E. Olson | January 20, 2021
Is "Liberal Christianity" Authentic Christianity?
Roger E. Olson | January 16, 2021
Free Will or Not? Another Round in the Debate
Roger E. Olson | January 04, 2021
The Dark Side of Feminism
Roger E. Olson | December 30, 2020
About "Socialism" and Christianity
Roger E. Olson | December 26, 2020
Critical Race Theory Examined and Analyzed
Roger E. Olson | December 21, 2020
Thank God for Science and Scientists, but...
Roger E. Olson | December 15, 2020
Waiting for Inspiration to Hit: Stay Tuned!
Roger E. Olson | December 13, 2020
Can Anyone Know Reality Itself? More about Truth
Roger E. Olson | December 10, 2020
What Is Truth?
Roger E. Olson | December 07, 2020
A Theology for the Twenty-first Century
Roger E. Olson | December 03, 2020
Why John Piper Does Not Want Me to Be a Calvinist
Roger E. Olson | November 29, 2020
The Great Reset Is Coming!
Roger E. Olson | November 26, 2020
People Disagree. So What?
Roger E. Olson | November 24, 2020
Essentials of Christian Thought
Roger E. Olson | November 19, 2020
Who Died on the Cross?
Roger E. Olson | November 17, 2020
Can God Change without Changing?
Roger E. Olson | November 13, 2020
Distinguishing between a Movement and Its Ethos
Roger E. Olson | November 11, 2020
What Is a "Miracle?"
Roger E. Olson | November 06, 2020
Are "Patriot Churches" Real Churches?
Roger E. Olson | October 31, 2020
Does Theology Even Matter Anymore?
Roger E. Olson | October 27, 2020
Why I Do Not Think of God as "Infinite"
Roger E. Olson | October 22, 2020
What Should "Church" Be Like? Answering the Question
Roger E. Olson | October 10, 2020
Something Seriously Wrong with Much of American...
Roger E. Olson | October 06, 2020
A Test of the Authenticity of Your Christianity
Roger E. Olson | September 24, 2020
Review of "That All Shall Be Saved" by David Bentley Hart
Roger E. Olson | September 17, 2020
Can One Be an Evangelical and Roman Catholic?
Roger E. Olson | September 14, 2020
What the One Percent Don't Want You to Know
Roger E. Olson | September 09, 2020
An Excellent Critique of Molinism as Incompatible with...
Roger E. Olson | September 04, 2020
Coming Here Soon: Critiques of Molinism
Roger E. Olson | September 03, 2020
Abusing Scripture for Personal or Political Purposes
Roger E. Olson | August 30, 2020
How This Blog Began: An Outrage in 2011
Roger E. Olson | August 23, 2020
The Worst Idea Ever: The "Catastrophe of..."
Roger E. Olson | August 17, 2020
Can You Be a Baptist and a Hindu (or a Buddhist)?
Roger E. Olson | August 13, 2020
Why an Income Tax is the Only Fair Tax
Roger E. Olson | July 30, 2020
A Really Good REFORMED Systematic Theology
Roger E. Olson | July 25, 2020
Jesus versus Paul: A Sign of Liberal Theology?
Roger E. Olson | July 09, 2020
Evangelicals and Trump
Roger E. Olson | July 06, 2020
Non-Violent Revolution Is Possible
Roger E. Olson | July 01, 2020
Words of Caution and Advice for the Protesters
Roger E. Olson | June 30, 2020
Is Racism Ignorance or Disease?
Roger E. Olson | June 26, 2020
Whatever Happened to Shame?
Roger E. Olson | June 22, 2020
History Repeating Itself?
Roger E. Olson | June 18, 2020
The Problem with "All Lives Matter"
Roger E. Olson | June 14, 2020
How American (White) Evangelicalism Has Changed
Roger E. Olson | June 10, 2020
What Is the Purpose of Preaching?
Roger E. Olson | June 06, 2020
Why Study/Learn Historical Theology
Roger E. Olson | May 26, 2020
Why Lying Has Become Normal and Acceptable
Roger E. Olson | May 23, 2020
Confusion Reigns about COVID 19 Fatality Rates
Roger E. Olson | May 17, 2020
My One Concern (Here) about the Pandemic
Roger E. Olson | May 15, 2020
The Problem with Calvinism is Fundamentalism
Roger E. Olson | May 09, 2020
Does God Ever Make Us "Worthy?"
Roger E. Olson | May 05, 2020
Toxic Religion
Roger E. Olson | May 03, 2020
What Is "Prayer?"
Roger E. Olson | April 28, 2020
Roger E. Olson | April 24, 2020
What Makes a Group of People "Church?" Part 2
Roger E. Olson | April 20, 2020
What Makes a Group of People "Church?" Part 1
Roger E. Olson | April 17, 2020
Christianity and Economics
Roger E. Olson | April 12, 2020
Calvinism Is Impossible
Roger E. Olson | April 09, 2020
Where Is God in This Pandemic?
Roger E. Olson | April 04, 2020
Why Should the Human Species Survive?
Roger E. Olson | March 26, 2020
Why I Am Disobeying the Bible
Roger E. Olson | March 21, 2020
Can God Change?
Roger E. Olson | March 18, 2020
Can a True Christian Be Demon Possessed?
Roger E. Olson | March 15, 2020
My Case for Greater Inclusion in "Diversity"
Roger E. Olson | March 10, 2020
What Does "Post-Christian World" Mean?
Roger E. Olson | March 06, 2020
Advice to Democrats about the Presidential Nomination
Roger E. Olson | February 29, 2020
"Oh Lord! Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood"
Roger E. Olson | February 23, 2020
What I Appreciate about Methodism
Roger E. Olson | February 21, 2020
The Possibilities and Perils of Gene Editing
Roger E. Olson | February 19, 2020
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid...
Roger E. Olson | February 11, 2020
Should I Doubt God?
Roger E. Olson | February 05, 2020
Are All "Christians" True Christians?
Roger E. Olson | January 30, 2020
I Interrupt This Series with a Sidebar about "Folk...
Roger E. Olson | January 24, 2020
Pentecostal Theology: A Brief Description
Roger E. Olson | January 16, 2020
Has Science Buried God? John Lennox Says No
Roger E. Olson | January 15, 2020
A More Critical Look at Greg Boyd’s “Inspired...
Roger E. Olson | January 11, 2020
Greg Boyd’s New Book about the Bible
Roger E. Olson | January 07, 2020
The Devolution of Christian Congregational Song
Roger E. Olson | December 29, 2019
What Church Was Like (When I Was a Child)
Roger E. Olson | December 27, 2019
Reformed or Calvinist or Both? An Important Distinction
Roger E. Olson | December 18, 2019
Guest Post Responding to My Essay about "Relational...
Roger E. Olson | December 07, 2019
What If Twins in a Womb Could Think and Talk? A Parable
Roger E. Olson | December 02, 2019
Has Franklin Graham Gone Off the Rails?
Roger E. Olson | November 29, 2019
A Relational View of God's Sovereignty
Roger E. Olson | November 21, 2019
Who Needs a God Who Looks Like Us?
Roger E. Olson | November 10, 2019
The Fundamentalists Are At It Again
Roger E. Olson | November 03, 2019
What Is It Like to Be Black in America?
Roger E. Olson | October 31, 2019
Is It Ever Wrong for a Christian to Forgive?
Roger E. Olson | October 24, 2019
Review of Lovin' On Jesus and Thoughts about CCM
Roger E. Olson | October 20, 2019
Surprises in the History of Christian Ethics
Roger E. Olson | October 17, 2019
Should Christian Worship Happen with a "Concert...
Roger E. Olson | October 12, 2019
Our God Reigns (But How?)
Roger E. Olson | October 09, 2019
A Scholar Who Denied Sex/Gender Difference Recants
Roger E. Olson | October 05, 2019
Trump and the Rhetoric of Tyranny
Roger E. Olson | October 02, 2019
An Ethical Dilemma Posed in a Stephen King Novel
Roger E. Olson | September 29, 2019
Is Christianity Culturally Relative? A Question for...
Roger E. Olson | September 24, 2019
What Would Be the Alternatives (To Theology Explaining...
Roger E. Olson | September 17, 2019
What Does Theology Explain?
Roger E. Olson | September 13, 2019
What Happened in 2015?
Roger E. Olson | September 09, 2019
Do Arminians and Calvinists Worship the Same God? How?
Roger E. Olson | September 05, 2019
Why Science and Theology Need Not Conflict
Roger E. Olson | September 01, 2019
Has Science Buried God?
Roger E. Olson | August 29, 2019
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Spoke in Hitler's Wheel?
Roger E. Olson | August 22, 2019
Could I Attend a Calvinist Church?
Roger E. Olson | August 20, 2019
Cruelty to Children: Clear Evidence of Evil
Roger E. Olson | August 15, 2019
Who Is Helping Christians Cope with Non-Christian...
Roger E. Olson | August 11, 2019
Why True Christianity Can Never Be an Ideology
Roger E. Olson | August 02, 2019
What Is an Ideology and How to Detect One
Roger E. Olson | July 31, 2019
The Key Difference between Conservative and...
Roger E. Olson | July 27, 2019
Stopping the Mouths of Evangelicalism’s Critics
Roger E. Olson | July 23, 2019
9.5 Theses about Evangelical Christianity
Roger E. Olson | July 18, 2019
What Is This Blog For? An Answer by Roger Olson
Roger E. Olson | July 17, 2019
The New American Evangelical Liturgy
Roger E. Olson | July 12, 2019
Where Is America Going?
Roger E. Olson | July 09, 2019
The Humpty Dumpty Synderome
Roger E. Olson | July 06, 2019
On Taking Satanists Seriously
Roger E. Olson | July 03, 2019
Is Unlimited Pluralism Really a Good Idea?
Roger E. Olson | July 01, 2019
Is Paradox Something Good in Christian Doctrine?
Roger E. Olson | June 24, 2019
Why Compatibilism is Unbiblical
Roger E. Olson | June 19, 2019
What Makes a Religious Group a Cult? Part 2
Roger E. Olson | May 16, 2019
What Makes a Religious Group a "Cult?" Part 1
Roger E. Olson | May 13, 2019
Why Do We (Christians) Put People on Pedestals?
Roger E. Olson | April 23, 2019
Thank God for Mormons
Roger E. Olson | April 15, 2019
What Does It Take to Be a "Christian?"
Roger E. Olson | April 11, 2019
Is It Time for a Return to Common Sense?
Roger E. Olson | April 05, 2019
Can a Modern Scientist Believe in God and Miracles?
Roger E. Olson | March 29, 2019
What God Can, Can’t, and Won’t Do
Roger E. Olson | March 12, 2019
Ethics and Toxic Masculinity
Roger E. Olson | March 05, 2019
Our God Reigns (But How?)
Roger E. Olson | February 25, 2019
Why Sexual Abuse within Baptist Churches Is Not the...
Roger E. Olson | February 16, 2019
The Dark Side of Evangelicalism
Roger E. Olson | February 12, 2019
Evangelicalism Again: Why Are They Not Using My...
Roger E. Olson | February 08, 2019
Is Evangelicalism White?
Roger E. Olson | January 29, 2019
What Is a "Moral Universe?"
Roger E. Olson | January 26, 2019
Does God "Embrace All People Regardless...?"
Roger E. Olson | January 20, 2019
"Something There Is That Doesn't Love a Wall"
Roger E. Olson | January 07, 2019
Empathy Is Good; Justice Is Better
Roger E. Olson | January 04, 2019
What Is the Foundation (If Any) of Human Rights?
Roger E. Olson | December 31, 2018
Did Jesus "Sort" People?
Roger E. Olson | December 28, 2018
What Do We Owe the Dead? A Question of Ethics
Roger E. Olson | December 24, 2018
Is It Time for American Christians to Bow out of the...
Roger E. Olson | December 17, 2018
Is It Time for American Christians to Bow Out of the...
Roger E. Olson | December 14, 2018
Idolatry on a Billboard?
Roger E. Olson | December 11, 2018
Is "Calminianism" Really a Thing?
Roger E. Olson | December 04, 2018
"We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us" Thoughts about...
Roger E. Olson | December 01, 2018
A Powerful Wedding Sermon: Example of "Prophecy?"
Roger E. Olson | November 26, 2018
What Can Be “The Bible?”
Roger E. Olson | November 22, 2018
Who Is an “Evangelical” and Who Gets to Decide?
Roger E. Olson | November 18, 2018
The Prophethood of Every Believer
Roger E. Olson | November 13, 2018
Billy Graham as "Pope" of Evangelicalism
Roger E. Olson | November 09, 2018
Calvinism and Arminianism Compared by Roger E. Olson
Roger E. Olson | November 07, 2018
Follow Up to My Recent Blog Post about American Men
Roger E. Olson | November 06, 2018
Thoughts about Men in American Culture
Roger E. Olson | November 04, 2018
What about "Death Bed Conversions?" Are They Valid?
Roger E. Olson | November 02, 2018
Again with "Good God" and Calvinism
Roger E. Olson | October 28, 2018
What Is a Postconservative Evangelical?
Roger E. Olson | October 22, 2018
Some Uninvited Advice for the Democratic Party
Roger E. Olson | October 19, 2018
Bonhoeffer, Ethics, and “Scruples”
Roger E. Olson | October 16, 2018
Why Essentialism Is Essential (At Least to Me)
Roger E. Olson | October 14, 2018
What Were You in the 1970s If You Remember...?
Roger E. Olson | October 11, 2018
Does Calvinism Justify Domestic Abuse?
Roger E. Olson | October 07, 2018
Back to Theology: Again with Arminianism
Roger E. Olson | October 01, 2018
Why Income Tax Is the Only Fair Tax
Roger E. Olson | September 29, 2018
The Many Faces of Socialism
Roger E. Olson | September 23, 2018
Who Is God?
Roger E. Olson | September 17, 2018
Is Truth Worth Seeking?
Roger E. Olson | September 12, 2018
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Sunday School
Roger E. Olson | September 07, 2018
Does God Always Get His Way?
Roger E. Olson | September 03, 2018
Two Spiritual Books You Ought to Read
Roger E. Olson | September 01, 2018
What Are the Greatest Dangers to Christianity Today?
Roger E. Olson | August 17, 2018
Why the Mega-Church Model Isn't Working
Roger E. Olson | August 09, 2018
Who Is God?
Roger E. Olson | July 29, 2018
Can Prayer Change God (Yes and No)
Roger E. Olson | July 20, 2018
Is God Necessarily the All-Determining Reality?
Roger E. Olson | July 15, 2018
Has the Time Come for a New Neo-Evangelicalism?
Roger E. Olson | June 25, 2018
Is Cruelty to Children Ever Justifiable?
Roger E. Olson | June 17, 2018
Is Suicide Sin?
Roger E. Olson | June 14, 2018
Is It Okay to Hate Men?
Roger E. Olson | June 11, 2018
Is the Evangelical Christianity of My Youth Gone?
Roger E. Olson | June 08, 2018
Shopping for a Church (An Oldie but a Goodie)
Roger E. Olson | May 29, 2018
My Feeble Attempts at Satire Miss the Mark
Roger E. Olson | May 26, 2018
Who Is the Ruler of this World? An Answer for...
Roger E. Olson | May 22, 2018
Who Is the Most Influential American Theologian?
Roger E. Olson | May 18, 2018
My Most Important Book
Roger E. Olson | May 11, 2018
Thoughts about Universalism
Roger E. Olson | April 27, 2018
On the Other Hand: Some "Views from Somewhere"...
Roger E. Olson | April 16, 2018
The Myth of "Secular Reasoning"
Roger E. Olson | April 13, 2018
Christian Diversity: Is It Good or Bad or Both?
Roger E. Olson | April 09, 2018
Easter Ought to Mean Joy!
Roger E. Olson | April 01, 2018
Calvinism and Assurance of Salvation (or Not)
Roger E. Olson | March 29, 2018
Torture Again: Why It Is Always Wrong and More
Roger E. Olson | March 18, 2018
Final Thoughts about Church Discipline (For Now)
Roger E. Olson | March 09, 2018
Whatever Happened to Church Discipline?
Roger E. Olson | March 05, 2018
Remembering Billy Graham (1918-2018)
Roger E. Olson | February 25, 2018
Would You Be Mad at God If He Saved Everyone?
Roger E. Olson | February 22, 2018
It's Time for a National Conversation about Football
Roger E. Olson | February 03, 2018
Why Do We Need Religious Labels?
Roger E. Olson | January 30, 2018
An Open Letter to My Fellow Evangelicals about Trump
Roger E. Olson | January 18, 2018
Deep Thoughts (Musings) about the Metaphysical...
Roger E. Olson | January 16, 2018
How Much Change in Church Life is too Much?
Roger E. Olson | January 11, 2018
Thoughts about the Future on New Year Day 2018
Roger E. Olson | January 01, 2018
America has Become a Mission Field
Roger E. Olson | December 28, 2017
Is There a Valid "Ethics of Distress?"
Roger E. Olson | December 23, 2017
Thinking of Creation with Imagination
Roger E. Olson | December 12, 2017
How an Old Religious Idea "Trickles Down" into...
Roger E. Olson | December 07, 2017
How Should Christians Celebrate "Christmas?"
Roger E. Olson | December 03, 2017
Are American Evangelicals "Reinventing" Christianity?
Roger E. Olson | November 29, 2017
A Memorable Day: November 22, 1963
Roger E. Olson | November 22, 2017
Does God Change?
Roger E. Olson | November 10, 2017
American Lutheran Theologians I Have Known
Roger E. Olson | November 07, 2017
Is the Roman Catholic Church Catholic Enough?
Roger E. Olson | October 27, 2017
When It Comes to Calvinism, Logic Can Lead to Heresy
Roger E. Olson | October 01, 2017
Ought I to Repent of Being a White Male?
Roger E. Olson | September 27, 2017
Is "Normal" Really Just a Setting on the Washing Machine?
Roger E. Olson | September 24, 2017
Can Mormons Be Christians?
Roger E. Olson | September 20, 2017
The Legacy of the Reformation in Contemporary...
Roger E. Olson | September 17, 2017
Arminianism Is Grace-Centered Theology
Roger E. Olson | September 12, 2017
Why Can't There Be Organizations Just for Boys?
Roger E. Olson | August 26, 2017
Can a Preemptive War Ever Be Justified?
Roger E. Olson | August 12, 2017
Do Women Make Good Ministers?
Roger E. Olson | August 09, 2017
What Is "Liberal Christianity?"
Roger E. Olson | August 05, 2017
What Is "Fundamentalism?"
Roger E. Olson | August 02, 2017
What Is an "Evangelical" and Does It Matter?
Roger E. Olson | July 28, 2017
Is God Finite?
Roger E. Olson | July 23, 2017
You Might Still Be a Fundamentalist Even If...
Roger E. Olson | July 18, 2017
A New Christian Dogmatics from Eerdmans
Roger E. Olson | July 16, 2017
Does Justice Require Inclusion and Diversity?
Roger E. Olson | July 01, 2017
Is There a New Form of Lynching in America?
Roger E. Olson | June 18, 2017
Stranger Things? Does God Still Speak?
Roger E. Olson | June 15, 2017
Is God Our Father?
Roger E. Olson | June 09, 2017
Memories and Thoughts about Thomas Oden
Roger E. Olson | June 06, 2017
Response to "the Benedict Option"
Roger E. Olson | June 03, 2017
A Personal Note for Those Who Are Interested...
Roger E. Olson | May 26, 2017
Is There Meaning and Purpose to Life?
Roger E. Olson | May 22, 2017
Why I Voted for Trump
Roger E. Olson | May 19, 2017
The Best Idea Ever
Roger E. Olson | May 14, 2017
The Worst Idea Ever
Roger E. Olson | May 11, 2017
Should Churches Engage in Partisan Politicking?
Roger E. Olson | May 08, 2017
Why Do We Not Hear More about "Rich Privilege?"
Roger E. Olson | May 06, 2017
Can Science Alone Decide the Meaning of "Human?"
Roger E. Olson | May 03, 2017
Complimentary Book Offer...
Roger E. Olson | May 02, 2017
What It Means If You Remember...
Roger E. Olson | April 28, 2017
What Does It Mean to Be "Catholic?"
Roger E. Olson | April 22, 2017
The Problem of "Echo Chambers"
Roger E. Olson | April 05, 2017
Would Someone Please Rein in Some of the "Young...
Roger E. Olson | April 01, 2017
Whatever Happened to "Friendship with Jesus?"
Roger E. Olson | March 26, 2017
A Statement of Confession and Commitment
Roger E. Olson | March 24, 2017
Thoughts about Church and Holy Spirit (by a...
Roger E. Olson | March 22, 2017
My Review of the Movie "The Shack"
Roger E. Olson | March 16, 2017
Follow Up to My Blog Post about the Transgender...
Roger E. Olson | March 14, 2017
Reality: Code or Narrative?
Roger E. Olson | March 08, 2017
My Movie Review of "The Shack"
Roger E. Olson | March 07, 2017
Finding God in "The Shack"
Roger E. Olson | March 04, 2017
Was Pope Francis Wrong about Islam?
Roger E. Olson | March 02, 2017
Reinhold Niebuhr and Stanley Hauerwas: Can Their...
Roger E. Olson | February 28, 2017
Innocent until Proven Guilty? Or Guilty until Proven...
Roger E. Olson | February 25, 2017
What Do I Mean by the "Supernatural?"
Roger E. Olson | February 21, 2017
Announcing My New Book...
Roger E. Olson | February 16, 2017
Sex, Money and Power: How We Confirm the...
Roger E. Olson | February 10, 2017
A Great Irony: Contemporary American "Conservative"...
Roger E. Olson | February 03, 2017
Is There Anything We Can Take for Granted (that All...
Roger E. Olson | January 31, 2017
Are There "Wicked Problems" in Theology?
Roger E. Olson | January 29, 2017
Can African-American Christians Be "Evangelicals?"
Roger E. Olson | January 26, 2017
Does the Reformation Still Matter?
Roger E. Olson | January 21, 2017
A Day I Cannot Celebrate: Inauguration Day, 2017
Roger E. Olson | January 20, 2017
Must Science and Religion Conflict?
Roger E. Olson | January 12, 2017
The "Disappearing Middle" in American Political and...
Roger E. Olson | January 06, 2017
Must a Christian Forgive Unconditionally?
Roger E. Olson | January 02, 2017
A Quick Course in Rational Thought (and Persuasive...
Roger E. Olson | December 30, 2016
On Learning Our Lessons from History
Roger E. Olson | December 28, 2016
Two Evangelical Churches on Christmas Eve (2016): As...
Roger E. Olson | December 25, 2016
Merry Christmas and Please Be Patient....
Roger E. Olson | December 23, 2016
An Excellent Arminian Book on Divine Providence
Roger E. Olson | December 22, 2016
A Kerfuffle over "Church Autonomy" among Baptists
Roger E. Olson | December 14, 2016
And Now It Begins: Trump's Ignorant and Un-American...
Roger E. Olson | December 10, 2016
What Living in a Post-Truth Culture Means
Roger E. Olson | December 07, 2016
What Makes Someone an "Evangelical?"
Roger E. Olson | December 01, 2016
Is There Such a Thing as "Collective Guilt?"
Roger E. Olson | November 29, 2016
Thoughts about Fidel Castro
Roger E. Olson | November 27, 2016
Do Adherents of Abrahamic Faiths Worship the Same God?
Roger E. Olson | November 25, 2016
R.I.P. Ivan A. Rogers (of "Good Report")
Roger E. Olson | November 23, 2016
A Different Interprtation of American History (Worth...
Roger E. Olson | November 22, 2016
Is "Mansplaining" a Thing?
Roger E. Olson | November 21, 2016
Why I Will Still Not Stop Calling Myself "Evangelical"
Roger E. Olson | November 18, 2016
Should Christians Worship and Pray together with...
Roger E. Olson | November 16, 2016
Finally, My Thoughts about the 2016 Election
Roger E. Olson | November 13, 2016
How Denominations Can Survive (If They Should)
Roger E. Olson | November 08, 2016
"In Defense of Denominationalism"
Roger E. Olson | November 05, 2016
Thoughts about Liberation Theologies
Roger E. Olson | November 02, 2016
The Dark Side of Pentecostalism
Roger E. Olson | October 31, 2016
What Is Pentecostalism? What Do Pentecostals Believe?
Roger E. Olson | October 29, 2016
A Few Brief Thoughts about Blogging...
Roger E. Olson | October 27, 2016
A Shout Out for "Movember"
Roger E. Olson | October 25, 2016
What to Do about "Angry, White Men?"
Roger E. Olson | October 20, 2016
Follow Up to My Post about Denominations: Is Church...
Roger E. Olson | October 15, 2016
Reflections about Billy Graham...
Roger E. Olson | October 07, 2016
Do Not Blame All White Men for Donald Trump
Roger E. Olson | September 28, 2016
Review of Evangelicalism in America by Randall Balmer
Roger E. Olson | September 25, 2016
"#Some Lives Matter" and Calvinism: My Response to the...
Roger E. Olson | September 22, 2016
All Lives Matter (But Do Some Matter More Than Others?)
Roger E. Olson | September 19, 2016
An Open Letter to the Members of the Evangelical...
Roger E. Olson | September 16, 2016
Why Are We So Afraid of Emotion in Worship?
Roger E. Olson | September 10, 2016
Evangelical Christian Thoughts about "Mindfulness"
Roger E. Olson | September 07, 2016
Why I Am Not a Fan of Contemporary American Sports
Roger E. Olson | September 04, 2016
Is There a "Christian Ideology?"
Roger E. Olson | September 01, 2016
One of American Evangelicalism's Biggest Failures...
Roger E. Olson | August 30, 2016
Preview of a New Book about Calvinism...
Roger E. Olson | August 23, 2016
Whatever Happened to "Missions Sunday?"
Roger E. Olson | July 17, 2016
Help Needed with Denomination: Plymouth Brethren
Roger E. Olson | July 10, 2016
Coming Soon...Please Watch for These Here!
Roger E. Olson | July 06, 2016
Back by Popular Demand (But Changed)
Roger E. Olson | July 01, 2016
What Is an "Evangelical?"
Roger E. Olson | June 21, 2016
Am I "Neo-Orthodox?"
Roger E. Olson | June 19, 2016
Is American Society Descending into "Anomie?"
Roger E. Olson | June 16, 2016
Is Donald Trump the Antichrist?
Roger E. Olson | June 11, 2016
Should Western Christians Rediscover Exorcism?
Roger E. Olson | June 09, 2016
Ask a Theologian a Question
Roger E. Olson | May 31, 2016
Largely Ignored Forms of Oppression
Roger E. Olson | May 29, 2016
Saving Hell
Roger E. Olson | May 19, 2016
A Pentecost Sermon: The Holy Spirit...
Roger E. Olson | May 15, 2016
Dreaming of the Ideal "Mission Trip"
Roger E. Olson | May 08, 2016
On the Mystery and Meaning of Perspectives
Roger E. Olson | May 04, 2016
A Long Essay on "Christian Fundamentalism"
Roger E. Olson | May 02, 2016
Deconstructing "Evangelicalism"
Roger E. Olson | April 29, 2016
Why Can't We Just Call Ourselves "Christians?"
Roger E. Olson | April 26, 2016
Does God Still Speak....?
Roger E. Olson | April 20, 2016
Hell (Again)
Roger E. Olson | April 12, 2016
Fixing Men (and Boys)
Roger E. Olson | April 10, 2016
C. S. Lewis: Calvinist or Classical Arminian?
Roger E. Olson | April 07, 2016
Announcements: Book, Chapters and Talks
Roger E. Olson | April 06, 2016
Is There a "Christian Economics?"
Roger E. Olson | April 03, 2016
"Evangelical" Is Not a Political Identity
Roger E. Olson | March 30, 2016
Stanley Hauerwas and the Church
Roger E. Olson | March 27, 2016
Keeping Good Company
Roger E. Olson | March 25, 2016
Make a Difference--for Boys
Roger E. Olson | March 21, 2016
About Commenting Here....
Roger E. Olson | March 19, 2016
If God Once (upon a Time) Commanded Genocide...
Roger E. Olson | March 18, 2016
Ideal Types of Christian Responses to Gender Roles
Roger E. Olson | March 15, 2016
John Piper Does It Again: My Response to "The...
Roger E. Olson | March 12, 2016
Am I an "Authentic Christian?" (I Doubt It)
Roger E. Olson | March 09, 2016
Is Torture Ever Ethically Justifiable?
Roger E. Olson | February 28, 2016
My Christianity Today Article about "Freedom"
Roger E. Olson | February 25, 2016
The Pope and Donald Trump
Roger E. Olson | February 20, 2016
Is Real Communication as Perfect "Meeting of Minds"...
Roger E. Olson | February 17, 2016
Election is for Everyone
Roger E. Olson | February 13, 2016
The New Theists
Roger E. Olson | February 07, 2016
A Classic Book about "Corporate Election" Revised,...
Roger E. Olson | February 05, 2016
Thoughts about Iowa, American Politics, and the Media
Roger E. Olson | February 03, 2016
So What, Then, Is "American Evangelicalism?"
Roger E. Olson | February 01, 2016
Denomination of the Week: Church of God (Anderson,...
Roger E. Olson | January 29, 2016
Calling out "Calling out 'American Evangelicalism'"
Roger E. Olson | January 26, 2016
Is Modern Unbelief Rooted in Christianity?
Roger E. Olson | January 23, 2016
John Piper and "Christian Hedonism"
Roger E. Olson | January 21, 2016
Narrative Theology Explained
Roger E. Olson | January 15, 2016
Critical Thoughts about Belief in God and Modern...
Roger E. Olson | January 13, 2016
Denomination of the Week: Beachy Amish
Roger E. Olson | January 10, 2016
A Look Back and a Look Forward: 2015 and 2016
Roger E. Olson | January 03, 2016
Christianity's Greatest Enemy
Roger E. Olson | January 01, 2016
Do All Atheists Deny the Same God?
Roger E. Olson | December 27, 2015
Do All Christians Worship the Same God?
Roger E. Olson | December 22, 2015
Again the Curmudgeon Comes Out: Some Miscellaneous...
Roger E. Olson | December 19, 2015
Denomination of the Week: Brethren in Christ Church
Roger E. Olson | December 16, 2015
Denomination of the Week: Grace Communion International
Roger E. Olson | December 10, 2015
Miscellaneous Footnotes to Earlier Posts: Feminism,...
Roger E. Olson | December 09, 2015
Request for Help with The Handbook of Denominations
Roger E. Olson | December 08, 2015
And then Again...Clarifications about "Christian...
Roger E. Olson | December 04, 2015
A Call for American Evangelical Leaders to Confront...
Roger E. Olson | December 03, 2015
A National Registry for Adherents of a Certain World...
Roger E. Olson | November 26, 2015
Thanksgiving Thoughts
Roger E. Olson | November 23, 2015
An Evangelical Superstar Scholar: Alister McGrath
Roger E. Olson | November 18, 2015
Where Calvinists, Lutherans, Arminians (and Some...
Roger E. Olson | November 16, 2015
Is "Following Jesus" Enough?
Roger E. Olson | November 14, 2015
The "Catastrophe of Nominalism"
Roger E. Olson | November 11, 2015
Just Passed a Milestone! One Thousand Posts!
Roger E. Olson | November 10, 2015
Defending Denominations in a "Postdenominational Age"
Roger E. Olson | November 09, 2015
Is the Bible "Inerrant" or "Infallible?"
Roger E. Olson | November 05, 2015
What Is a "Complete Gospel?"
Roger E. Olson | November 03, 2015
The Power of Negative Thinking
Roger E. Olson | November 01, 2015
Here Comes "Movember?" (Or Not)
Roger E. Olson | October 30, 2015
More God Talk: "Trinity Means Love"
Roger E. Olson | October 27, 2015
"Let's Talk about Jesus" Our Prophet, Priest and King
Roger E. Olson | October 24, 2015
Why I Still Call Myself "Evangelical" in Spite of...
Roger E. Olson | October 15, 2015
Holley-Hull Lecture "A Relational View of God's...
Roger E. Olson | October 13, 2015
My Holley-Hull Lectures at Samford University
Roger E. Olson | October 09, 2015
Is There a Role for Shaming in Public Ethics?
Roger E. Olson | October 08, 2015
Guest Column from Austin Fischer: Monergism...
Roger E. Olson | October 03, 2015
Returning to My Roots for One Day
Roger E. Olson | September 27, 2015
Is It Capitalism at Work or "Gouging" or Both?
Roger E. Olson | September 24, 2015
Should A Christian Be President of the United States?
Roger E. Olson | September 21, 2015
Bill Gaither and Me...
Roger E. Olson | September 17, 2015
Seminary Chapel Sermon "Certainty Not" (September 15,...
Roger E. Olson | September 15, 2015
Would Someone in the American Mass News Media Please...
Roger E. Olson | September 15, 2015
A New Book Discussion Series: Scot McKnight's "Kingdom...
Roger E. Olson | September 14, 2015
Is the "Prosperity Gospel" a Variety of Evangelicalism?
Roger E. Olson | September 11, 2015
Guest Post about "Fallen Christian Leaders"
Roger E. Olson | September 09, 2015
Some Things I Have Learned from Blogging
Roger E. Olson | September 03, 2015
An Invitation to Hear Me Speak...with Bill Gaither
Roger E. Olson | August 27, 2015
Over Reactions and the Search for Balance
Roger E. Olson | August 17, 2015
What's with the Popularity of Off-Beat Political...
Roger E. Olson | August 15, 2015
Help with New Denominations
Roger E. Olson | August 09, 2015
Whatever Happened to the Christian Mind?
Roger E. Olson | August 04, 2015
True Christian Ecumenism: Reconciled Diversity
Roger E. Olson | August 02, 2015
A Major Problem I See with American Culture Today
Roger E. Olson | July 11, 2015
Reconsidering My Statements about Pope Francis
Roger E. Olson | July 08, 2015
Must Gays Be Offended?
Roger E. Olson | July 01, 2015
And Now...What Conservative Churches Must Do
Roger E. Olson | June 27, 2015
Who Decides Who's A Christian?
Roger E. Olson | June 19, 2015
Shallow Religious Fads and Fashions
Roger E. Olson | June 17, 2015
A Plea for Patience
Roger E. Olson | June 14, 2015
Follow Up to My Post about Mormonism
Roger E. Olson | June 13, 2015
Follow Up to My Post about Marriage
Roger E. Olson | June 06, 2015
Arminius's Reformed Doctrine of Justification
Roger E. Olson | June 01, 2015
Calling for Total Transparency by Churches
Roger E. Olson | May 24, 2015
Is God "A Being" Or "Being Itself?"
Roger E. Olson | May 16, 2015
Is God Also Our Mother?
Roger E. Olson | May 10, 2015
Boys and Men Suffer Sex Abuse, Too....
Roger E. Olson | May 04, 2015
Embarrased by the Supernatural?
Roger E. Olson | April 29, 2015
Thoughts about Old School Christian Hymns and Songs
Roger E. Olson | April 28, 2015
The Problem of Irrational, Unteachable Christians
Roger E. Olson | April 26, 2015
Adam Hamilton and Me
Roger E. Olson | April 25, 2015
Clearing Up Some Christian Confusions about "Doubt"
Roger E. Olson | April 20, 2015
"Progressive Evangelicals": Where Are They Now?
Roger E. Olson | April 18, 2015
Recent Podcasts
Roger E. Olson | April 17, 2015
Why Hyper-Calvinism Is Consistent Calvinism
Roger E. Olson | April 15, 2015
Thoughts about Detente with Cuba
Roger E. Olson | April 12, 2015
Where Does Theology Really Matter?
Roger E. Olson | April 07, 2015
Against the Political Misuses of Words
Roger E. Olson | April 06, 2015
Easter Ought to Mean Joy
Roger E. Olson | April 05, 2015
Guest Good Friday Post by Austin Fischer
Roger E. Olson | April 03, 2015
Creating a Course for FaithLife
Roger E. Olson | March 16, 2015
Dr. Seuss Was Right
Roger E. Olson | March 14, 2015
What Is the Old Testament Good For--Doctrinally?
Roger E. Olson | March 11, 2015
Can "Authentic Christianity" Be Found Today?
Roger E. Olson | March 08, 2015
Confessions of an Egalitarian Complementarian
Roger E. Olson | March 04, 2015
The Sin of Tribalism
Roger E. Olson | March 01, 2015
Theology and Speculation
Roger E. Olson | February 17, 2015
Calvinism and Evangelism
Roger E. Olson | February 14, 2015
A Reformed Theologian's Critique of Divine Determinism
Roger E. Olson | February 12, 2015
What I Mean When I Label Someone “Liberal,”...
Roger E. Olson | February 10, 2015
"Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed" a Year Later:...
Roger E. Olson | February 02, 2015
Private Sector Redistribution of Wealth?
Roger E. Olson | January 19, 2015
Terrorism Is Wrong; So Is Ridiculing People's Faiths
Roger E. Olson | January 17, 2015
An Encouraging Message about "Against Calvinism"
Roger E. Olson | January 08, 2015
Review of Oliver Crisp's "Deviant Calvinism" Part Four
Roger E. Olson | December 30, 2014
Review of Oliver Crisp's "Deviant Calvinism" Part Three
Roger E. Olson | December 24, 2014
Review of Oliver Crisp's "Deviant Calvinism" Part Two
Roger E. Olson | December 20, 2014
My Briefest Post Ever...But Perhaps Most Important!
Roger E. Olson | December 19, 2014
Review of Oliver Crisp's "Deviant Calvinism" Part One
Roger E. Olson | December 18, 2014
My Response to John Piper's Comments about Arminians
Roger E. Olson | December 14, 2014
What "American Exceptionalism" Means to Me
Roger E. Olson | December 10, 2014
Can a Single Act Be Both Determined and Free?
Roger E. Olson | December 07, 2014
Two Forthcoming Books about Pietism
Roger E. Olson | December 03, 2014
When I Say "Calvinism"...
Roger E. Olson | November 24, 2014
Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?
Roger E. Olson | November 11, 2014
Can We Dispense with the "Wrath of God?" (And Some...
Roger E. Olson | November 08, 2014
What Is a "Spirit-filled" and "Spirit-led" Church?
Roger E. Olson | October 23, 2014
Can A Christian Support "Physician-Assisted Suicide?"
Roger E. Olson | October 18, 2014
Leaving Behind "Left Behind"
Roger E. Olson | October 15, 2014
Is A "Carnal Christian" Saved? (Part Three)
Roger E. Olson | October 12, 2014
Is A "Carnal Christian" Saved? (Part Two)
Roger E. Olson | October 10, 2014
Is A "Carnal Christian" Saved? (Part One)
Roger E. Olson | October 08, 2014
"Big Tent" Versus "Small Tent" Evangelicalism
Roger E. Olson | October 06, 2014
John Owen on Partial Regeneration (Prevenient Grace)
Roger E. Olson | October 01, 2014
What Did Charles Hodge Say about "The Decrees of God?"...
Roger E. Olson | September 26, 2014
What Did Charles Hodge Say about "The Decrees of God?"
Roger E. Olson | September 25, 2014
A Curse of Living Long: Having Seen It All Before...
Roger E. Olson | September 22, 2014
Calvinism and God-ordained Suffering: A Follow Up
Roger E. Olson | September 20, 2014
A Question to Calvinists
Roger E. Olson | September 18, 2014
What about "Contextual Theologies?"
Roger E. Olson | September 16, 2014
Should Pastors Be Trained in Mental Health Care-giving?
Roger E. Olson | September 14, 2014
What Is the Duty of a Christian Care-giver (Such as a...
Roger E. Olson | September 12, 2014
What Is "Marcionism?" My Response to a Ludicrous...
Roger E. Olson | September 09, 2014
Wolfhart Pannenberg R.I.P.
Roger E. Olson | September 08, 2014
Who's a "Real Evangelical?"
Roger E. Olson | September 07, 2014
Kudos to Two Former Students: A Book and A Debate
Roger E. Olson | September 04, 2014
Some Follow-up Thoughts about God and Genocide
Roger E. Olson | September 02, 2014
Evangelical Superstars and Why They Fall
Roger E. Olson | August 30, 2014
God and Children: Would Jesus (God) Command Their...
Roger E. Olson | August 22, 2014
Follow Up to My Post about the Paranormal
Roger E. Olson | August 21, 2014
How Open Should Christians Be to the "Paranormal?"
Roger E. Olson | August 20, 2014
A Sermon: "Community: The Impossible Possibility"
Roger E. Olson | August 17, 2014
Intuitive Evangelical Theology versus Scholastic...
Roger E. Olson | August 15, 2014
My Q&A about Arminianism Now an E-Book
Roger E. Olson | August 14, 2014
"God's Will" In Calvinism and Arminianism
Roger E. Olson | August 12, 2014
Can God Make Himself Dependent on Us?
Roger E. Olson | August 09, 2014
Selective Memory in History Books
Roger E. Olson | August 04, 2014
Beware of Stealth Calvinism!
Roger E. Olson | July 31, 2014
Are We Descending into Barbarity?
Roger E. Olson | July 28, 2014
Evil As Signal of Transcendence
Roger E. Olson | July 26, 2014
There Are No Atheists in Foxholes...Or Anywhere?
Roger E. Olson | July 17, 2014
A Few Words about this Blog...
Roger E. Olson | July 16, 2014
Am I a Man or What?
Roger E. Olson | June 12, 2014
Subterranean Theology (Part 2)
Roger E. Olson | June 10, 2014
Subterranean Theology (Part 1)
Roger E. Olson | June 07, 2014
What Will Those Who Come after Us Say about Us?
Roger E. Olson | June 05, 2014
Could Jesus Have Made Mistakes? An Exercise in...
Roger E. Olson | June 02, 2014
Further Adventures in Missing the Point...
Roger E. Olson | May 27, 2014
If I Were a Naturalist....
Roger E. Olson | May 24, 2014
Something for Arminius Geeks
Roger E. Olson | May 04, 2014
Theologians I Have Known: Reflections on Their...
Roger E. Olson | April 30, 2014
Theologians I Have Known: Reflections on Their...
Roger E. Olson | April 26, 2014
Faith and Reason: Is Christianity Irrational?
Roger E. Olson | April 24, 2014
Some Emil Brunner Sayings (from Dogmatics, Vol. I)
Roger E. Olson | April 16, 2014
Does God Change?
Roger E. Olson | April 06, 2014
Good Books on the Holy Spirit?
Roger E. Olson | April 06, 2014
What We Should Learn from "12 Years a Slave"
Roger E. Olson | March 31, 2014
Is the "Arminian God" Good?
Roger E. Olson | March 29, 2014
Off the Usual Topics: Gender Double Stereotypes
Roger E. Olson | March 26, 2014
Follow Up to Why (High) Calvinism Is Impossible
Roger E. Olson | March 19, 2014
Why (High) Calvinism Is Impossible
Roger E. Olson | March 16, 2014
A Final Word about the "Gay Wedding Cake" Issue
Roger E. Olson | March 09, 2014
What Is "History of...?"
Roger E. Olson | March 03, 2014
Arminianism and Providence
Roger E. Olson | March 02, 2014
Is Arminianism "Reformed?"
Roger E. Olson | February 27, 2014
A Good New Book: A Missional Orthodoxy: Theology and...
Roger E. Olson | February 25, 2014
The "God of the Gaps": Right Use, Wrong Use
Roger E. Olson | February 23, 2014
A Problem in Evangelicalism: Narcissistic Leaders
Roger E. Olson | February 21, 2014
On Telling Inconvenient and Uncomfortable Truths
Roger E. Olson | February 18, 2014
Church Shopping: Some Guidelines
Roger E. Olson | February 15, 2014
Thank God for Non-Fighting Fundamentalists
Roger E. Olson | February 12, 2014
Excerpt from Austin Fischer's Excellent Book Young,...
Roger E. Olson | February 09, 2014
Is the Problem Calvinism or Fundamentalism (or the...
Roger E. Olson | February 04, 2014
Where in the Devil is Satan (in Modern Theology)?
Roger E. Olson | February 01, 2014
Announcing a New Blog and Its First Post
Roger E. Olson | January 30, 2014
Why I Am Not a Deist (No Offense to Deists)
Roger E. Olson | January 20, 2014
Are All Idols Equal?
Roger E. Olson | January 18, 2014
Whatever Happened to the New Age Movement (NAM)?
Roger E. Olson | January 13, 2014
Books I'm Reading Right Now (and Why)
Roger E. Olson | January 11, 2014
Christian Philosophy for Newbies
Roger E. Olson | December 30, 2013
The Parable of the Carnival and the "Freak Show"
Roger E. Olson | December 23, 2013
Why I Don't Respond to Every Critic or Debate Every...
Roger E. Olson | December 18, 2013
Inclusivism Revisited: Guest Post by William Walker III
Roger E. Olson | December 16, 2013
How We Should Handle "Fallen Leaders"
Roger E. Olson | December 14, 2013
Review of Apostles of Reason by Molly Worthen Part Two
Roger E. Olson | December 13, 2013
Is America Becoming a Police State?
Roger E. Olson | December 06, 2013
Why I Am Not a Process Theologian
Roger E. Olson | December 04, 2013
Explaining Calvinism to Calvinists (and Others)
Roger E. Olson | November 30, 2013
Changing My Mind (Some) about Pope Francis
Roger E. Olson | November 28, 2013
My Response to Two Books about Arminius
Roger E. Olson | November 27, 2013
Was Arminius an Arminian? (Report on A Vigorous...
Roger E. Olson | November 25, 2013
Can a Calvinist Pray for His Child to Be "Elect?"
Roger E. Olson | November 23, 2013
Is Prejudice always Conscious (or Can It Be...
Roger E. Olson | November 21, 2013
Must One Agree with Arminius to be Arminian?
Roger E. Olson | November 14, 2013
Needed: Robust Arminian Theology for Lay People...
Roger E. Olson | November 12, 2013
"The Journey of Modern Theology" Is Published!
Roger E. Olson | November 07, 2013
Right, Wrong, and Necessary
Roger E. Olson | November 05, 2013
What it looks like when God is busy among us
Roger E. Olson | November 03, 2013
How Do We Know When God Is "Busy" Among Us?
Roger E. Olson | November 01, 2013
Scripture and Tradition Again: What John Calvin Said
Roger E. Olson | October 30, 2013
"Strange Fire?" Fundamentalists and the Holy Spirit
Roger E. Olson | October 28, 2013
The Ethics of Football
Roger E. Olson | October 10, 2013
What Is "Liberal Theology?"
Roger E. Olson | October 08, 2013
Case Studies in "Re-forming Orthodoxy"
Roger E. Olson | October 06, 2013
Returning to the Issue of International Adoption
Roger E. Olson | October 01, 2013
What Should a Pastor Say to a Group of Boys?
Roger E. Olson | September 27, 2013
Another Round in the Old "Evolution vs. Creation" Debate
Roger E. Olson | September 24, 2013
Calvinism Appearing in Unexpected (and Innapropriate)...
Roger E. Olson | September 19, 2013
Excellent New Book about Calvin and Wesley
Roger E. Olson | September 14, 2013
He Said It Better Than I Did: A Guest's Comment about...
Roger E. Olson | September 06, 2013
Are Arminian Theology and Middle Knowledge Compatible?
Roger E. Olson | September 04, 2013
Modernity and Christianity: Like Oil and Water? Part 3...
Roger E. Olson | September 01, 2013
An Arminian Ordo Salutis (Order of Salvation)
Roger E. Olson | August 23, 2013
"Precious Moments Christianity"
Roger E. Olson | August 21, 2013
A Brief Summer Hiatus
Roger E. Olson | August 13, 2013
T.A.C.O.s Anyone?
Roger E. Olson | August 10, 2013
Why I Do Not Believe in Absolute "Body Autonomy"
Roger E. Olson | August 05, 2013
Leaves from the Notebook of a Not-So-Tamed Cynic
Roger E. Olson | August 03, 2013
Questions about Both Sides of the Abortion Debate
Roger E. Olson | July 31, 2013
Is there Vitality in "Mainline Religion?"
Roger E. Olson | July 24, 2013
Jesus Always First (Not "Jesus Only")
Roger E. Olson | July 22, 2013
A New Book about Hell that Will Make You Think
Roger E. Olson | July 17, 2013
The Heresy of Capital Punishment
Roger E. Olson | July 03, 2013
Disingenuous Calvinists?
Roger E. Olson | June 27, 2013
You Might Be "Reformed" If...
Roger E. Olson | June 24, 2013
"Hitlerland"--Can It Happen Here (in America)?
Roger E. Olson | June 17, 2013
Follow Up to My Post about Gay Boy Scouts
Roger E. Olson | June 11, 2013
Gay Boy Scouts--So What?
Roger E. Olson | June 09, 2013
Games (Some) Theologians Play
Roger E. Olson | June 04, 2013
What Is Theology and Who Does It? Part 3 (Final)
Roger E. Olson | May 30, 2013
What Is Theology and Who Does It? Part 2
Roger E. Olson | May 28, 2013
What Is "Theology" and Who Does It? Part 1
Roger E. Olson | May 26, 2013
Shocking Sermon by Presiding Episcopal Bishop
Roger E. Olson | May 25, 2013
Practical Implications of Satanic Realism
Roger E. Olson | May 23, 2013
Is the Bible Unclear? A Guide for the Perplexed
Roger E. Olson | May 15, 2013
Philosophers "doing" theology: pros and cons
Roger E. Olson | May 13, 2013
A Concentration Camp by Any Other Name...
Roger E. Olson | May 09, 2013
A New Liberation Theology?
Roger E. Olson | May 08, 2013
How Important is the Doctrine of the Trinity?
Roger E. Olson | April 29, 2013
What Is "God's Will" and How Can One Find It?
Roger E. Olson | April 27, 2013
Why I Despise the Mainstream (American) News Media
Roger E. Olson | April 25, 2013
Where Was God when the Fertilizer Plant Exploded?
Roger E. Olson | April 19, 2013
Is Religion Really Declining in America?
Roger E. Olson | April 17, 2013
Changes Coming to Patheos Blogs....
Roger E. Olson | April 17, 2013
Missio Alliance Book Sale (Really Good Deals!)
Roger E. Olson | April 16, 2013
Luther and "Double Predestination"
Roger E. Olson | April 10, 2013
Evangelicals and Liberation Theology
Roger E. Olson | April 08, 2013
Why Do We Call It "Good Friday" When....?
Roger E. Olson | March 29, 2013
What's Wrong with Calvinism?
Roger E. Olson | March 22, 2013
Our God Is An...Ethical (!) God
Roger E. Olson | March 16, 2013
Why Did the U.S. Demonize Hugo Chavez?
Roger E. Olson | March 15, 2013
"We Have A Pope!" (Who Cares?)
Roger E. Olson | March 14, 2013
What Is "Authority?"
Roger E. Olson | March 07, 2013
Safe and Unsafe Sects (and What To Call Them!)
Roger E. Olson | March 05, 2013
Remembering C. Everett Koop (and Lewis Smedes)
Roger E. Olson | February 26, 2013
R. C. Sproul, Arminianism, and Semi-Pelagianism
Roger E. Olson | February 22, 2013
A Few Suggestions and Guidelines for Commenting Here
Roger E. Olson | February 21, 2013
Is a "Consumption Tax" Fair?
Roger E. Olson | February 19, 2013
Godless Capitalism?
Roger E. Olson | February 17, 2013
Why I Am Not a Fundamentalist (or Conservative...
Roger E. Olson | February 14, 2013
What Is "Fundamentalism" and Who Is a "Fundamentalist?"
Roger E. Olson | February 12, 2013
Problems with Calvinist Polemics against Arminianism
Roger E. Olson | February 10, 2013
Why I Am Not a "Liberal Christian"
Roger E. Olson | February 07, 2013
Why I Love and Worship God
Roger E. Olson | February 03, 2013
Review of "An Evangelical Manifesto" Part 3 (Final)
Roger E. Olson | February 01, 2013
Review of "An Evangelical Manifesto" Part 2
Roger E. Olson | January 29, 2013
Review of "An Evangelical Manifesto" Part 1
Roger E. Olson | January 27, 2013
Did Karl Barth Really Say "Jesus Loves Me, This I...
Roger E. Olson | January 24, 2013
What Counts as "Religion" and Why Does It Matter?
Roger E. Olson | January 23, 2013
A Plug for My Current Article on "Election" in...
Roger E. Olson | January 08, 2013
Another Calvinist Misrepresentation of Arminianism
Roger E. Olson | January 05, 2013
A Letter from a Young Christian Reader of "Against...
Roger E. Olson | December 29, 2012
Calvinism and the God-as-author analogy
Roger E. Olson | December 26, 2012
End of the World or World without End?
Roger E. Olson | December 21, 2012
Kudos to Courageous Columnist Kathleen Parker
Roger E. Olson | December 14, 2012
The Positive Power of Negative Thinking
Roger E. Olson | December 12, 2012
A Modest Proposal for an Ideal Social Order
Roger E. Olson | December 10, 2012
Some Musings about Worship as Gift and Task
Roger E. Olson | December 01, 2012
Interview with Frank Viola
Roger E. Olson | November 30, 2012
When Did We Open the Pandora's Box of...
Roger E. Olson | November 28, 2012
Merry idolatry season!
Roger E. Olson | November 24, 2012
Further stirring the pot regarding "feminism"
Roger E. Olson | November 21, 2012
A Movie Illustration of What's Wrong with Calvinism
Roger E. Olson | November 18, 2012
A Christian Humanist Manifesto--Part 3 (Final)
Roger E. Olson | November 16, 2012
A Christian Humanist Manifesto...Part 2
Roger E. Olson | November 15, 2012
Is Open Theism a Type of Arminianism?
Roger E. Olson | November 10, 2012
Proof of Heaven?
Roger E. Olson | November 08, 2012
My List of "Approved Denominations"
Roger E. Olson | November 06, 2012
Karl Barth the Arminian?
Roger E. Olson | November 04, 2012
Some Random and Curmudgeonly Thoughts about October 31
Roger E. Olson | November 01, 2012
Musings about Prayer: What It Is and Does
Roger E. Olson | October 26, 2012
A Few Words about Oppression
Roger E. Olson | October 24, 2012
Some questions for feminists from a sympathizer
Roger E. Olson | October 22, 2012
Guest post by a Christian feminist about feminism
Roger E. Olson | October 19, 2012
Thank God for heresy!
Roger E. Olson | October 18, 2012
Why I like denominations
Roger E. Olson | October 11, 2012
Reasons for Believing the Bible is God's Word
Roger E. Olson | October 09, 2012
Some good novels that include theological themes
Roger E. Olson | October 04, 2012
What do I mean when I say the Bible is "trustworthy?"
Roger E. Olson | October 02, 2012
Whatever Happened to the "Evangelical Left?"
Roger E. Olson | September 30, 2012
My Christianity Today article "The Bonds of Freedom"
Roger E. Olson | September 28, 2012
Evangelical Inquisitions
Roger E. Olson | September 27, 2012
A Neglected Theory of the Atonement?
Roger E. Olson | September 25, 2012
Was Schleiermacher a liberal theologian? (If not, who...
Roger E. Olson | September 22, 2012
Confessions of an Ecumenical, Evangelical, Baptist...
Roger E. Olson | September 20, 2012
Who is a "real Christian?"
Roger E. Olson | September 18, 2012
Thoughts about persecution and martyrdom
Roger E. Olson | September 14, 2012
Leithart the Prophet to America?
Roger E. Olson | September 12, 2012
Mostly for Baptists (Others Welcome to Listen In):...
Roger E. Olson | September 10, 2012
If only I had a blog back then... Some thoughts about...
Roger E. Olson | September 09, 2012
Who Is An "Evangelical Theologian?"
Roger E. Olson | September 06, 2012
The Moon Is Down ("Rev. Moon," That is)
Roger E. Olson | September 05, 2012
John Piper, God's Sovereignty, and Sin
Roger E. Olson | August 28, 2012
Who Is the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53?
Roger E. Olson | August 22, 2012
Does God always get his way?
Roger E. Olson | August 20, 2012
Jerry Walls' youtube video series on Calvinism
Roger E. Olson | August 19, 2012
Saying goodbye to a mentor and friend
Roger E. Olson | August 09, 2012
What's wrong with panentheism?
Roger E. Olson | August 07, 2012
Leithart's Defending Constantine Revisited
Roger E. Olson | August 03, 2012
Why is Jonathan Edwards considered so great?
Roger E. Olson | July 31, 2012
A Sermon: "Grace Works" Philippians 2:12-13
Roger E. Olson | July 29, 2012
An Arminian (?) Sermon Illustration
Roger E. Olson | July 25, 2012
"God, guns, and guts"
Roger E. Olson | July 22, 2012
Preliminary Review of Defending Constantine
Roger E. Olson | July 20, 2012
Spiritual Abuse
Roger E. Olson | July 15, 2012
Why can't Southern Baptists just get along?
Roger E. Olson | July 09, 2012
Evangelical Calvinism?
Roger E. Olson | July 05, 2012
Needed: A Renewal of "Christian Humanism"
Roger E. Olson | July 02, 2012
What I admire about Calvinists
Roger E. Olson | June 25, 2012
Review of Carson's The Intolerance of Tolerance
Roger E. Olson | June 23, 2012
The Way We Were
Roger E. Olson | June 18, 2012
Some random thoughts on Father's Day
Roger E. Olson | June 17, 2012
Conversion stories in recent fiction and film
Roger E. Olson | June 15, 2012
Thoughts about the terms "heresy" and "heretic"
Roger E. Olson | June 13, 2012
What does "inerrancy" actually do?
Roger E. Olson | June 09, 2012
Prevenient Grace: Why It Matters
Roger E. Olson | June 07, 2012
A Mysterious Topic (Part 2)
Roger E. Olson | June 02, 2012
Why I still call myself a...Baptist
Roger E. Olson | June 01, 2012
A Mysterious Topic: Part 1
Roger E. Olson | May 31, 2012
Good article about Social Darwinism
Roger E. Olson | May 29, 2012
And now...on the other hand...
Roger E. Olson | May 27, 2012
Should a Christian Work for Government?
Roger E. Olson | May 21, 2012
Guest post about Romney and the Religious Right
Roger E. Olson | May 18, 2012
Can a Christian be a Social Darwinist?
Roger E. Olson | May 16, 2012
How to Believe without Being Fundamentalist
Roger E. Olson | May 13, 2012
"Fundamentalism" of the Left
Roger E. Olson | May 09, 2012
Theological thoughts about "megachurches"
Roger E. Olson | May 07, 2012
A Few Thoughts about Science and Theology
Roger E. Olson | May 05, 2012
Recent responses to Against Calvinism
Roger E. Olson | May 01, 2012
Christless Christianity in Movies?
Roger E. Olson | April 28, 2012
Mention in New York Times (April 29)
Roger E. Olson | April 28, 2012
Experimenting with formatting/fonts
Roger E. Olson | April 27, 2012
Certainty Not. (A Guest Post)
Roger E. Olson | April 22, 2012
John Piper and Pietism
Roger E. Olson | April 01, 2012
A brief hiatus from discussing The Gospel as Center
Roger E. Olson | March 30, 2012
Book recommendation about original sin
Roger E. Olson | March 28, 2012
Part 2: Response to The Gospel as Center
Roger E. Olson | March 23, 2012
Response to a Good Book about Purgatory
Roger E. Olson | March 19, 2012
A question and request for suggestions
Roger E. Olson | March 16, 2012
A feminist theologian explains the problem with men
Roger E. Olson | March 14, 2012
Thoughts about Another Evangelical Controversy
Roger E. Olson | March 12, 2012
Evangelical-Catholic Dialogue Part 3 (Final)
Roger E. Olson | March 06, 2012
Catholic-Evangelical Dialogue Part 2
Roger E. Olson | March 05, 2012
Catholic-Evangelical Dialogue
Roger E. Olson | March 05, 2012
Truly caught on the horns of a theological dilemma
Roger E. Olson | March 02, 2012
Why I like the Amish
Roger E. Olson | February 29, 2012
Regarding Old Testament "Texts of Terror"
Roger E. Olson | February 27, 2012
My "litmus test" for "true Christianity"
Roger E. Olson | February 25, 2012
Thoughts about "Renewalism"
Roger E. Olson | February 23, 2012
Rick Santorum, Barak Obama and theology
Roger E. Olson | February 21, 2012
Some Lenten meditations for baptists
Roger E. Olson | February 20, 2012
Who Is (or Might Be) an Arminian?
Roger E. Olson | February 18, 2012
A report on some recent conversations about Calvinism
Roger E. Olson | February 14, 2012
Is the "Prosperity Gospel" heresy?
Roger E. Olson | February 07, 2012
Some thoughts about my conversation with Michael Horton
Roger E. Olson | February 04, 2012
Finding roots and gems in old theologies
Roger E. Olson | February 02, 2012
Where I have a problem with Calvinism
Roger E. Olson | February 01, 2012
Quick report on Calvinst-Arminian dialogues
Roger E. Olson | January 31, 2012
And the other side (on issues of gender)
Roger E. Olson | January 29, 2012
On tossing out the evangelical spectrum: Part 2
Roger E. Olson | January 27, 2012
On tossing out the "right-middle-left" spectrum
Roger E. Olson | January 25, 2012
About "judging God's morality"
Roger E. Olson | January 16, 2012
Response to another misrepresentation of Arminianism
Roger E. Olson | January 14, 2012
A personal testimony (some won't like)
Roger E. Olson | January 13, 2012
A final comment (for now) about complementarianism
Roger E. Olson | January 12, 2012
Truth, Authority and Roles
Roger E. Olson | January 10, 2012
A challenge to "evangelical complementarians"
Roger E. Olson | January 08, 2012
Religious identities geographically displayed
Roger E. Olson | January 06, 2012
And now...on the other side (critique of extreme...
Roger E. Olson | January 04, 2012
Was Arminius an inclusivist? Continuing a conversation
Roger E. Olson | January 02, 2012
Some curmudgeonly and nostalgic thoughts about this...
Roger E. Olson | January 01, 2012
Some thoughts about "Christian feminism"
Roger E. Olson | December 29, 2011
And end (for now) to the "Atheismusstreit"
Roger E. Olson | December 22, 2011
A comment about atheists' comments here
Roger E. Olson | December 21, 2011
Atheism and nihilism
Roger E. Olson | December 20, 2011
Thank God for atheists
Roger E. Olson | December 17, 2011
A quick comment about discussion here
Roger E. Olson | December 14, 2011
A good (relatively) new book about predestination
Roger E. Olson | December 12, 2011
Quick post re: praying to Jesus?
Roger E. Olson | December 10, 2011
Is there hierarchy in the Trinity? Part 3
Roger E. Olson | December 09, 2011
Is there hierarchy in the Trinity part 2
Roger E. Olson | December 09, 2011
Is there hierarchy in the Trinity? A series on a...
Roger E. Olson | December 08, 2011
An issue of fairness: society's double standard
Roger E. Olson | December 07, 2011
Are Restorationists (Churches of Christ/Independent...
Roger E. Olson | December 05, 2011
"Lies, damned lies and statistics...."
Roger E. Olson | December 04, 2011
Some weekend miscellaneous thoughts
Roger E. Olson | December 03, 2011
More about direct revelations from God
Roger E. Olson | December 02, 2011
Criteria for testing messages based on unmediated...
Roger E. Olson | November 30, 2011
Bewildered by "seeing as"
Roger E. Olson | November 27, 2011
Reflections on Black Friday
Roger E. Olson | November 25, 2011
Roger E. Olson | November 24, 2011
Who is a Christian? Some suggested criteria.
Roger E. Olson | November 20, 2011
At last, and reluctantly, some guidelines for this blog
Roger E. Olson | November 18, 2011
A parable (not an allegory)
Roger E. Olson | November 16, 2011
What I mean that "I would not worship that god"
Roger E. Olson | November 14, 2011
Our "founding fathers"--Christians or what?
Roger E. Olson | November 13, 2011
Kant, thinking for oneself, etc. (continued)
Roger E. Olson | November 11, 2011
Some thoughts about Kant's "What Is Enlightenment?"
Roger E. Olson | November 10, 2011
J. I. Packer and Arminianism
Roger E. Olson | November 04, 2011
Did God kill Jesus?
Roger E. Olson | November 02, 2011
Another great evangelical intellectual passes away
Roger E. Olson | October 27, 2011
Addendum to my post about advertising
Roger E. Olson | October 26, 2011
Can a Christian work in the marketing field?
Roger E. Olson | October 25, 2011
A complete change of subject: evangelical fiction
Roger E. Olson | October 23, 2011
URL for my Ministry Direct (AG) interview
Roger E. Olson | October 23, 2011
Regarding the love and justice of a God who...
Roger E. Olson | October 21, 2011
Controversy over Calvinism brewing in the SBC
Roger E. Olson | October 20, 2011
Announcement of Interview re: Against Calvinism
Roger E. Olson | October 18, 2011
Romans 9
Roger E. Olson | October 18, 2011
A report on a conversation with a Calvinist
Roger E. Olson | October 17, 2011
What makes someone "evangelical?"
Roger E. Olson | October 12, 2011
Some thoughts about conversations/debates between...
Roger E. Olson | October 07, 2011
Brief interlude (in discussion of The Bible Made...
Roger E. Olson | September 29, 2011
Addendum to my first review of Smith's The Bible Made...
Roger E. Olson | September 27, 2011
First installment of review of Smith, The Bible Made...
Roger E. Olson | September 26, 2011
Finally arrived--Against Calvinism!
Roger E. Olson | September 23, 2011
Preview of my discussion of The Bible Made Impossible
Roger E. Olson | September 22, 2011
Lesslie Newbigin--a guide for the perplexed
Roger E. Olson | September 21, 2011
A final comment on Four Views on the Spectrum of...
Roger E. Olson | September 19, 2011
Returning briefly to the subject of America as a family
Roger E. Olson | September 16, 2011
Is hell part of the gospel? (Read all of this or don't...
Roger E. Olson | September 14, 2011
Al Mohler stirs the Rob Bell pot some more
Roger E. Olson | September 12, 2011
Going where angels fear to tread: Christianity and...
Roger E. Olson | September 10, 2011
And now a curmudgeonly comment on church sign "ministry"
Roger E. Olson | September 10, 2011
Should Christians sing hymns/songs they don't agree with?
Roger E. Olson | September 09, 2011
Article on "centered" versus "bounded" sets
Roger E. Olson | September 08, 2011
What I mean when I say I am "Against Calvinism"
Roger E. Olson | September 08, 2011
Why "evangelical" is a label I won't surrender
Roger E. Olson | September 06, 2011
Announcement of a new book on evangelicalism
Roger E. Olson | September 05, 2011
Kierkegaard as evangelical--Part 3 (final)
Roger E. Olson | September 02, 2011
Was Kierkegaard an evangelical--Part 2
Roger E. Olson | August 31, 2011
Was Kierkegaard an evangelical? Part 1
Roger E. Olson | August 29, 2011
Quick RIP for another hero: Mark Hatfield
Roger E. Olson | August 26, 2011
Why "compassionate conservatism" isn't
Roger E. Olson | August 26, 2011
Do we need an Arminian Defense League?
Roger E. Olson | August 24, 2011
Quick comment re: new blog address & format
Roger E. Olson | August 19, 2011
Something Protestants should borrow from Catholics
Roger E. Olson | August 15, 2011
Brandon Morgan's response....
Roger E. Olson | August 08, 2011
More thoughts on the Emerging Churches Movement
Roger E. Olson | August 07, 2011
Politicians and prayer meetings
Roger E. Olson | August 06, 2011
Folk religion and life after death part 2
Roger E. Olson | August 05, 2011
A bigger problem than heresy: folk religion
Roger E. Olson | August 04, 2011
How serious a heresy is universalism?
Roger E. Olson | July 30, 2011
Blog problems
Roger E. Olson | July 29, 2011
Re: Brandon Morgan's guest post & emergent...
Roger E. Olson | July 26, 2011
Returning to the illegal immigration issue...
Roger E. Olson | July 21, 2011
Off topic but important! Suggestions needed...
Roger E. Olson | July 20, 2011
What is "theological liberalism?"
Roger E. Olson | July 14, 2011
Thoughts on two recent movies...
Roger E. Olson | July 12, 2011
A good new book responding to Bell's Love Wins
Roger E. Olson | July 07, 2011
Another hallmark of neo-fundamentalism
Roger E. Olson | July 06, 2011
Do people ever go from liberal to evangelical?
Roger E. Olson | July 03, 2011
A good book by the Archbishop of Canterbury
Roger E. Olson | June 28, 2011
Some thoughts about fathers on Fathers Day
Roger E. Olson | June 19, 2011
Some more "real life" funny pulpit errors...
Roger E. Olson | June 12, 2011
A break from all the seriousness...
Roger E. Olson | June 11, 2011
A wonderful new book about Fundamentalism
Roger E. Olson | June 09, 2011
My response to Lemke's "Middle Way"
Roger E. Olson | June 09, 2011
Is "Left Behind" theology gnostic?
Roger E. Olson | June 04, 2011
Al Mohler and I agree!
Roger E. Olson | June 03, 2011
Conservative over reaction to the 1960s?
Roger E. Olson | May 31, 2011
Further on the Oklahoma law...
Roger E. Olson | May 29, 2011
Can there be too many orphanages?
Roger E. Olson | May 28, 2011
Follow up to my post about Oklahoma HB1804
Roger E. Olson | May 28, 2011
Why I can't give up the label "evangelical"
Roger E. Olson | May 23, 2011
Media hysteria about the "end of the world"
Roger E. Olson | May 22, 2011
Quote of the Day from Lord Acton
Roger E. Olson | May 19, 2011
Does God always do "the wisest thing?"
Roger E. Olson | May 19, 2011
Why I wrote my books
Roger E. Olson | May 15, 2011
10 favorite theology books
Roger E. Olson | May 14, 2011
Is God your "biggest fan?"
Roger E. Olson | May 10, 2011
Premillennialism revisited
Roger E. Olson | May 09, 2011
The Kingdom of God as critical principle
Roger E. Olson | May 07, 2011
The difference, theologically, between...
Roger E. Olson | May 07, 2011
Should Christians celebrate death?
Roger E. Olson | May 03, 2011
Are Mormons Christians?
Roger E. Olson | May 01, 2011
Athanasius and objective atonement
Roger E. Olson | April 29, 2011
God's sovereignty by the rules
Roger E. Olson | April 29, 2011
R.I.P. David Wilkerson
Roger E. Olson | April 28, 2011
"Deep Church"
Roger E. Olson | April 27, 2011
A P.S. regarding capital punishment
Roger E. Olson | April 25, 2011
Church fires, holocausts, and God's intentions
Roger E. Olson | April 24, 2011
Whatever became of the cross?
Roger E. Olson | April 22, 2011
Capital punishment and slavery
Roger E. Olson | April 20, 2011
Capital Punishment is sin
Roger E. Olson | April 17, 2011
A good description of "postconservative...
Roger E. Olson | April 13, 2011
What about Sola Scriptura? Is it a viable concept?
Roger E. Olson | April 10, 2011
More about universalism
Roger E. Olson | April 10, 2011
Rob Bell comes clean!!!
Roger E. Olson | April 08, 2011
A good new book about Arminius
Roger E. Olson | April 08, 2011
Further stirring of the pot....
Roger E. Olson | April 05, 2011
The Word Made Fresh: A Call for a Renewal of the...
Roger E. Olson | April 01, 2011
Essentials of Christianity
Roger E. Olson | April 01, 2011
Great Comment re: evangelicals behaving badly
Roger E. Olson | March 30, 2011
Division in the evangelical house
Roger E. Olson | March 29, 2011
Billy Graham and inclusivism
Roger E. Olson | March 27, 2011
The Promised Response to Bell's Love Wins
Roger E. Olson | March 25, 2011
The New Fundamentalism
Roger E. Olson | March 24, 2011
Walter Wink and Greg Boyd on the Problem of Evil
Roger E. Olson | March 22, 2011
Evangelical AND Catholic?
Roger E. Olson | March 19, 2011
"Reclaiming Pietism"
Roger E. Olson | March 16, 2011
Another recommended book--by a leading Calvinist
Roger E. Olson | March 03, 2011
My response to Rob Bell's promo video LOVE WINS
Roger E. Olson | March 02, 2011
When criticism of fellow Christians is appropriate
Roger E. Olson | March 01, 2011
When will we ever learn....?
Roger E. Olson | February 27, 2011
A review of Kenneth Stewart's Ten Myths about...
Roger E. Olson | February 26, 2011
Is it possible to believe a paradox?
Roger E. Olson | February 25, 2011
A Youtube attack on Arminianism
Roger E. Olson | February 23, 2011
New Book about Calvinism
Roger E. Olson | February 22, 2011
American Christianity and Semi-Pelagianism
Roger E. Olson | February 20, 2011
Do Arminians owe "The Church" an apology?
Roger E. Olson | February 18, 2011
Report on a holocaust conference
Roger E. Olson | February 12, 2011
Follow up regarding God changing the past
Roger E. Olson | February 11, 2011
Can God change the past?
Roger E. Olson | February 10, 2011
On a completely different note (about men's and...
Roger E. Olson | February 08, 2011
Crossless Christianity?
Roger E. Olson | February 06, 2011
About the atonement
Roger E. Olson | February 03, 2011
Jonathan Edwards and John Piper on the atonement
Roger E. Olson | February 01, 2011
One more good word misused (and then I'll quite...
Roger E. Olson | January 30, 2011
Another good word that is losing all meaning
Roger E. Olson | January 28, 2011
A brief pause to let my readers catch up...
Roger E. Olson | January 26, 2011
Arminian theology is evangelical theology (long)
Roger E. Olson | January 24, 2011
What the analogy is and is not
Roger E. Olson | January 20, 2011
A thought experiment (about "cooperative...
Roger E. Olson | January 19, 2011
Michael Horton responds
Roger E. Olson | January 18, 2011
My response to Michael Horton's Christless...
Roger E. Olson | January 17, 2011
Inclusivism, Arminianism and Liberalism
Roger E. Olson | January 14, 2011
A word of encouragement to those attempting to post...
Roger E. Olson | January 11, 2011
If you are having trouble posting a comment here....
Roger E. Olson | January 10, 2011
Does anyone know what the Kingdom of God is?
Roger E. Olson | January 08, 2011
American exceptionalism as idolatry?
Roger E. Olson | January 06, 2011
Some thoughts on theological biases
Roger E. Olson | January 04, 2011
An imaginary conversation between a Calvinist and a...
Roger E. Olson | January 02, 2011
Another basic (pre-biblical) choice in theology
Roger E. Olson | December 29, 2010
More about the basic choice in theology (voluntarism...
Roger E. Olson | December 26, 2010
A much neglected basic choice in theology
Roger E. Olson | December 26, 2010
Recommendation of Donald G. Bloesch's theology
Roger E. Olson | December 20, 2010
A good analogy to the ULI of TULIP....
Roger E. Olson | December 17, 2010
"Evangelicalism"--what is that?
Roger E. Olson | December 16, 2010
Is there an "Arminocalvinist spectrum?"
Roger E. Olson | December 13, 2010
Calvinism leads to universalism...
Roger E. Olson | December 10, 2010
My interview at Assembly of God HQ
Roger E. Olson | December 07, 2010
My encounter with a fine, young, Calvinist Christian...
Roger E. Olson | December 05, 2010
This is not my father's Pentecostalism!
Roger E. Olson | December 03, 2010
Arminianism is God-centered theology
Roger E. Olson | November 28, 2010
A good example of what I was talking about...
Roger E. Olson | November 28, 2010
Can a person be both Catholic and evangelical?
Roger E. Olson | November 27, 2010
God's sovereignty in the crucifixion of Jesus
Roger E. Olson | November 25, 2010
Being a man is okay (if its the best you can do).
Roger E. Olson | November 25, 2010
November 22, 1963
Roger E. Olson | November 22, 2010
Reclaiming Pietism Part 5 (Final)
Roger E. Olson | November 22, 2010
Reclaiming Pietism Part 4
Roger E. Olson | November 19, 2010
Reclaiming Pietism Part 3
Roger E. Olson | November 17, 2010
Comments on the Barna survey report "Is there a...
Roger E. Olson | November 17, 2010
Reclaiming Pietism Part 2
Roger E. Olson | November 15, 2010
God, America and wealth redistribution
Roger E. Olson | November 08, 2010
N. T. Wright and Justification
Roger E. Olson | November 07, 2010
N. T. Wright and the New Perspective on Paul
Roger E. Olson | November 05, 2010
God will judge us
Roger E. Olson | November 03, 2010
Trends in theology and religious studies
Roger E. Olson | October 31, 2010
Where have all the (theological) giants gone?
Roger E. Olson | October 29, 2010
Who is an "evangelical theologian?"
Roger E. Olson | October 27, 2010
Liberation theology
Roger E. Olson | October 25, 2010
Liberal theology
Roger E. Olson | October 23, 2010
Those pesky "shelf doctrines"
Roger E. Olson | October 21, 2010
A word about that awful word "cult"
Roger E. Olson | October 20, 2010
Deconstructing "evangelicalism"
Roger E. Olson | October 18, 2010
Seventh-day Adventism and Arminian, evangelical...
Roger E. Olson | October 16, 2010
What Calvinism I oppose and why
Roger E. Olson | October 13, 2010
Forthcoming book on evangelicalism
Roger E. Olson | October 12, 2010
Defining "fundamentalism"
Roger E. Olson | October 10, 2010
Donald Bloesch, Arminianism and open theism
Roger E. Olson | October 07, 2010
God welcomes another evangelical giant into glory!
Roger E. Olson | October 06, 2010
God's "wasteful scatteration of grace"
Roger E. Olson | October 05, 2010
Al Mohler, evolution and other Christians
Roger E. Olson | October 05, 2010
Me and Al Mohler
Roger E. Olson | October 04, 2010
Another fatal flaw in Calvinism
Roger E. Olson | October 04, 2010
The first fatal flaw in the Calvinist system revisited
Roger E. Olson | October 02, 2010
Theological flaws and fatal flaws
Roger E. Olson | September 29, 2010
A good new book on Reformed theology
Roger E. Olson | September 22, 2010
Two opposite forces pulling evangelicals (and others)...
Roger E. Olson | September 20, 2010
A watershed among evangelicals?
Roger E. Olson | September 17, 2010
Why I am a premillennialist (and you should be, too)
Roger E. Olson | September 14, 2010
Another evangelical hero passes to glory
Roger E. Olson | September 13, 2010
When did "social justice" become a bad word?
Roger E. Olson | September 12, 2010
A new church just for academics?
Roger E. Olson | September 09, 2010
Protestant purgatory?
Roger E. Olson | September 07, 2010
Arminian teaching regarding original sin
Roger E. Olson | September 05, 2010
Stephen Hawking on the world without God
Roger E. Olson | September 03, 2010
Quick response re: Arminian doctrine of total depravity
Roger E. Olson | September 03, 2010
A good, new, non-Arminian, Arminian book!
Roger E. Olson | September 02, 2010
God and evil
Roger E. Olson | September 01, 2010
God's self-limitations
Roger E. Olson | August 30, 2010
Why I am not an open theist
Roger E. Olson | August 29, 2010
Evangelicalism and postmodernism
Roger E. Olson | August 27, 2010
A quick question for my Calvinist interlocutors
Roger E. Olson | August 26, 2010
Why open theism doesn't even matter (very much)
Roger E. Olson | August 25, 2010
A brief respite from writing...
Roger E. Olson | August 24, 2010
Open theism: a test case for evangelicals
Roger E. Olson | August 23, 2010
One more quick sidebar about clarifying Arminianism
Roger E. Olson | August 22, 2010
coming up next: open theism
Roger E. Olson | August 21, 2010
How do I know the Bible is God's Word?
Roger E. Olson | August 20, 2010
Why inerrancy doesn't matter
Roger E. Olson | August 19, 2010
Unconditional election & universal atonement
Roger E. Olson | August 18, 2010
Is there one evangelicalism?
Roger E. Olson | August 14, 2010
Diversity of Calvinism/Reformed theology
Roger E. Olson | August 13, 2010
Two new books about evangelicalism
Roger E. Olson | August 12, 2010
A word about the parable...
Roger E. Olson | August 11, 2010
A modest proposal to end the gay marriage debate
Roger E. Olson | August 10, 2010
Grace and free will: a parable
Roger E. Olson | August 09, 2010
Changing the subject: church music
Roger E. Olson | August 07, 2010
The problem with Calvinism is...
Roger E. Olson | August 06, 2010
What is an Arminian?
Roger E. Olson | August 05, 2010
And now a word about...Arminianism
Roger E. Olson | August 04, 2010
A matter of integrity?
Roger E. Olson | August 03, 2010
Why I care about evangelicalism
Roger E. Olson | August 02, 2010
Addendum to my first post about evangelicalism
Roger E. Olson | July 31, 2010
My first foray into blogging! What is...
Roger E. Olson | July 29, 2010